Another reason for my new "blue" spirit... Fox News showing the statistics of how many who called themselves Evangelical Christians had voted for a man who gives himself the title of Christian but as far as I know, continues to have the most liberal voting record in congress against what the Word professes as followers of Christ. One whose deeds do not follow his confession of faith.
For most of the years of this country... no, all the years this country has been in existence... one could say they are a Christian and act differently. For instance, in my in-law's church, they were taught that this nation was not founded on Christian principles and that one does not have to be "born again"... not to mention their recent years where they stand for the rights of abortion and homosexual unions.
I have long wondered how many of these same people would profess Christ if it meant giving up their comfort and lifestyle. I attend a church that has quite a number of Asian Christians, many of who come to Christ while at the University. Every time one of these individuals have finished their education and are returning back to countries like China and Indonesia, I wonder at their bravery and their faith. For we know the possibilities they face, such as we in this country have never known.
An excellent fictional account of the life of a Chinese Christian is found in Randy Alcorn's book called Safely Home, a book that I found absorbing and convicting. I remember reading it and thinking a little more persecution may be what the North American church needs for it is full of wheat and tares who on the outside look much the same. Perhaps we are now entering that time...
To be honest, I am more curious about the days to come rather than fearful. America has made her choice and we will see what God hands back to her. Israel is also looking at political upheaval such as they have not known in years. The Russian bear has returned to life and gosh is he (she?) cranky. We may be nearing peak oil. Some believe we are on the verge of another great depression. We live in interesting times but we are in the palm of His hand.
On a positive front, I love election days in America as we have a peaceful transfer of power without bloodshed (but not without tears). I am also proud of my country that forty years after Jim Crow laws were in affect, a black man could be voted president. Not my political preference, I'd have preferred a conservative like Alan Keyes. I wondered what Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. would be thinking right now...
Yesterday I voted (and yes, we can vote anywhere in our county since we have to show ID's), I sipped coffee and ate a cookie after voting (during the primary election, they also handed out John Piper books along with the cookies), Christopher and I went to Starbucks to get our free coffee for voting, and then I hunkered down after dinner to watch election returns.
Does it get any more American than that? I mean, really... in what other country can you get coffee and cookies and a John Piper book for voting?
The precious Word of God says it is HE who raises kings and countries and it is He who lets them fall. Whatever happens, the work of the Church remains the same. We will render unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar but we will work for the Kingdom of Christ.
Picture: Word of the Lord, Jay Sorenson; allposters.com
Eloquently put. You have edified me today.
Thank you...
I concur - great post! Let us not forget who holds the future and in Him we can trust. Perhaps this will spur Christians to become more involved at various levels and much more serious about our prayer life. I say this with a finger pointing at myself.
I love Election Day! I live in small town Virginia and of course you know everyone there from the person in front of you to the poll worker who hands you your paper ballot. My grandsons' were just fascinated with the sample ballot we were given.
Ar age six I remember the younger one coming home and saying they had had a presidential election at school. I asked who he voted for. Imagine my surprise when he said "I voted for Abraham Lincoln! He's on the money!"
Let's continue to pray for our country and our leaders.
My state is always democrate and although I do not often vote that way I knew as a state it would be that way. The very second our state polls closed and no votes yet counted in it or other western states Obamna was declared the winner. I noticed even while after he was declared they showed only 1% of our votes in. I have no doubt that the vote was called correctly but feel sad for the people in line at our polling places still waiting to vote. They had announced that if you were in line by 8pm you could wait and vote. We all heard voting lines all day were long. I too am sad that thoughts of our pocket books took presidence over the moral issues. McCain gave it all he could and I respect him all the more for his valient try. I would have sure felt better if he had won. I am worried for Israel too and also the way the world will look at Obasma and think he is a symbol of what Christianity stands for. God is still on his throne as he always was and always will be. Thinking of him as our Father though I think he must be sad. We are like many in the Bible that were told to obey and time after time we keep rebeling. This has got to anger Him. I also know he is a loving God and a forgiving God and may be turn to Him all the more. Brenda as always you hit the nail on the head in your writings and I again thank you for taking your time to say what is on your heart. Jody
And now we are called upon to obey our government unless we are asked to do something contrary to His Word. I did not vote for Obama, but as of this morning he is OUR president, and we, as the UNITED States of America, are going to pull together to support him.
God bless America, the land the rest of the world would love to live in, the land where we are free to vote our own choice, and the land where a black man can become president! I love our country!
May we seek Him all the more. <><
And to clarify what Sage mentioned: Obama is President-ELECT. President Bush is still President until Obama is sworn in.
Thank you for your post. It has been difficult for me to find words to write what I feel this morning, but so many of my bloggy friends have been so articulate. I agree with the commenter about being more serious about our prayer lives from now on. This election has taught us a lot. We cannot take our freedoms for granted. For one thing, I hope and pray that the transfer of power in four years, and every 4 years after that, continues to be peaceful and without bloodshed, and that our Constitution is always upheld and protected. Thank you!
Absolutely wonderful, encouraging words from a warm, sincere, Christian heart. I came to your blog this morning looking for a ray of hope and I was not disappointed. Thank you. They actually gave out John Piper books?? Wow!
Great post! And I love the book Safely Home by the way...very thought provoking.
A few quotes from Kevin who wrote on my son's blog:
"When we, even as Christians, talk more about gas prices, the falling dollar and the war in Iraq than millions of first-breath deprived Image-bearers, we have issues as a people."
And also from Kevin, reminding us of what Peter says:
"Be subject for the Lord’s sake to every human institution, whether it be to the emperor as supreme, or to governors as sent by him to punish those who do evil and to praise those who do good. For this is the will of God, that by doing good you should put to silence the ignorance of foolish people. Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants of God. Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor."
