Sunday, December 11, 2022

Sunday Afternoon Tea - The Gift of Grace

I have been thoroughly enjoying listening to Christmas music these past couple of weeks.  They can be heard everywhere from the grocery store to the radio, especially on the K-Love or Moody channels.  Both of these also have an app.

For some reason this year, as I listened to music, the amazing gift of grace has been flowing through the songs.  I think perhaps God does that from time to time... to have us pick out in our hearing certain Truths He wants us to concentrate on that season.

The Bible tells us that it is by grace that we are saved (Ephesians 2:8,9).  His grace shines through from the moment Mary says yes to God, to the Cross, and on to the Resurrection.  Grace.  All because of His grace... and mercy... and love.

I continue to mostly fast political talk, only listening to a few people who have a way of speaking that does not spark the un-sanctified part of my soul.  However, I am working on treating all people with more grace.  Including those whose opinions are totally against those of traditional Judeo-Christian beliefs.  Give me that old time religion kindred spirits.

I have been making an attempt to look through the lens of love for every person.  That does not indicate that I agree with them.  Not at all!  But I pray for them and ask that their spiritual eyes be opened to God's real Truth.  I know those who have had that happen and went on to live a life leading others to Christ.

There are those who will not yield to Him, people who have gone so far into darkness.  Those whom the Bible say have "hardened their hearts".  Just the thought of that gives me shivers but also a great feeling of sadness for I don't pray for them so that they do the right things, I pray for them that they truly recognize the love of God.

I think I'm doing fairly well looking through the lens of grace and of love as much as possible.  There is one group of people I still have problems with and yes, I have to repent at my dislike for what they teach others.  They are people who preach the opposite of True Grace, they teach a theology of cheap grace.

True grace redeems us from the pit, forgives our sinful ways, wipes away every tear, replaces a robe of righteous for our filthy rags we were wearing, adopts us as His own and sets our eternal address in His Kingdom.  Real Grace is also Real Love.  

God's love that came to redeem His own from their fallen state and to buy back the Keys to the Kingdom by coming as a baby... all man, all God.  He came because if anything, He is Holy.  No speck of sin can be allowed into Heaven.  His grace redeems us when we ask for His forgiveness and kneel to His Kingship.  He is our one true God.

Cheap grace is much like those filthy rags.  It tells people that God's Word doesn't really mean what it says.  It tells people this ancient of all books is not practical in a modern society.  Only the uneducated could believe such nonsense.

Cheap grace is just that... it cheapens grace.  It waters down true grace.  It is but a shadow of the real thing and the real thing... true blood bought/cross purchased grace... is what redeems our lives.  God can handle all our sinful selves if we but come to Him on His terms.  That grace is truly amazing.

So, this Christmas is definitely a season of pondering His True grace.  I know I've written it before but it is beyond my ability to imagine what Eternity must be like that the Father sent Jesus to us to redeem us back to Himself.  To think that Jesus left His perfect home to come as a helpless baby and to die in the most horrible way for you and for me.  That, my friend, is Grace and Love.

What have I been reading?

I'm still reading books mentioned last week but I also started through (late as usual) a favorite Advent book called Prepare Him Room by Susie Larson on the Kindle. I love her writing, it is both simple and deep at the same time.  I also follow her on Instagram where she provides a daily encouragement.  

I do still love Come Thou Long-Expected Jesus which is edited by Nancy Guthrie and I highly recommend it for Advent reading, too.  It has favorite writers, both old and new.  I have used this book for over ten years each Christmas season.

What have I been watching?

I forgot to mention last week that Sarah (formerly Clarkson) is reading an Advent poem on most nights again during this season.  I look forward to the poems and her commentary on Instagram.

Did you see the announcement that Sarah and her mom (Sally Clarkson) are going to be the Victoria Magazine Writers-in-Residence for 2023?  

I was able to watch one of my favorite Christmas movies, A Smoky Mountain Christmas, on the Circle Network that comes in through our antennae.  If you have access to that channel, it is being shown a couple more times this season, including Christmas Day.  John Ritter's scene as a judge is worth the entire movie but my husband and I enjoy all of it.  Very family friendly!

Mentioned in this Blog Post

Prepare Him Room by Susie Larson... here.

Come Thou Long Expected Jesus... here.

Sarah Wanders on Instagram... here.

Susie Larson on Instagram... here.

Disclaimer:  Most links to are Associate links.


Vee said...

Oh that is exciting news about Sally Clarkson and her daughter being writers for Victoria magazine next year. I might have to buy a magazine for a change.

Thinking about The Lord being willing to leave Heaven and not just leave, but to walk into our humanity for us...incredible...overwhelming. But I am no longer waiting for His advent; I am waiting to get out of here. Maranatha!

A blessed week to you...I'm spending way too much time trying to stay.out.of.the.Christmas.candy. 😳

Anonymous said...

Thank you once again for your pondering. I will be reading this more than once for sure. You express what I feel with words that don't come easily to my mind. May you have great peace during this time and into the coming year.

NanaC said...

Thank-you for this post! I think I found my word for the new year! Grace! It’s something we can all practice more of, I think! I’ll be looking up scriptures related to it to ponder over the new year, too.
Laura C.