Thursday, June 05, 2008

Recent good things

Quiet time on the porch... reading the Word
watching baby squirrels and baby birds
tiny hummingbirds and hurried chipmunks

Getting out in the early morning to plant flowers in containers

Hubby doing a load of dishes while I was outside

Lunch at a Mediterranean restaurant with old friends

Chatting with my daughter about a new scone recipe

A package arriving from a dear blog friend

Finding a book I thought I had lost

Washing a "new" Goodwill denim skirt
and finding it fit perfectly

A Comment from Sally
(on yesterday's post)

Leftovers for dinner

Cuddling with Sasha and a book

Going to bed with a clean kitchen


Anonymous said...

< A package arriving from a dear blog friend >

Well??? What was it? Noisy, er..I mean, inquiring minds want to know.
Sally was finally the closest to me she's ever been on a speaking tour (last weekend in Sacramento) but my health wouldn't let me go.
I was so close to a dream but it got away. Waaaa!!
I want to hear Sally speak someday...I want to hear Sally speak someday...I want to hear Sally......
joanna :)

Quinne said...

Hi Brenda :) What a lovely list! Good things indeed. Hugs & love, Q

Anonymous said...

I missed Sally in Sacramento, too (I babysat my grandbabies so my daughter could go). That makes it sound so self-sacrificing, huh? Nah....because I HAD the grandbabies!!!

So many wonderful things on your list. What a blessing!

Cheri said...

Not only is it the simple things that bring joy to our lives, but the ability to stop and notice the simple things.

Blessings to you...

Lib said...

Awwwwwwwww.What a Blessed day you had:o)
Enjoyed my visit here.:o)

sherry said...

A lovely full day culminating in restful slumber. sigh. :o)

Thickethouse.wordpress said...

Thanks for inspiring me to quiet down and count my blessings too! Something I should always be doing.

Vee said...

Such pleasant good things...I enjoyed reading them, too. I love new scone recipes and a skirt that fits perfectly would be a very good thing indeed.

Gumbo Lily said...

It's all about the simple things, isn't it? Thanks for sharing.
