However, Papa and the Baby out front were stars among stars... breathtaking in their beauty. Whenever I walked onto the porch, I saw such colorful beauty it hurt. These mortal bodies can only handle so much at a time until they achieve sensory overload. Perhaps that's why I didn't get around to taking a picture... I wanted them to live in my memory and in the magic that they brought.
We are nearing the end of autumn and the early weeks of winter... not the actual date which true winter begins but that time of year when rain showers may turn to snow on the ground and one who lives surrounded by trees can see the sun setting for the first time since... April perhaps?
Now when I sit on the rocking chair at the corner of my porch, I can see the barn belonging to the farm across the county road. I love barns... and tractors... and farm houses... and trees. God has definitely given me boundary lines in pleasant places.
Life can be a struggle at times which can leave us weary and thirsty sojourners looking forward to our Heavenly home. There are many events in my life right now that keep me at the feet of my Saviour... as Provider, Healer, Protector, Peace Giver... Friend. I am totally out of control of the circumstances, which in the long run is the best after all.
In the morning before anyone else awakes, I push the button of the coffee pot to "on" and then curl up next to Sasha on the sofa to glean from the Word and my devotional... sipping from my Pooh mug the hot coffee with Splenda and cream and thinking morning is the best time of all.
Later I do that which is before me by grinding wheat to make a loaf of bread, simmering chicken soup in the stock pot, stirring together a batch of muffins for the guys to serve with tea or decaf coffee in the evening... those things which women have been doing for millenia in the midst of war and peace, adversity and plenty, sickness and health... whatever circumstances they find themselves in... offering food and comfort when possible.
Very soon the warmth of Indian Summer will be long forgotten and I will need a warm throw over me as I read a book in the evening. I will feel the cold of the wooden flooring at my feet when I run from my bed to find the flannel robe hanging on the back of the bedroom door each morning. Another season will be behind me, a new season beginning.
Sounds a lot like life right now.
Picture: The edge of the forest a few weeks ago
"the morning before anyone else awakes, I push the button of the coffee pot to "on" and then to glean from the Word and my devotional" This is exactly what I do also each and every morning. I find the Lord is waking me up earlier each and every day this week and I'm LOVING it. I SO look foward to this time of resting at His feet and being strengthened in His Word. Thank you so much for this post. It was beautiful
The autumn leaves, declaring God's glory, my favorite time of year. I have oohed and aahed over them for the month. My two oldest boys 14 & 16 have reminded me, Mom, they do this every year. My reply was I never tire of soaking up God's creation. The seasons come and go, but God is always faithful. Your wording about how life comes and goes and we carry on was wonderful encouragement. I love reading your blog every morning, right after my Bible/devotional reading. Thank you. In Jesus, Nancy
Early morning is a beautiful time of day. This is my favorite time of year...we have the same likes! Barns, tractors, fall, colored leaves, etc., and most of all, our Heavenly Father.
I am just a reader of many blogs. your post today really touched my heart. our family is going through so much right now and has been for about 2 1/2 yrs.- at times I have wondered was God even there. I appreciated your words today. God definitely has us in his arms and though we go through struggles, I have been reminded that I will be better able to appreciate his hand in this world.
Thank you,
Beautiful writing. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
I love barns and tractors too! It's the kind of thing I rarely ever get to see.
It sounds like you have a great view from your porch, with God's beautiful creation at every corner.
Thanks for sharing, I felt like I was right there with you!
Many sweet blessings! :)
My husband and I adore the sights of rural life...barns,tractors,trees...this was a lovely post Brenda!Bless you~Sharon
Living in the deep south means I'm only just beginning to experience the changing of autumn ... not with the beautiful colors that grace a cooler climate ... but with the cooling of the hot, humid days and the falling of acorns. We have a bumper crop this year for some reason!
lovely blog entry. I am beginning to love the early morning also...just not a morning person 100%
seasons ending and seasons beginning; why shall we want for more? This is our world, or universe which actually means "towards the One"...ciaofreddie
"I love barns... and tractors... and farm houses... and trees." Me too. Enjoy the special last days before winter rolls in. We're very wintry right now.
A beautiful post Brenda. Thank you so much. Take care, and God bless.
(You've posted a beautiful picture)
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