Saturday, March 24, 2018

Living the Pantry Lifestyle - The Need for Backups

Today's post will be somewhat short as my right eye is giving me trouble again.  It has never completely healed from the damage done by an allergic reaction to the injections I receive but it was better than it is now.  So any prayer is appreciated. 

Speaking of eye troubles, if you follow Sally Clarkson on social media, you will know of her serious eye injury which happened when she fell and hit the corner of a table.  She is asking for prayer.  She is thankfully able to see a good doctor in London. Friends and family are helping her update social media for as with my own eye situation, computer screens can actually be hard to look at for any length of time.

To me, the pantry lifestyle has a lot to do with having backups.  We usually think of extra cans in the cupboard but this week I remembered why I had a backup to making coffee.  I turned on the coffee maker and realized after a few minutes that I wasn't hearing anything.  It had stopped working completely!

I do have a backup since I have a single cup Keurig but there were only a couple k-cups left in the cupboard.  I also often have instant coffee but none this time.  Thankfully, I did have a nice French press purchased from a thrift shop a few years ago.  I had forgotten how much coffee to put in it so the first day, I used too much.  By this morning, I think I have it all figured out and my early morning coffee fix has been good.

Of course, there are some backups I have always made certain to have on hand.  I have flashlights, oil lamps, tealights, and regular candles because we do sometimes lose power.  I have a battery operated radio that also receives weather alerts. 

Prior to a blizzard warning one winter, I made sure everything was charged at 100% and I filled one of my thermoses with coffee and the others with hot water.  I learned that time to not fill any with water straight from the tea kettle!  The water was too hot and shattered the inside of one of the thermoses.  If it seems a backup for having coffee and tea is a priority in this house... it is.

I know there is so much more to say and an entire series could be written about the subject.  In a way, most Saturday posts are about having a backup by stocking a pantry or searching thrift stores for special treasures.  By the way, I scored an almost new All-Clad 12" skillet with lid at Goodwill recently when I stopped by to look for half price toddler clothes for Piper.  Definitely one of my best ever thrift store purchases (and I did find a few cute things for Piper really cheap!).

The light is beginning to bother my eye so I will see you tomorrow.  Please forgive any typos while eyesight is rather fuzzy. 


mdoe37 said...

So sorry to hear that your eye is bothering you again. I hope it settles down. I know exactly how you are feeling!! I thought my right eye was good to go after the surgery and then the MRI showed some regrowth of the tumor, although it really wasn't watering or itching much. Radiation therapy! So far, so good. My eyesight on the right is a bit better, although it will likely never return to normal. If nothing else, my depth perception seems to have returned and I don't have nearly as much trouble threading a sewing machine! Bright light is the pits for my optic nerve damage.

Keeping both of your in my thoughts and prayers for speedy healing!

That would be a great mini series....all the backups we should have. My motto? Two is one, one is none....but three is even better!

Thickethouse.wordpress said...

Sending prayers for healing for your eyes, Brenda! When you have no coffee maker you might try the Scandinavian "hack".

Be well!

Sherry said...

Praying, dear Brenda...
Thankful for my coffee supply.
And canned tomatoes. 😊

Vee said...

Not happy to read that your eye is troubling you again. Hope there’s a trip to the doctor in store soon. I have to keep my iPad at a “softer” level of light. It’s been a godsend to have that option.

No, had not heard about Sally’s trouble either. Goodness. There’s a pair of you. Praying for you both.

Good finds at the Goodwill.

I think I need to be on the lookout for a French press. I enjoy the flavor of coffee from them.

Take care now. Guard your rest!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I’ve been praying for Sally and will pray for your eye as well!

The backup idea has sparked some thinking I need to do about my pantry other than extra food and water.

Thanks for these posts!