"Again, Kevin's comments on Peter:
The guy Peter said to honor wrapped some Christians in animal skins and threw them to dogs, and lit others on fire while crucified. So I think we should be able to manage a little honor for Barak Obama."
And I do so concur. We must pray for our leaders, especially now. God has changed the hearts of kings in the past and I pray he will do so in the future. But however we suffer or prosper we are to honor Obama as our president elect...even if we are now an Obama-nation. God will work all out for good for those He has called and though we may suffer under an unrighteous king, our KING is in control.
And I meant to say that I love the book "Safely Home" as well and that it is so encouraging to see how godly women respond to our new situation. Brenda, you are a constant reminder to not only act like a Christian, but react as a Christian would. Your godly response to your financial situation is a Titus woman's instruction to other women. How many of us have learned from you the way God gives us grace for every situation. What a blessed nation we have been and what a blessed people we have been called out to be. May we demonstrate His love and grace as you do.
Thank you for such an encouraging post. You're words were full of wisdom and grace.
Brenda, I respect you, but I wonder if we wonder what God hands us under Obama, what has He handed us under Bush for 8 years? What does that mean then?
For everyone, I think it's important to not try and judge anyone's heart. No one knows someone's own personal relationship with God.
It's time for all of us to support and come together as a country. If we all really trust that God is in control, let's do that with confidence and with a positive spirit.
Sage, I love what you said. Your heart and attitude as a republican are refreshing, thank you.
Brenda, I also am one who respects you and thank you for such a wonderfully encouraging post! I have felt nothing but despair and sadness for each year we have elected a Bush for President, so I can understand how some might feel with this election. I agree with Lyn, it's time to come together and try to solve the mess we're in (without finger point as to who started it all).
Beautiful posting. I was sad but I truly believe that God is still in control and we had better watch our p's and q's. As a conservative citizen who once was guarded as to what she spoke out about as far as my views on what I believe upholds my beliefs and values, that I will no longer let myself be intimidated by strong armed idividuals whose beliefs are decidedly non-christian and who feel they can attack me for what I believe in.
Amen Brenda..
The comments to my post today are so good as well...
WE Christians KNOW the times are a changin....
We will have many more opportunities here in our USA to spread the WORD....
GOD is good always...HIS plan is unfolding..these are exciting times.
My state, Washington just voted in
assisted suicide...SHAMEFUL
That was an excellent post. I concur with you on the whole thing, except the Starbucks coffee! :) I am a tea girl myself!
Thank you for putting your thoughts down - you are right in saying that God is in control!
The entire election process is a gift. A sweet gift and it was so wonderful to see so many participating in this process this year.
I have high hopes for the future of America. I believe in us as a country and as a people. God Bless this nation, the world and our leaders.
OH, Brenda, I am a Christian, but not a fundmentalist. Many many people who follow Christ understand the Bible differently than you do and are, I believe, just as close to the Christ who preached the Sermon on the Mount and gave his life for us. I feel as if I have a stone in my heart when I read many of the evangelical websites now that are saying that this election is a judgement on America and the end of the world is coming. This feels so narrow to me. I AM A CHRISTIAN. I am not evangelical nor am I fundamentalist, but do not think you can say I am not a Christian. I would not say that about many evangelicals even though I feel many things they do and say are far far from the spirit of Jesus Christ. Please do not be offended. And do not be hurt. I value so many things that you write on your blog. I think you have a real ministry. Remember how often God has said that judging is his job, not ours.
From a historical standpoint it has literally brought me to tears today. I was opposed to either candidate to be quite honest. Nonetheless, the people have spoken and I am already praying for President-elect Obama.
I am thankful for the man God gave us. Not gushing, or excited. But I'm trying not to sigh, because sighing isn't evidence of a thankful heart.
Of all the things about Obama's win, the thing I am the most excited about is that we have elected a black man. President-elect Obama does not share my views on most everything, but I can rejoice in the progress of race relations just in my lifetime. It truly is remarkable, and an evidence of God's mercy.
Ciao brenda,
nice and very interesting post; even in Italy we were waiting to know who the next American President was going to be, but I have to say I did not waited until this morning to know it... It would have been too much for me, especially because I have a very bad backache and a cold too... and I tell you, sneezing and having a backache is really really bad...
anyway, let's see what happens now all over the world.
Take care and God bless you
Thanks, Brenda for your encouraging, insightful words and for taking the time to write. God bless you!
Well, I must admit to a tossing's worth of sleep last night, but I laced it liberally with prayer. Today I awoke a bit down, but promptly put on some fiddling music (celtic) and tidied the cottage. Swept out the low humors and brightened up the place with smiles, hugs, and a big pot of beef stew. Molasses cookies bake away in the oven as I sit down for a spot of tea and a praise time with my Lord.
My trepidation has given way to praises and a fair amount of curiosity as to what the Lord will unfold in His grand plan. Your post uplifted me and though I am not a regular commentor, I thought you'd appreciate a "Well Done!" for this election summation. Thanks Brenda! : )
Thank you for the wonderful post. It has taken me most of the day to come to terms with the results of the election. I don't understand why things turned out this way, but God was not surprised. He will cause all things to work out for good.
Thank You. Well said.Blessings
Sometimes those allowed to be elected rise up not out of blessing, but judgement. Somehow it always works out in His sovereign purpose; but we may have to bear difficult times as Christians because of the results of this election. vickib501
I agree with you, Brenda, and it is sad to see people so naively setting up candidates that do not believe in the constitution or the principles of our founding fathers. The Pilgrims did not vote, and neither did a few generations after that, but God watched over them as they established a nation under God. Those who still believe in liberty are in a sense, another nation, but God will raise up a leader that will cause us to rejoice, if we are faithful.
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