This past week, I was mentioning to my husband how much I appreciate notes from blog readers and comments when he reminded me of the quote by Lewis (actually, from the movie Shadowlands where Lewis says it)... "We read to know we're not alone".
I think that was one of the reasons blogs were so popular at one time and some are still continuing today. It is a way to find other people who share a like minded opinion, interest, etc. in the world. I believe this has been especially important for those of us with conservative leanings for if we depended on what we mostly see on the news and even in television programs these days, we would think there were very few around who still believe as we do.
Blogs have come and gone, we all have subscribed and unsubscribed over the years. Sometimes we stopped blogging or reading a specific blog because our life had changed and there were instances where we had different opinions about the election. I know I had to stop following some people I have known (only online) on Instagram because of their political beliefs.
Don't get me wrong, I do have people in my real life who have completely different religious and political beliefs than I do. My friend who has been part of my life in person perhaps the longest of anyone is both Jewish and very very liberal. She is also the person in my life who messages me that she has homemade bread and soup for me if I want to stop by and pick it up.
It was her sons who were shocked to find out we were card carrying members of the Religious Right in the late 1990s when we were neighbors since we belonged to groups they would consider part of the Religious Right. They had an idea of what "those people" were like and it was not the way our family acted. The boys are still good friends with my son today.
There are long time blog readers who are much more to the left than I will ever be but we have continued a relationship through the years. We have truly become friends. What I came to realize is that people I only know through their books and/or Instagram photos are arm length friends... known only through images.
If I do not have a real relationship with someone, whether in person or a long time relationship online, then I no longer feel guilty if I unsubscribe or unfollow. If the relationship is only an image, then it is not real. If the relationship is in person or has developed over time with real communication... it is real.
For real relationships (in person or online), then I must show grace even if we have differences. For relationships that are only images online, I can step away from them quietly and politely. I don't recall ever telling anyone that I am not following them, anymore. For me, grace is given for them to be themselves by me quietly stepping away. I doubt anyone has ever noticed, anyway.
I still follow people on Instagram, YouTube, and online that I know have different views than my own. They simply do not make a big deal of it. Politics is not at the center of their art... whether videos or in writing. I adored Julia Child and Tasha Tudor, neither of whom were in the least bit conservative in their politics and neither showed an interest in the Christian faith.
There are things in this world that I believe to be black and white. For instance, the virgin birth of Christ, the Truth of the Bible, the Resurrection of Christ, and that Jesus is returning a second time, We live in a time of great deception, just as was predicted in the Bible, so we need to be discerning about the really important stuff.
However, there are a lot of grey areas where we can show grace to others... the timing of the rapture, baptism by sprinkling or dunking (I was dunked in a river as a teenager), which translation of the Bible is the best, the kind of music we listen to, what movies or TV programs are appropriate, whether one reads Harry Potter or not, and in my family what professional or university team one follows.
There are wars in the world today and not just the big ones... I'm talking about the battles taking place in homes and among friends. I truly believe we are in Biblical times and peace has been taken from the earth. I've never known a time such as now when people in general are so quick to become angry, when murder rates are skyrocketing, when people start fights in restaurants and on airplanes.
Most of us are still learning to traverse these difficult times. I have come to realize that I must keep an eye on my emotional and spiritual barometer. I no longer start with a full emotional bank, anymore. Just waking up and facing the changes in the past two years has used the additional strength reserves from previous years.
I need my emotional strength to relate to my family and friends (whether in person or online). When I allow myself to be constantly assaulted for my beliefs from people I don't have a real relationship with, then it is sapping the emotional strength I need for living each day with those I truly care about.
We are created in the image of God, He loves us so much that Jesus suffered and died to redeem each of us... to take back the keys of the Kingdom from the enemy that were given away in Eden. I have never blamed Adam or Eve for all of us have given into temptation. I doubt they had any idea what the consequences would be and they failed while we go eyes wide open into temptation at times.
When I keep my eyes on Him and His Word, I can keep my emotional strength levels where they should be. It is far easier for me to awake each day and meet each morning in this fallen world when I am looking toward Him. On the other hand, I can feel the strength leaving me when I am reading, watching, or listening to anything that saps my strength.
What each of us can handle is unique to our calling and to our past experiences. God knows that we are made of dust. He understands our limitations when we do not recognize them. We must learn to know when we have seen too much, heard too much, or tried to do too much each day.
