Sunday, December 18, 2022

Sunday Afternoon Tea - Changes in the New Year

I hope you are having a blessed Christmas season.  I think for most Americans, the season runs from Thanksgiving to New Year's Day.  Some churches celebrate Advent and then the 12 Days of Christmas.  Either way, it is the only time of the year when the name of Jesus is lifted up so almost everyone can hear it.  

This time of year can bring much rejoicing and much sorrow.  Doesn't it seem like it acts like a magnifying glass on circumstances?  If it has been a year of lack or sorrow, we feel it more at Christmas.  If it was a year that brought joy and abundance, we feel it and should be very thankful. 

Most of us have known both and what I have learned over the years is when one has a thankful attitude toward what God provides and an attitude of trust for what He has allowed.. the Christmas season will always be one that helps keep our mind as well as our soul directed toward Him.

It has been a long time now since we have had a child centered Christmas season.  I am thankful that our son and his family moved back to the area so it is easier for them to spend Christmas Eve with us and Christmas Day with our daughter-in-law's family.  My family always opened gifts on Christmas Eve (which my husband thinks is akin to heresy), so celebrating on Christmas Eve comes naturally.

While I do miss the season of life when we attended Christmas Eve services, that could not happen now that we fall asleep much earlier than midnight.  Everything changes as one flows through the seasons of life.

Which kinda' brings me to the announcement regarding blog changes after this weekend.  I will publish a Christmas Day Sunday Afternoon Tea post next week but after that, there will be no scheduled weekend blog posts.

Instead, I will be popping in now and then with what I have been pondering or to respond to any big news events. I may write once a week or it may be a couple of weeks before I have anything to say.  I always have said that I will stop blogging when I no longer have anything to say.  I am not quite there, yet.  ;)

It is quite amazing that this blog, which I originally started to keep up with a small group of family and friends, has been going for over sixteen years.  We were still homeschooling high school and Christopher did not drive, yet.  I was as much chauffeur as I was a facilitator of learning (which is what we really are by the high school years).

My daughter had three preschoolers and would have two more children.  All have been (or they are currently) homeschooled.  I am amazed at what they learn through Classical Connections.  My oldest grandchild was married this year at the same age I was married... albeit long ago.

My son, whose ADHD symptoms were the reason we pulled him out of school, is now married to a lovely fellow homeschool alum and has three children.  They homeschool their first grader and pre-schooler.  My son is a Computer Architect with an IBM subsidiary.  I think quite often of the first grade teacher who told me he was a trouble maker and would never amount to much.  

My first child had a learning style that fit in well with the public schools.  Even then I kept an eye on her curriculum, for what is being taught today in the open was creeping in through back educational doors when she was in elementary school. It helped that we lived in Holland, Michigan for much of her elementary years for it was at the time quite conservative.

I went into homeschooling thinking it would be temporary but a couple things happened that kept us homeschoolers throughout his pre-college education.  First, we saw a huge improvement in him as far as personality and education.  All without him being on any drugs.

Second, I came to love homeschooling.  How could I not as a book and history nerd?  We used the Sonlight Curriculum for many years since it went along with the Charlotte Mason method of education I preferred.  It also allowed us to go through the books at our own speed.

Most of this was accomplished while writing three (and then two) times a week for this blog.  I know some blog friends who have been a part of Coffee Tea Books & Me for many years have noticed a change... although I have tried not to show my declining health.

But when I have been too tired to write thank you notes to dear friends for birthday gifts, much less to do the research needed for Saturday posts, I knew a few months ago that I was going to have to make some changes.  Instead of shutting down the blog, I decided I could still write as long as it was not on specific days.  I can write on good days, not so much when I am experiencing overwhelming fatigue.

It is nothing new, thank God.  I'm feeling the effects of over twenty years having two auto immune diseases: Juvenile Diabetes and Hashimoto's Disease.  Not to mention adding sixteen years since I first started blogging.  ;)

So, I will still be here!  God willing and the creek don't rise.  At the moment, it is freezing over.

Image:  The breakfront decorated for Christmas a few years ago.


