Saturday, August 22, 2020

Living the Pantry Lifestyle - Some pantry ideas, a recipe, and a really good YouTube video

We have had a nice respite from the heat this past week but another heat wave is beginning this weekend.  My pantry thoughts are toward cool weather cooking, even if the air conditioner is the only thing making it cool around here.

I watched an excellent pantry video on YouTube this week that was so good, I sent a link to a friend to watch.  I'll include a link below.  I like it because the woman is not a "prepper" but a homemaker wanting to make sure they do not run out of food items like they did a few months ago.

I find many "prepper" YouTube videos are very similar to each other but there is always something new to learn from most individuals.  For instance, I don't think it was on that video where it was mentioned that it is a good idea to stock up on the Deluxe macaroni and cheese dinners because the sauce is already made.  That will be important should one not have extra milk to use.  What a good idea.

I used to keep boxes of Annie's organic Mac & Cheese when I had kids living at home or stopping by for a quick lunch.  I even liked the Kraft's Mac & Cheese.  As much as I like a delicious gourmet meal once in awhile, sometimes nursery food is what the soul and tummy requires.  (Although I do make a very good baked mac & cheese casserole from scratch that the kids always loved.)

I have been reading about people stocking their pantry for the Holidays already and I think that is a very wise decision.  I have most items needed for baking already but I do need to freeze more butter.  I just use regular Aldi salted butter for baking.  

I know, some recipes call for unsalted butter in baking but I have always used salted with no problem at all.  I don't have room for two different kinds of butter in the refrigerator or freezer.  I tried it for awhile and found I could not tell the difference in the baked goods.  I felt justified when Ree Drummond said on one of The Pioneer Woman episodes that she only used salted butter, too.

I already have extra bags of cranberries from last year's Holiday season in the deep freeze so I won't need to buy any more of them.  I put two cartons of Cool Whip in the deep freeze that I will need for a couple Holiday desserts.  I have four 8 oz. packages of cream cheese in the refrigerator already for Holiday baking and cooking.  The expiration date for cream cheese is often months away from the purchase date.

I even have a ham in the freezer already since I had purchased one for Easter and then the pandemic hit and there was no travel between counties allowed (much less having our family around the dinner table together).  I almost always have a couple cans of sweet potatoes in heavy syrup on the pantry shelf, too.  I've added a can of whole cranberry sauce to my stock up day grocery list.  Just in case we can't get together again this year and I need something "cranberry" just for me.  My cranberry salad recipe feeds a crowd.

I made a few small pantry purchases this past week.  My husband asked me to stop by Walmart for some First Aid supplies he needed since I was going to be out, anyway.  I rarely go to Walmart but there are some items I mainly purchase there.  I wanted TP but there were only a few packages on the shelf and that brand was one I usually avoid.  I'm thinking if they are so low on TP, then Sam's Club probably is, too, but I will check the next time I am in town.

I decided recently to purchase some coffee just for the pantry and Walmart had two boxes of those new Starbucks Pikes Place small cans of coffee on the clearance shelves.  Each box contains eight small cans, each can makes a half pot of coffee.  They are perfect for the pantry and the clearance price for each box was excellent.

I also plan to add some instant coffee to the pantry soon.  Should we be stuck at home with none of our favorite coffee (yes, First World problems!), I'd rather have instant than nothing and it lasts practically forever on the shelf.  I have a few boxes of various kinds of tea but adding a box or two of favorites wouldn't hurt and they are not expensive.

When our small Keurig stopped working after ten years of good service, we decided to replace it with the next size up and use only K-cups for our morning coffee.  We did keep our Mr. Coffee for when we wanted to brew a pot for company, it is on the shelf with a few other small appliances.

In the long run, it saves us money to use K-cups because we have been using the very expensive organic coffee my husband needs in the Mr. Coffee each morning and I didn't like it very much.  So now, I can enjoy my inexpensive Eight O'clock original blend coffee K-cup each morning and he can have organic coffee in a K-cup. My daughter gifted me some Paris tea K-cups and I still have some of them left, waiting for cool afternoons.

Another item I have added to my stock up grocery list is a bottle of maple extract since my old bottle is almost empty.  I used to make my own maple syrup before I developed Juvenile Diabetes to avoid high-fructose corn syrup.  Now I use mainly real maple syrup since it is better for blood sugar when I do use a little here and there.  (I also have also used maple extract to make maple icing for cinnamon rolls.)

