Let's hope that today's blog post does not go "poof"! This kind of thing happened all the time in 2006 and a couple years after that when I first started blogging. It has been a long time since I saved a post and went back to proofread it and found only a blank page. It was too late to rewrite the blog post yesterday but I will use it as a basis for next Saturday.
(Whew! I just turned it on after saving for a few hours and so far, so good!)
My ponderings this week may seem political but I hope you can see that it is not about politics but about the consequences of policies and discernment. It is something I have been thinking of all week and wondering if I should write about it. I am taking a risk and I hope not to offend any of my long time blog friends for it is not my intention.
I heard a Bible teacher on TV talk about how we are living with the largest generation gap the world has ever known. There is a generation coming up now in high school and college who will never know what it is like to grow up with the values people older than him were raised with.
The Bible teacher wasn't talking only about people older than sixty, even young people in their thirties were raised in a different world environment and they already tended to be far more liberal in their politics and religion (if they have an interest in religion at all) than their parents and grandparents. But they do not tend to share the more socialist opinions of their much younger peers.
His interview got me to thinking about how much the world has changed, especially since 2001. That time period covers two Republican administrations and two Democratic administrations so no administration is completely free of making a bad decision here and there that brought us to this time.
I remember during the last election, I told my husband that I was not convinced Trump would experience a second administration. He couldn't understand how I could believe that given the large number of people who supported him in the country, especially those in the South and Midwest.
Even as one who appreciated Trump's policies that made this country strong, I wondered if too many Christians had come to trust in Trump instead of in God without realizing it. We have to be careful about putting any human on a pedestal. Our trust is to be in God and not a person.
We live in a time in history where we must ask God daily for discernment. We were told in His Word that as we near the return of His second coming, there would be great delusion and that even the elect would be fooled if it were possible.
I wonder if what keeps His people from being completely deceived is the Holy Spirit within us and the study of His Word. Have you ever heard someone make a statement and it just doesn't settle as truth? It reminds me of old time robots on kid's cartoon shows that say "Does not compute, does not compute".
I can assure you that I don't often understand how God works. Sometimes it is obvious but He has a way of using people and situations that are hard to wrap my head around. The most amazing is Him using everything I have been through and my weaknesses to bring you these ponderings
At first, Trump didn't make sense to my way of looking at the best person for God to use. After all, there were at least a few people we knew as Christians who would be more logical choices. But when you look at the Word, He has a way of using unlikely people for His purposes... like Paul and Peter.
I obviously do not know Trump personally and only God knows a person's heart. But I do believe he was the right person at the right time and this country was stronger than it had been in many years under his administration. It was as if God was telling us that He was giving us more time to get our houses in order and for the Church to preach Christ.
I often say that if we have breath, God has us here for a purpose. I truly believe there is a destiny we all travel, even though for most of us those reasons for walking this planet remain in obscurity. God is weaving His-story together and it is going to result in a beautiful tapestry but sometimes in the process it looks... messy.
It turns out that one of the two Bibles Trump put his hand on during the Inauguration belonged to his mother. She had given it to him when he was nine years old and it was given to her by her two elderly aunts, who are credited for praying in the Hebrides revival in Scotland. Her youngest child, Donald Trump, is named after her cousin, who was a young man at the time ministering in the revival.
I am including a link below to a website that shares this information (although I heard the story in many other ministries). It also has a video by a preacher who also believes that Trump's administration would give us a short window of time to prepare for His coming before the world further changed.
If you have not heard this story, I'm not surprised. For one thing, there is a reason I have not trusted the mainstream media since the 1980s, when Christians first became involved in politics.
My husband was very involved with the Christian Coalition in politics at that time and we saw just how much the state and national media tweaked news stories to change the truth. No longer do they tweak a story, sometimes it seems they do not tell the truth at all.
Just about every national news story about Trump was told to make him look not only bad but evil. Today just about every news story told about the current administration is positive. Although it has become almost humorous to see how they get around the worst inflation in decades (since the Carter years), the highest gas prices now in history (surpassing the Obama era), the absolute horrific pulling out of Afghanistan, etc.
We hear nothing from the national media which draws the very obvious line between Biden shutting down the American pipeline his first day in office and then giving Putin the okay for the Russian pipeline to expand. That action ruined our energy independence and put billions in Putin's economy that helps pay for his military expansion.
There are so many other areas where anyone with discernment sees what is going on in this country and the world. My friends, if the Bible is true then it is only going to be harder to discern truth as the years go by unless we know Jesus as Savior.
I have mentioned before my favorite scene from the original Left Behind movie when the Kurt Cameron character was told by his Christian friends that he would fall prey to deception if he didn't accept Christ as savior as he left to meet with the man they knew was the Antichrist.
