Sunday, November 06, 2022

Sunday Afternoon Tea - Peace that passes understanding

We experienced winds Friday evening through most of Saturday that were about as scary as they get outside the perimeters of a tornado or the rare tropical storms that make their way north to the Midwest.  

Living in a sturdy brick house, I am often reminded during wind storms of the fairy tale about the wolf huffing and puffing to bring down the home of the three little pigs.  Of course, I am also reminded of Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day... which may or not be an indication of my love for children's literature.

However, the continuous howling winds were also a reminder of the winds of war rumbling in the distance and the possibility of civil unrest on Tuesday if there is, as some believe is possible, a "red wave" of people voting for Republican candidates. There has been talk of some people crossing party lines for the first time due to the policies of the current administration bringing inflation and energy shortages. 

I am reminded of the Truth from the Bible (Hosea 8:7), "For they sow the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind".  My friends, when a president shuts down the ability for a country to continue to be energy self sufficient on his first day in office, they sow the wind.  When the government has printed money to increase our debt to the trillions so that our grandchildren and even their children will be paying the debts, they sow the wind.

Granted, this country has been spending too much money for a long time now but it was taken to an entire new level of insanity in the past two years.  There is no perfect political party and no perfect politician but there are those who make good decisions.

The Bible tells us that just before Jesus returns again, there will be great deception on the earth.  I have written before that I often think of the scene in the original Left Behind movie where the young reporter is warned that if he does not have the Holy Spirit living within, then he will also not be able to tell the difference between Truth and deception when he is talking to the Antichrist.

In a later scene, he realizes the prophecies his new friends have told him are coming true before his eyes and escapes to the bathroom to pray, asking Jesus to come into his life.  In the meeting to come of all the world powers, he is the only person who can see what is taking place.  Everyone else remembers only what the Antichrist tells them took place.

Now, I am not saying any certain person is the Antichrist!  However, there is an antichrist spirit that has been in the world all along and it has grown very intense as His coming draws near.  

If you belong to Him, that is exactly why your "spidey-sense" has been active and alert for awhile.  You know the feeling, when you sense something is not right with the world.  When you hear someone give a speech and you know what they are saying is not the truth.  When you read statistics that do not agree with what you see when making purchases.

That "spidey-sense" goes even farther in a very good way.  For it is the Holy Spirit within you that enables you to have peace when you see the world being turned upside down.  Yes, even when you want to talk back to the television God can give you that peace that passes understanding.

He will give you peace to handle those things completely out of your control outside of prayer, which is important!  He can also give you peace as He speaks into your heart how to live each day so He can take care of you in this time of turmoil.

Sometimes He will tell you to stock up on groceries but He also will lead you to places online, books, and other people who can provide the information you need.  He will speak to your heart while shopping, encouraging you to purchase an item you realize later was just what you were going to need.  

He knows what we will need and what the future holds.  We have to get quiet before Him and ask that we can hear His wisdom and that we recognize when it is God who is leading us.

If we take our eyes off of Him and His Word, if instead we spend all of our time looking at the problems of the world and speculate on what they may mean to us and our loved ones, we will never experience the peace that passes understanding.

However, if we keep ourselves aware of what is happening, I think what Law Enforcement calls "situational awareness", then through the wisdom of the Holy Spirit... we will keep our peace.

I find it helpful to know what is happening in the world.  Again, filtering what comes through the news with analysis by people God has given insight for this purpose.  But sometimes I have to back off from reading and watching current events to give my still in-the-flesh nervous system time to fill up with His Truth again.

Only those called by God into the front lines of the battles have the ability to handle one crisis after another.  I find it remarkable how these people can keep their peace but if that is what God has placed you on earth to do at this time in space and history... He will provide the grace for you to handle it and the wisdom how to share Truth with fellow believers in Christ.

I am convinced that I would be walking in constant fear and anxiety if it were not for the Holy Spirit within that comes when we accept the offer of salvation in Christ.  He gives us Heaven and so much more.

If you are an American who is registered to vote, then be certain to vote on Tuesday.  This may be the most important mid-term election in the history of the United States of America.  If for some reason you are not registered or if you are a friend who lives in other parts of the world, please pray for America.

The last two years have shown us that elections indeed have consequences.  However, we also know that we are residents of a world gone upside down in many ways.  This is not an American problem needing an American solution, it is a global darkness descending on all of mankind and the only real solution is in the One who bought back the Keys of the Kingdom with his death and resurrection.

Are we still to vote, then?  Of course, we do what is before us every day and it happens to be voting on Tuesday.  However,  while voting for politicians that will uphold the Constitution and especially those who desire to walk in God's ways is very wise, we also understand that there is more going on in the world than what we see in America.  

We need to vote but we also need to pray.  But hasn't it always been that way?  Both the praying and the doing are necessary and then we trust Him with the results.  Whatever happens in America and in the world this next week will not take God by surprise.  He's got this... and He has us in the palm of His hand.

Until next week my friends.  Remember the blessing of the Rabbis from the Book of Numbers, Chapter 6 (I have part of this on a plaque in my family room):  

"May the Lord bless you and keep you; May the Lord cause His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; May the Lord lift up His face and give you His peace."

Mentioned in this Blog Post

The term spidey-sense comes from the fictional Spider-Man.  In human form, we would call it intuition.  I rather like the term, spidey-sense as in my imagination, it means so much more than just intuition.  ;)


GrammaGrits said...

Such a timely post. I often think of Jesus' words in Luke 18:8, " When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?" Seems we are seeing the Bible being fulfilled before our eyes. My husband has been a pastor for 50+ years, and it's truly unbelievable to see the changes during that time. Even so, come, Lord Jesus. Blessings!

montanagoose said...

I do vote, but I will not vote for the lesser of two evils. As such, I end up abstaining more often than not. Or writing in a candidate. This seems to be a rare position. But I never want to have to explain to Him why I voted for Chemosh because he was "better" than Moloch!

BeBe said...

Well said Brenfren....

Vee said...

Spidey sense is a good expression that pretty much covers it. I also like suspicious cat with his spidey sense expression and twitching eyes.

We certainly don't know what will happen, but we certainly know what should happen, if all goes well. We trust in God. We know He has a plan.

Your words often bring comfort as they did today. A blessed week to you!

lynneinMN said...

It is now Wednesday...and I woke up saddened after seeing the results not only in my state, but across the country. I remembered I hadn't read your Sunday post yet this week. Thank you for steering me back to what is most important...God. He IS still on His throne. He will be the final Victor. May you be Blessed...LynneinMN