Saturday, October 09, 2021

Living the Pantry Lifestyle - A little Tookish adventure

I rarely write a blog post in the evening but I went on a Tookish adventure with Mr. and Mrs. Christopher and the kiddos today.  We had fun but it was unseasonably hot and by the time I arrived home, Florentine and I fell asleep watching The Zoo on Animal Planet.

However, I did want to quickly send out a hello today.  Oh, I did publish all the comments except for one that was obviously a spam comment that had slipped in with the rest.  If a comment didn't publish, it may have been too long for Blogger.  I do allow anonymous comments so that would not have stopped it.

In my research for the blog last week, it seems like everyone was talking about the energy crisis in Europe and other countries and how that will cause food shortages.  Parts of Europe depend on the food grown in greenhouses in the Netherlands for their fresh produce and the skyrocketing cost of energy is forcing them to shut down.  Which, won't help an already stressed food supply.

Now there is talk of a possible natural gas shortage in the U.S.  Which is incredibly difficult to believe.  Last year at this time, our country was exporting energy and now this year we are facing shortages.  It reminds us how quickly things can change.

Last week, I stopped by Goodwill to see if I could find winter tops that I like and I was happy to find a pullover top and an oversized sweatshirt.   Both are perfect for winter, especially to layer should it be necessary.  I don't stop by Goodwill often these days but each time I have been there in the past few months, it seems like their shelves are emptier, too.  

Thrift stores are such a good way to fill in wardrobe needs on a budget. Our local Goodwill tends to have very good clothes at a fraction of the price of brand new items.  What I save makes it possible for me to afford those new clothing items that I rarely find at Goodwill, like slacks that fit correctly.

Keep diligent, my friends.  Even adding to the pantry a little at a time and keeping a small pantry is well worth the thought put into it.  I noticed last week that paper products like TP and paper towels are now limited to two.  The shelves that held paper plates were almost empty and I bought the last large package of paper plates since we were almost out of them.

Something else I just remembered that I was going to say this week (it was really hot today and my brain is somewhat fried)... when stocking up on water be careful not to only stock the cases of individual bottles of water.  

We have gone through numerous water emergencies and the gallon size of water is much more practical if the water is turned off.  The individual bottles have their uses but remember that in an emergency, they also leave you with more trash that needs to be disposed of properly.

The above photo is one you may have seen before.  It was taken a few years ago on another Tookish adventure to the river.   I am much more like the Baggins clan these days and find adventures not so appealing.  However, family time is and after the last couple of years, we know how important it is to spend time together when given the opportunity.

Have a great week!

1 comment:

Deanna Rabe said...

So glad you went out on an adventure!