There is a scene where he realizes everything his friends had told him regarding prophecy was coming true and he is so shocked, he heads to the restroom where he talks to God and asks Jesus to save him. Soon after that, he attends a meeting with all the world leaders (he was there as the only journalist) where the Antichrist kills two men but everyone else "saw" one of the men kill the other and then commit suicide.
Whatever your eschatology, that original Left Behind movie gives one a glimpse into possibilities of Bible prophecy. (I believe there was a later movie that was made by people other than those of faith that I did not watch.)
Please do not look at this blog post as pro-Republican and anti-Democrat for I do have good friends who are very involved in the Democratic party. We just stay away from talking politics. There are plenty of other subjects we agree upon.
No, what I want us to see is that we do live in an age where we need to be aware of what is going on and discern truth from what is being told us from a national media.
Unfortunately, we are also being taught heresy by some in pulpits around America and the world. We have seen first hand as relatives of my husband have made bad decisions because their denomination not only defends homosexuality but these days seems to promote it.
God tells us in the Book of James that if we ask for wisdom, He will give it to us. He will help us discern what is right and wrong, true and false, and as we stay close to Him and His Word... we will not be deceived.
We are still here for a purpose, not the least of which is part of a remnant of believers who can pray for our family and friends. We all need to be covered with prayer as we have moved into this strange new world that is unlike anything we have seen before. The closest to it is definitely the time period leading up to WWII.
When I spend too much time looking at the news or watching YouTube videos, no matter how truthful they are, and not enough time paying attention to God... my natural tendency is to fear.
When I spend more time reading beautiful books and watching interesting movies than I do looking toward the Word... I am more prone to fear because they do not feed my spirit like God's Word does. Not that reading and watching such media is wrong, I've had a tendency in the past to put them first.
When my mind is on the Lord and God's Word... I not only feel fear leaving but I feel faith building. I no longer have very much physical strength but spiritually I am stronger than at any time in my life thanks to the trials He has allowed. That was their purpose. Faith muscle building.
I find talking to friends who are strong in the Lord definitely helps keep my faith strong. It seems we are in a time of such sudden changes that it is essential to keep our eyes Due North and our anchor in His Word. People who are strong in their faith and in their knowledge of the Word bring life to us.
We can be a person that helps faith build in others. Perhaps we can keep a couple easy to read Bibles, a few good Bible studies, and books on hand to give to those with questions about what is going on in the world.
Praying. Giving. Standing firm in God when others fear. These are just a few of the reasons He still has us breathing and walking on this road called life.
Note: I haven't had time to look into other ways to build links but last week I went through a link previously set up on a friend's blog to place an order and it seemed to work to take me to Amazon with her Associate's link. So, past links should still work. Sigh...
Added: Here is that link I promised. Trump's Bible article... here.
Thank you for your beautiful, thought provoking post. I totally agree with you.
I begin each morning listening to Pastor MacArthur. His study on Revelation is wonderful. I am now learning about the Book of Matthew.
Our Lord is in control, I take total comfort in that.
Oh boy! We could have a quite discussion if we could sit down over tea and cookies. I would not do it in comments. Would be neither wise nor prudent. ☺ Thank you for your mention of things that many will never hear of otherwie.
Dear Brenda, this is probably the most powerful message I have read regarding the truth and what is happening in our world today. We must absolutely trust in the Lord to deliver us from evil and I believe He will, just as He has promised. He must increase, while we must decrease. And I loved the story about Trump's Bible... what a testimony to the Holy Spirit's work in the lives of true believers. Thank you so much and may God continue to bless you.
Jacki G.
Chattanooga, TN
My husband and I believe Trump was placed in history “for such a time
as this” particularly in regard to Israel. God can use anyone to carry
out his plan re: Pharoah, Esther, Paul, Trump. Much wisdom in your
post today. Blessings, Sharon D.
You make a lot of good points here in this post. One shocking and dangerous development is that a U.S. President is banned from major social media. Many conservatives are banned or their posts are kept from wide view. Elections are lost and won in that way. Social media should allow all points of view on their platforms and let readers decide, in my opinion. Oh and those "fact checkers" are shills for certain viewpoints; FB even admitted in an ongoing legal case they are NOT fact checkers but are opinions.
Your posts are always so good. I agree with all you have said in this one and I must say how well written it is. It is definitely a time to stay in God's Word and continue to grow in our faith as it is so easy to be overcome but the difficulties of this world. Thank you for sharing and encouraging. It is a blessing to feel the kinship as sisters in Christ though the miles are many between us. I am in the Dallas, TX area. Blessings to you this week!