When my emotional and spiritual fuel tank is full, when my mind has been on Him and His Word, then I have within what I need to show love to those around me. To help the helpless. To give hope to the hopeless. To bring faith to those who fear. For it is only in a relationship with Jesus as Savior that we have anything to give.
As usual, when I am writing, I have music playing and right now it is John Denver singing Back Home Again that is in the background. He talks about farms, home, supper on the table, family, and all the important stuff of life. If we keep our eyes on Him and continue doing the very next thing... like making supper and loving our family... we can handle life one day at a time.
Earlier today, when my husband walked down the gravel lane to get the Sunday paper, our next door neighbor stopped him and they discussed getting a couple loads of gravel to replace the damage heavy rains, snow, and ice have done to the road four houses share.
It made me smile, knowing that there is still the everyday stuff of life we can do. Even if we cannot fix the world... I know the One who will. That is where all of this is leading up to and I believe in the not too distant future. I have had chicken soup simmering today and now a salad to prepare. The little things of everyday life.
Image: American Homestead Winter
Always Maranatha...I don't feel nearly so attached to this world as I once did. Your husband is exactly right. We need to know that. we are not alone.
Appreciate the words for today. Very wise. Blessings, Sharon D.
Well said - if more people thought as you and were at least willing to listen to others and to understand that there is good in most - even if we don't always agree on everything.
You expressed what is in my own heart so beautifully and wonderfully well, my friend. We have to choose our battles carefully and discern what really matters. I agree completely that some things are black and white and non-negotiable, but so much of the things we've drawn lines over are things where we should be showing the grace our Lord showed us. (And grace and love are not the same as "tolerance.") Have a blessed and lovely week...even though it looks like winter is coming back.
Hi Brenda. I don't follow any bloggers, I just pop in to spend time on blogs that seem like nice friendly places to be (like yours!). I have stopped reading one blogger as she started spreading mis-information and being very nasty and abusive towards anyone who disagreed with her extreme views. Life is too short to become stressed over things that strangers write! I hope I respect people with different religious and/or non-religious views to my own. I certainly have friends from different religions (and none) and the only one I have ever cut ties with was someone who tried to convert myself and my husband to his way of thinking. Finally, I applaud your choice of music. John Denver could certainly 'put a song across' with real feeling! X
Amen and Thank you .
"What each of us can handle is unique to our calling and to our past experiences. God knows that we are made of dust. He understands our limitations when we do not recognize them. We must learn to know when we have seen too much, heard too much, or tried to do too much each day."
So often the above is not something we can explain even to those who know us well. Trying to cope or work too far, too often, past our known limitations can have rather long-lasting consequences.
I always read your posts, but have become very remiss in leaving comments on my favorite blogs or in posting on my own blog. A sort of lethargy, I suspect.
Like you, I have had to quietly 'unfriend' a few people on Facebook or stop visiting certain blogs. One in particular I regret--a woman whose creativity and energy were inspiring, but whose increasingly strident political views came to dominate her every post.
Even within our church community we sometimes find those who cherish a certain interpretation and become militant and critical toward those who don't agree.
There are few things about which I am inspired to argue--I can lose my temper too quickly. Often a quiet withdrawal is better.
You make some good points.
Maybe it comes down to 'choosing your battles' and saving your time and strength for the things that really matter.
I just want to echo amen to everyone's comments. But truly your post was what so many of us are feeling! And your husbands comment is so true! I love my home and peace and quiet and a cup of tea and a good book! We yet can feel overwhelmed and lonely at times.
I have been able to meet a few bloggers in person and so glad to have them in my life. Yet, some have just disappeared.
Have a wonderful week!
What a truly honest, precious post, Brenda.
You spoke as if it were my own heart speaking, but you also ministered deeply to into this heart of mine and especially this -
"What each of us can handle is unique to our calling and to our past experiences. God knows that we are made of dust. He understands our limitations when we do not recognize them. We must learn to know when we have seen too much, heard too much, or tried to do too much each day" -
because He's shown me my own limitations in the past few months, a year even, and I'm about to step back and let go of things which had become too big, too time consuming, too distracting...because I have little people in my life who need more from me, who deserve more, far more than another design. He's slowing my life in answer to prayer, and its all about showing Jesus to the grandchildren, sharing Jesus with my readers, and walking closer and more gently with Him as things in our world become darker and peace slips away. But true peace comes from that walk with Him, that silence when we rest in Him and listen...that hope because of what we shall one day have when He returns on the clouds of heaven to claim His bride.
Thank you for your honesty and gentleness. xx
I haven't been commenting lately - but I love your posts, read them all. Mairin.
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