Lori said...


I have been following your blog for most of your 16 years, and it is a joy to me.

I appreciate your insight and wisdom, especially with these crazy times we live in.

Whenever or whatever you want to share, I will be looking forward to it.

Anonymous said...

So sorry to know you are cutting back on your weekly
post but understand. Just hope we can still hear from
you as often as possible. Love your word of wisdom and
faith. God bless you. Sharon D.

Donna said...

Merry Christmas, Brenda!! I will miss your weekly posts, as they are a highlight of my weekend. I do understand the passage of time however, and added health burdens. I hope you will update often, and will look forward to your future posts. I hope 2023 finds you happy and healthy. Take care, Donna Wilson

Anonymous said...

I have loved and been encouraged from your posts. God bless.

Rebecca said...

Of course you'll be missed! I became a dropout when formatting changed on blogspot and I couldn't figure it out. I was and actually am still disappointed.
I understand about limitations. Thankfully, the Lord provides fresh avenues well-suited to our "conditions". šŸ˜€
God bless you beautifully in the new year!

Anonymous said...

Have been following for many years. Will look forward to any words and thoughts you share.

Vee said...

Phew! So glad that you have figured out a way to move forward given changing times and circumstances. I wouldn't enjoy finding out what it would be like not having your posts to read and ponder. I can be so selfish, but truth to tell I really want you to take good care of yourself. A blessed Christmas week to you and all your family.

Anonymous said...

Oh Brenda i have read your blog for over 12 years but donā€™t think iā€™ve ever commented. I so enjoy ALL of your posts. I certainly understand the slowing down of things as we get older. Iā€™ll be 60 next year - yikes where did the years go?? But I sure will miss your
weekend posts!! šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Š. Do take care and have a blessed holiday with your family. Merry Christmas šŸŽ„

Linda said...

Brenda, I haven't been reading your blog for long but I look for your posts on the weekends. I have been enjoying them and wish I had been aware of your site a long time ago.

Take care of yourself and rest when needed. Life has a stress element to it these days but God is in control and we're given peace that surpasses all understanding.

Merry Christmas and Happy, Blessed New Year.

So Much Glory said...

I have read your blog for years, Brenda, and have gone back and read all your posts, in fact. I appreciate your godly wisdom and insight and have often felt like I was reading a kindred spirit. I will continue to read your posts when they are published and I am so thankful for you!

Mrs. White said...

I appreciate all the work you do on this blog. I am thankful you will write when you can. I hope you feel better. God bless you and your family!

Julel said...

Your post today really struck a chord with me. I have read, appreciated and enjoyed your blog for several months now but, rudely I fear, have never commented previously. Here in the UK (I live in Manchester, England) this year has heralded many changes and for the first time I, like yourself, am having to consider scaling down activities which I love but which are becoming harder to pursue. My husband has a serious ongoing health condition which requires me to give a larger proportion of my time to caring for him and sometimes it can be hard to find those simple, everyday pleasures in each day.
However although a large vegetable garden is now beyond me I can still enjoy the turning of the seasons in the plants in my tiny town garden, and grow a variety of houseplants which require little attention. A hot cup of tea, a good book, and a snuggle with my old dog still lift my spirits and I often think how lucky I am to have so much to love and look after when others have so little.
So I am writing this thank you note, from myself to you as I would include your blog as one of the many blessings in my life.
May you and yours have a blessed Christmas and a peaceful new year in the strange world we now find ourselves living in.
With my best wishes

Oursson said...

Bless you;)


Tracy said...

That sounds like a very sensible move. We all have a responsibility to ourselves to look after our own health. After all, we are the only ones who can do it! I wish you have a lovely peaceful Christmas and a happy and healthy 2023.

Ann Stevens said...

I understand your need to lessesn your blog load ... but Oh! I will miss your Sunday ponderings. I so enjoy the way you put into words what is in my heart. But perhaps by not having a set schedule you will find that you have more to say than you think because it will come spontaneously to your heart. In any case, I pray you are feeling better and stronger every day and I will look forward to every post you send.

