Thursday, March 22, 2018

NKJV Deluxe Reader's Bible

If you want a Bible that is easy to pick up and read in the New King James Version, this is the one for you.  Laid out in one column with no chapter or verse breaks and no notes or references, this Bible can be read like a novel.

The imitation leather binding makes it easy to hold and it stays flat when sitting on a desk or table.  There are two ribbons to hold your place, one in the Old Testament and the other in the New Testament.

The only thing I didn't care for was the size of the font.  While not tiny as in a smaller Bible, it isn't very large, either.  It won't be a problem for people with good eyesight but this is not the Bible for you if you need a larger print.  Otherwise, it is highly recommended as a reading Bible.

The NKJV Deluxe Reader's Bible was provided by the publisher for the sake of review but the opinions are my own.

A lot more detailed information is shown... here.

Disclaimer:  Most links to are Associate links.

1 comment:

Sandi said...

It looks very nice!

I like to see chapters and verse. I have not tried it in novel format! Maybe I would like it.

The font size is a big deal to me too. I bought a bible for an eight year old not too long and had to be reassured by the salesperson that, yes, an eight year old would be able to see that size font. :) ha ha!