Sandy Manning
Thank you !
This is such a good post. I've struggled for awhile about feeling as if I don't fit in at church...I can't figure out where all of these ideas are coming from. My husband & I have been doing church at home since covid began...in the beginning because of covid but we've stayed home because as we've tried to go back we were shocked & disappointed at the changes in our church while we were out. So, we're praying about finding a new church to go to...as much as we hate to change churches.
I also really like to see faith builders. I'd love to hear more on this, how we can help build the faith of those around us or just encouragement to keep the faith. My husband & I have talked about ending our lives well as an example to our children. We never expected it to be so very hard!
Thanks for sharing. I love your blog.
I just love your post!!!! So clear and loving to God as our one Source and One Creator. I love the story about Trump and the Bible and will try to research the two aunts. If you have information about them and the work they did there, please post it when you have time. I too feel Donald Trump was placed here during this time, for a reason. To help us draw close to the Truth and yes, learn to be discerning and alert in all we do and say and not to take the news as a real source of information, but listen to GOD ..pause and hear His Voice ..we can know then that we are definitely safe in the Most Secret Place of the most high. I will send you a link later to my Bible Teacher's article in the Christian Science Monitor... an unbiased and Crist oriented newspaper. Mark Swinny asks. " Who are we worshiping? God? or fear? I will come back and find the ilnk here and post it .Many thanks for your total transparency for God's Word. I love how God works through you!!! God Surely blesses you and yoru family always, Love, in Christ Truth, Merri
If I might add, anyone under 35 may not have known the "good times". Here in the U.K. the economy has rolled from crisis to crisis; the crash in 2008 and the austerity years that followed it. The next recession brought on by Brexit (the U.K. leaving the European Union), the pandemic, yet ANOTHER recession (a really big one this time) and now if we are very lucky, maybe we won't have a War in Europe. What that generation have known is an economy in which wages barely rise, a huge pile of education debt and a housing market in which the only way to attain secure housing is to buy but the only way of buying is to inherit money, move a long way from the best job markets or preferably both. Throw in the cost of childcare, which incidentally is reaching the same level as the average mortgage, its no small wonder that young people now are disillusioned and too easily influenced by anyone who seemingly has answers. They may see religion as something used as a political tool or an outdated belief system. How do you bring the Word of God to someone who feels Life has ganged up on them and there is little hope of improvement? Faith can be a powerful thing, but restoring Faith lost, like lost trust, is not easy. I count myself as fortunate to be old enough to know there is always light at the end of our troubles and there is great comfort in knowing the Lord has a plan for us all. Even if we can't see it. I was never sure what to think of President Trump. Unfortnately our politicians have to acquire the skills of an accomplished actor to deal with the various media. Its also not a good idea to say what you mean and mean what you say since the same media will twist your words and make you a source of ridicule for doing so. The office of POTUS used to carry such gravitas, as did the leadership of other Western nations. Too much intrusion by the media has damaged that, but I suppose its foolish to expect anything else from an industry that largely has little or no ethics or morals any more. A good old fashioned dose of shut the heck up is in order. If Trump decides to go ahead and run in 2024 I wish him well.
American faith is so strange, indeed. You can be a promiscuous liar in the most obvious way, publicly, but if you tell the Bible is the most important thing to you, you always find the follower saying "oh, he said so, therefore it must be so true". "Naivete" is the word I'm looking for.
I often said that after Trump, all hell would break loose. I used the Louis XV phrase, "Apres moi, le deluge", where the "moi" is Trump. I was hoping for another 4 years to get all ducks in a row, but now we're on a crazy roller coaster. You are pointing the way perfectly to the Word of God as the answer to all fears, all problems and ultimately - the entrance to eternal life, whether by death or rapture. I am 66 years old now, and I spent a good deal of my young years reading history. History of the 20th Century in particular - what caused WWI and WWII, etc. All of this is cycling through my mind as I watch current events. It feels very much like pre-WWII, except America has not got the integrity of the generation of that time, or the testing that happened to them during the Depression that made them tough. My mother recently passed away and I am so glad that she is not here any longer to witness what is happening.
So well said, Brenda. I have had thoughts similar to these many times through the past couple of years, but you put them into words so beautifully. Thank you for sharing this important post.
Well, this post gave me a good laugh. And your explanation re the Capitol Riots would be ??? Trump has NO morals , period. He has NO intelligence , period. To even IMPLY the man has ANY faith is an insult .
And your crazed commenter who likened Trump to Esther and Paul ????? That is a DISGUSTING insult to anyone of faith. Pathetic.
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