watching baby squirrels and baby birds
tiny hummingbirds and hurried chipmunks
Getting out in the early morning to plant flowers in containers
Hubby doing a load of dishes while I was outside
Lunch at a Mediterranean restaurant with old friends
Chatting with my daughter about a new scone recipe
A package arriving from a dear blog friend
Finding a book I thought I had lost
Washing a "new" Goodwill denim skirt
and finding it fit perfectly
A Comment from Sally
(on yesterday's post)
Leftovers for dinner
Cuddling with Sasha and a book
Going to bed with a clean kitchen
< A package arriving from a dear blog friend >
Well??? What was it? Noisy, er..I mean, inquiring minds want to know.
Sally was finally the closest to me she's ever been on a speaking tour (last weekend in Sacramento) but my health wouldn't let me go.
I was so close to a dream but it got away. Waaaa!!
I want to hear Sally speak someday...I want to hear Sally speak someday...I want to hear Sally......
joanna :)
Hi Brenda :) What a lovely list! Good things indeed. Hugs & love, Q
I missed Sally in Sacramento, too (I babysat my grandbabies so my daughter could go). That makes it sound so self-sacrificing, huh? Nah....because I HAD the grandbabies!!!
So many wonderful things on your list. What a blessing!
Not only is it the simple things that bring joy to our lives, but the ability to stop and notice the simple things.
Blessings to you...
Awwwwwwwww.What a Blessed day you had:o)
Enjoyed my visit here.:o)
A lovely full day culminating in restful slumber. sigh. :o)
Thanks for inspiring me to quiet down and count my blessings too! Something I should always be doing.
Such pleasant good things...I enjoyed reading them, too. I love new scone recipes and a skirt that fits perfectly would be a very good thing indeed.
It's all about the simple things, isn't it? Thanks for sharing.
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