God grant me the
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day
at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.
--Reinhold Niebuhr
Isn't the poetry above beautiful? Most of us know the first stanza but true peace is found through that which follows. I had never read it before until I searched for the author's name.
I was sharing with a friend recently that I've been practicing "to accept the things I cannot change". I so want to fly out and take part in a special time of teaching and fellowship in her home but even the thought of packing wears me out.
Of course, there is a fine balance between hope, faith, and acceptance. I hope some circumstances will improve but I have faith that God is in control... so I can accept what comes my way and depend on Him to help me live with any limitations.
Even St. Paul had a thorn in the flesh which our Lord told him he must learn to accept. If it all depended on our faith, I don't think there were too many people between Genesis and Maps that had more faith than the man who wrote much of the New Testament.
There is a freedom that comes in "having done all, stand" and "accepting". I personally have found it takes as much faith to accept God's will as it does to believe for whatever is the need... finances, healing, provision... rain.
Learning to accept God's will in our life is not a popular sermon topic these days. One of the reasons I love reading books about Jonathan and Sarah Edwards (as well as his sermons) was the acceptance in the theology of that generation that God's will is not always the same as our wants
I have found with accepting comes freedom as He can then begin to give me wisdom about any situation I am facing. For instance, once I accepted Christopher's behavior was from severe ADHD, I gained wisdom and guidance... not to mention lots of advice which I had to filter through for the good and not-so-good. :)
With acceptance came the decision to remove Christopher from the Public Schools and homeschool for a year or two. He excelled at home after a year so we put him back into his old school. He was once again a square peg in a round hole and drugged to keep him quiet in class.
So... we brought him home for good! If I hadn't accepted that he was smart but severely ADHD, my husband and I would have never known the joy (and hard work!) we experienced in homeschooling.
We have watched him blossom from a boy labeled as stupid and a troublemaker (due to his extreme hyperactivity in childhood) to the young man he is today experiencing academic success, excellent job opportunities, and the loveliest of wives.
Acceptance does not mean rolling over, playing dead, and staying on the sofa until the dust settles. While I pray for a miracle of healing, each day I also accept the physical limitations which greet me and I have learned how to meet goals in spite of them (much the same way Christopher has learned to work with distractions while studying by wearing headphones).
Some goals are met by working on them a little at a time like reorganizing and redesigning Christopher's room, organizing the garage (the heat has put that off), and even designing and planting a garden. All of these goals were met over months and years... and hopefully will continue in years to come.
Sometimes I have to set aside the everyday To Do list as I did these past few days to finish writing deadlines... or there would have been no Saturday Pantry post, no Sunday Afternoon Tea, and no Mom Heart post. Which was why it took me over an hour to catch up on dishes last night! (Hubby helped by getting his own meals for two days.)
I always have to face limitations with reality... such as not traveling to be with other Mom Heart writers in Colorado. Then there are times I have to push through fear and fatigue as when we travel to New England or to meet our family elsewhere such as Colonial Williamsburg.
It is never easy for me to do this but it always results in a joyful experience. I have to face the challenges which come with any traveling to be a part of my grandchildren's childhood years. They are growing up so fast. :)
So... it is time to meet another week with that fine line ahead of Acceptance... in combination with Faith... and Trust... and Hope. When I am tempted towards fear and apprehension, I will remember that I reside under the Shelter of the Almighty who is the Rock I hold onto when I start to falter. He promises to keep me from stumbling and falling.
I want... at the end of my journey on this planet... to have it be said "she finished well". :)
Picture: Under the Sunflowers by Robert Duncan
Thank you for sharing the full poem, it is beautiful. You are correct, I only knew the first stanza. It is always a good day when I learn something new.
Yes, I do love that poem. Sometimes I think that if I just drag across the finish line as in that old saying "Life isn't a race; it's a marathon" all will be well.
"...between Genesis and Maps..." =D
Now I would love to ask Christopher some questions about living with ADHD. A pastor friend was diagnosed with it as an adult a few years ago. My pastor friend might hum all through a conversation to help him focus...it can be distracting to say the least.
What a wise Sunday Afternoon Tea post, Brenda....Acceptance is not always easy. But it is wise and I pray for wisdom everyday.
i am going to write down that poem, in it's entirety, because i think the second verse is the real key to living as God wants. and thank you for every word of your post today. so encouraging, uplifting, mindful, exhorting me to live within the will of God. SO important to remember day by day!
I want to thank you for taking the time to write your posts.
They have helped to add depth to my walk with God and they help me to know that there are like-minded women challenged with walking out their faith in truth no matter their temporal circumstances.
Thank you again and blessings I pray for you this week.
I shared this. Never knew the whole thing.
I really needed to read this today.
My dear sweet Mother (93) is going in for major surgery tomorrow. There is a mass on and in her colon. I will keep this poem in my thoughts as I pray for her,
Would it be possible for the Moms Heart group to Skype you into some meetings? (in MD)
Hello Brenda,
Lovely post. I think I've mentioned before but we Orthodox call what you have written about, "living sacramentally" - meaning, living with a grateful heart. And you are. God has not promised us a life without challenges. And each new challenge is an opportunity to praise Him and for us to move ahead in Him. The peace of our Lord Jesus Christ to you.
I have never read the whole poem before!
I am reminded of the poem by Hannah Hurnard, author of Hind Feet in High Places, called In Acceptance Lieth Peace.
It's a place we all must come to.
Beautiful post.
Lovely post, thank-you so much for this reminder,we are being fitted for our Heavenly home, Dawn E. Brown
Nice post Brenda! I so agree...from a fellow traveler down the imperfect road of life!! Still finding joy along the wayside too!!
Elizabeth in NC
What a sweet fragrance your blog is!! So thankful I found you and look forward to visiting often!
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