Thursday, April 23, 2015

My World this Week

I've been having blood sugar issues this week so I'm just now able to put together a "My World" post.  One of the reasons Type 1 (Juvenile) diabetics can have unexpected issues arise is how the body reacts to insulin.

If you have been with me awhile, this was just another one of those times when suddenly the insulin I was on wasn't working well, anymore.  The doctor has been seen.  Insulin changed.  All is (prayerfully!) improving.

Since I used this space and time last week to write an Influencers post, these photos cover, oh... two weeks more or less.  Here is what I have been up to show and tell style...

I'm expecting a couple review books to arrive this week.  In the meantime, I'm now on Gunpowder Green and greatly enjoying this re-read.

Morning Sun

Last of the Daffodils

Decorating by Tweaking
I saw this on a "greatly reduced" shelf at Meijers and thought it perfect for adding bling and my collection of thrift store pearls and red beads... not to my bedroom but to the study!  It was originally to be hung over a door but I modified it to hang on a wall.
If you can get past the photo-bombing, the "bling" can be seen at the far left.  Someone had asked about the floral book that sits in my In Basket.  It is my address book.

I slipped the little pot with the $2.00 vine in my father's shaving mug.
The banner was one of the items received in a photo holder, sent by a bloggy friend.  I thought it would look very nice taped to my artwork shelf.

Tea Time
While I still enjoy my previous favorite teas, I must admit Paris* is my new obsession.  ;)

Her Fluffiness

She does appear to be everywhere, doesn't she... an expert at photo-bombing.

*I purchase my Paris tea tin at a great price... here.  All links to are Associate links.


Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Glad the insulin issues are settling down.

Victoria is a beauty, and she photo bombs very well!

I love finding bargains. It makes it more enjoyable to decorate my home. That is a lovely hanger for your necklaces. I love your workspace. I need to clear my desk.

Be encouraged friend!

Angela said...

Yum! What IS on your biscuit? Angela

Anonymous said...

Everything looks so pretty. I like the new bling in your study and the spring banner is perfect. The fluffy cat is just the right touch in the pics. šŸ˜ŗ Pam (SD)

Terra said...

Wonderful collection of photos from your home, and glad to hear your health is good again.

Lee Ann said...

I like the Tea Shop mysteries too. Theodosia is a good amateur detective. I would love to work at her tea shop.

Vee said...

Glad that you are on a better med that is working. You have to deal with this all too often. Wondering if they gave you the name brand over the generic, which I know has given challenges before.

Ahhhh, yes, Victoria is certainly beguiling and rather sly. LOL!

That photo of the morning sun is so gorgeous! It would make a great header sometime...

Thickethouse.wordpress said...

Why am I not surprised that so many of your necklaces are red! May the new insulin work really well for you, Brenda....And I'm going to try that tea!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you are doing better and praying the new insulin is doing it's job. Thank-you for sharing. Also really enjoyed your Suday Afternoon Tea post. Love your new bling/ necklace holder and your new ivy plant, too. I had a need for green plants back in February and ended up buying several small house plants. Did you know they are good for purifying the air, too? Now, it is gardening season, so my attentions have shifted to the outdoors. My poor body is feeling old and sore this week from transplanting seedlings, etc. I remember your advice earlier about how doing a little at a time, gets the job done, eventually. I didn't follow that and now I'm paying for it! :( It's raining today, so I'm working on my garden journal instead. Much easier on the body!
Take care.
Laura C. (WA)
P.S. Give Miss Victoria a loving pat from me. Been missing my kitty....

Carrie said...

LOVE the picture of the morning light on the sewing machine. That's beautiful. And I love the tea time photo as well, of course. :)

Glad that they are working out the insulin problems!

Annabel said...

I hope your new medication sorts out the insulin issues. I dont know much about type 1. my husband is a Type 2... and diet managed at the moment at least. But it is a constant thing.
I love your desk. I need to set myself up a proper space, you have inspired me thank you!.xxx

A Woman that Fears the Lord said...

I sure hope you feel better now that the doctor has changed your medication. Take care of yourself! Blessings!

Thickethouse.wordpress said...

How cozy and full of charm your world is...