I don't remember the recipe I used since it has been awhile.  I don't think I had it written down but I did find one on Allrecipes that is the same or similar.  It's a great pantry recipe!

Homemade Maple Syrup (Allrecipes contributor Lucynda)

  • 1 Cup water
  • 1 Cup white sugar
  • 1 Cup brown sugar
  • 1 Tablespoon maple extract

Bring the water, white sugar, and brown sugar to a boil in a saucepan over medium-high heat. Reduce heat to medium-low, and stir in the maple extract; simmer 3 minutes longer.

Note:  Two cups brown sugar may be used for a thicker syrup. 

I know this post is kind of all over the place today so I hope you can understand it!!!  :)

Mentioned in this Blog Post

Here is the YouTube video that I thought was very good.  I wrote down a few ideas from her suggestions.  Link is... here.

Image:  Cookbook and Apples poster


Anonymous said...

I have to tell you a funny story! After reading your post a few weeks ago I went to Sams to pick up some things to stock up. I purchased a large container of K cups to put back for this fall/winter in case we are quarantined or coffee is in short supply. I thought I carefully explained this to my husband and that he should continue to buy the small packages here and there when he found them on sale, He is the main shopper or forager.. He doesn’t get it. He has been using the large box of K cups to refill his coffee drawer. I do not drunk coffee. I tried to tell him again but he can’t stand having them there just sitting. I can’t win and I’ll have to live with him if he runs out of coffee. Jill

Vee said...

It was a very enjoyable read. Just the sort of conversations one has with friends. Who sticks to one topic when chatting with a friend? I have been trying to build up the pantry against winter weather. I refuse to think of the other distressing reasons possible. I will visit your new found vlog...I do love vlogs.

Elizabeth said...

There are other online companies that carry toilet paper...I would not buy locally here if I can possibly avoid so doing because the stores here handled things the worst way possible. I have had success ordering online. I try to avoid Amazon for this too as they also were less than stellar...let you pay for it...and good luck if it ever gets in stock. No thanks.

Suzan said...

I admit I only keep one type of butter, salted. I keep around five pounds at a time. My son is a chef and he will only use unsalted. If a recipe calls for unsalted butter and then you add salt I just don't add salt. I will be looking at the video. I am not big on prepping but feel the need to have some extras. I am on the FODMAP diet and have food allergies but I have put some beans and peas into our store cupboard. I really shouldn't eat these but if the worst happens I have some supplies to feed us. I don't have a deep freeze and we live in subtropical Australia so supplies that can be stored without refrigeration are calling to me.

Carol in Texas said...

I made your salmon patties last night for supper and we loved them! They were so light and crispy. It is the most unusual recipe I have seen for them but it was so easy! Thank you.

May I ask what medication you take for your diabetes. I have just been diagnosed with type 2 and am having a time finding a bearable medication. Carol in Texas

Thickethouse.wordpress said...

A very interesting video of this extended pantry....I do have a lot of food, but perhaps I might add more. I also wanted to comment last time, but didn't, that I was thrilled to meet Condoleezze Rice when my cousin was sworn in as American Ambassador to Ecuador. Secretary Rice is a wonderful speaker and I appreciate her work for our country.

D Fuller said...

I use a refillable Keurig cup and ground coffee to save money. I did have to try several brands to find one that works. Love your blog.

PJ Geek said...

I have moved to a dream home in the north Georgia mountains.
Dollar general here in Georgia has huge amounts of tp. I have several bathrooms in my house and always stay stocked up on tp. I was watching the news about Covid in January and had a feeling it was going to hit big, And after reading your pantry posts I started buying tp a little at a time and still have some. I also bought a 6 pack of Clorox wipes in January on sale at Big lots. I gifted a container to my sister for helping me move. Folgers coffee 1850 pioneer blend or luminary are excellent. This is steel cut coffee like steel cut oats it seems tastier to me then regular.

lizaellen said...

I really enjoyed this video! Love the ideas and I actually made notes as I watched! I have to laugh because we were without power for three days recently. Thankfully, we have a gas stove so I could cook from my pantry but I only had k-cups and no coffee. This was very bad news for those around me ;) so I actually looked up how to make coffee with k-cups without a Kiurig. Yes, it is possible and actually not too bad if faced with the the prospect of three days without coffee! I did get lots of laughs from my grown kids when I told them but I was a happier camper!