Debbie Nolan said...

Brenda - I certainly understand the work that goes into writing a post bi- weekly or even just once a week.
I have not been writing posts quite as long as you but this coming year it will be eleven for me. Somehow in revisiting some of my older ones I feel as if life has really changed not just personally but in the world. Like you I may be slowing down and not writing quite as often. Will see where the coming year takes me.
Just want to let you know though that I started following you through "Beautiful Life" and have enjoyed reading your wise words.
As a Christ follower I appreciate your faith filled words. May you have a lovely Christmas filled with His Joy! Happy New Year.

Unknown said...

So appreciate your blog and thankful for you. Will look forward to when you can post. God Blessā¤ļø

Mama Squirrel said...

I have been blessed to travel some of this blogging journey with you! Like you, I post much less frequently these days (I'm more apt to take a quick photo of something and post it on IG). But it's good to keep in touch, however infrequently! I will look forward to your unscheduled posts.

Mama Squirrel said...

I have been blessed to travel some of this blogging journey with you! Like you, I post much less frequently these days (I'm more apt to take a quick photo of something and post it on IG). But it's good to keep in touch, however infrequently! I will look forward to your unscheduled posts.

Carrie Jane said...

I will miss your twice weekly messages, but I understand. My daughter has Hashimoto's and has struggled with it until she tried the medicine derived from pigs. It has really made a difference in her.

Also, I woke up last night and was thinking I should mention an Aero Garden to you. Have you tried one? I received one for Christmas last year. They are a bit pricey, which means they make a nice gift from someone (hint hint). They are fantastic. Mine came with herbs and they are great, but the tomatoes are incredible, and the biggest joy is the lettuce pack. I cannot believe how many salads I picked for the family (seven of us).You can keep the seed containers and replant them with your own seeds. Our daughter was so impressed we bought her one for her birthday, and I bought her two replacement packs for Christmas at Kohls on sale. You should check it out. Merry Christmas and thank you for all the tips.

NanaC said...

We will definitely miss your weekend posts (my hubby reads them, too!) but understand your need to scale back. Your posts have been a real blessing over the years and I have learned a lot and enjoyed your insights! Thank-you So Much for all you have shared over the years! Merry Christmas!! Take good care and weā€™ll be looking for your future posts when they appear!
God Bless,
Laura C.

Marie said...

I have enjoyed your blog so much. It is like visiting with a good friend; we have so many things alike. I will miss your frequent posts, but I can certainly appreciate the need to get a break. As the years go by there are changes in my life as well. May the Lord grant you a most blessed new year!

Kay said...

Dear, Dear Brenda, yes, please take care of you. I love your blog posts. I have saved so many of your recipes (I make your bread in my breadmaker every week.) And through your posts have found so many favorite books/authors. You were one of the bloggers that had me deepen my pantry. I started reading when your son was in high school. I will look forward to reading more as you feel up to posting.
Warm hugs,

Keri said...

A belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you, Brenda! I hope all of your holiday celebrations were merry and peaceful. I understand your need to pull back on your blogging. I still enjoy saving up your posts for a few weeks so that I can "binge Brenda," :-) but I'm sure I'll adapt to reading your ponderings occasionally one by one, as you share them. I'm thankful that you're not giving up blogging altogether, and I look forward to reading your future posts whenever you're able to write!

Anonymous said...

I am sorry to hear about your exhaustion, although these bodies are just not made to last-maybe they are made in China? LOL. I have read your blog since very near the beginning of it and have loved it and you. I have had a whirlwind in the last 7 years. Moved to Boise, ID in August 2017 and moved back to Florida in January 2021 to take care of my mom who passed away on Jan 21, 2022. I am ready for the Rapture-I am also slowing down. I look forward to any of your words of wisdom whenever you feel able to write. You have been and continue to be a very great comfort to me as the times get darker and I get older. ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø

A Woman that Fears the Lord said...

I completely understand. I stopped writing for health reasons, too. Different seasons. Thankful you will still pop in and share. I always enjoy your posts, even if I don't comment faithfully.