Sunday, September 08, 2019

Sunday Afternoon Tea - When Distractions are a Good Thing

This last week was one of the strangest and most troubling in a very long time.  My husband was in the hospital and decisions had to be made with family members via email, phone calls, and a continuing conversation on Facebook Message.  He is home now and we pray all will be well but there is also the element of an unknown outcome. 

As with all things in life, we pray for specifics but also that God's will be done in everything.  I have gained peace not through circumstances, although I do appreciate days when there is no drama at all... but knowing that He loved me enough to send his son to pay the price to take back what was lost in Eden.

My hope is in a future going Home but in the meantime there is the reality of day to day living.  I am certain that as long as we have breath, we have a purpose. Even though it is difficult to plan when everything is turned upside down.  I know that it is easy to become anxious when the immediate future is uncertain.

The photo above was published first on Instagram, taken of the lovely yellow rose I had purchased.  While I admire red roses and other colors... and there is a place for them in my home from time to time... my favorite rose color has always been yellow.  The color that makes me happy.

The day after my husband came home from the hospital, I needed to get away for a few hours just to relax and forget any trials for awhile.  So I went to Barnes and Noble to peruse magazines and enjoyed my first Pumpkin Spice Latte of the season at the Starbucks in the book store.

I drove to my favorite antique mall and then walked through my favorite store that sells Primitive decorations where I bought a bouquet of Sweet Annie.  The single yellow rose came from Kroger, the closest place I know that has individual roses for sale at a great price.

While getting away for a few hours did nothing for my circumstances, it helped me immensely.  Doing what brings joy is a balm to the spirit that we all need.  At one time that may have been hiking favorite trails or sitting on the sand for awhile on the shores of Lake Michigan.  It may be a cup of coffee at a favorite coffee shop or reaching for an old favorite novel to reread.

Yes, I had been reading the Bible all week.  I had started memorizing Psalm 23 in the version I have been reading for the last few years.  One verse at a time and pondering each verse for days before going on to another.  What a gift it has been.

I had watched a few movies and perused a book on the Kindle but honestly, except for memorizing the Psalm again, it was hard to settle my thinking for very long.  That is where my mini-vacation of a few hours came in.

If you are dealing with anything the world is throwing at you... and we all do once in awhile... I highly recommend flowers and a cup of good coffee... and a Psalm.

Photo:  @coffeeteabooksandme on Instagram (I haven't been posting a lot this summer!)


Anonymous said...

Getting out and taking a break is a good idea. When we had some health issues in the family a nurse told me that if you don't take care of yourself, you won't be able to look after your family. Prayers for you and your husband. Hope everything works out OK.

Anonymous said...

Praying your hubby continues to improve and life gets easier for you. It sounds like your time away was just what the doctor ordered for You! It’s amazing what a change of scenery can do to uplift our spirits! And spending time in God’s Word is always a comfort.......Take care, Dear one!
Hugs and Prayers,
Laura C.(WA)

ellen b. said...

May God heal, comfort and continue to lead you in this chapter of your journey.

Elizabeth said...

As we age life sure seems to get health ways at least. And at least in our area, health care of any kind seems in very small and infrequent availability. We have a spinal tap to go through with my hubby in a few days...and then possible surgery at some point to put a shunt in his head...not anything any or us are wanting to much is really not our choice in this life I think!! Blessings and hope things will go better for your family!!

Maureen said...

My prayer for you this evening....
"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with
hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13

Margie from Toronto said...

You were very wise to give yourself a wee break - it is very important under the circumstances. I hope all will be well with your husband.

Terra said...

I empathize with you on your troubling week. That is good your hubby is home with hopes for a happy outcome. Since I became a widow I sometimes do what I call nurturing myself, you have the same idea. That yellow rose is bringing you smiles and I admire you memorizing Scripture.

Thickethouse.wordpress said...

Praying for support, health, peace, comfort and God's Will in all things....for you and your family.
How wise to do some self care, dear Brenda.

Suzan said...

Much love to you all. I am so glad that you are able to take a break and refresh yourself. Godbless you an dyour

Rebecca said...

Reading between the lines...praying as I go. How wise of you to recognize your need for self-care. Finding refreshment in simple ways is an artform! ❤️

ann said...

thinking of you. hope all will be well.xx Ann

Deanna Rabe said...

Praying still. I'm glad you took some time away to renew your spirit.

Many blessings, friend.

Marie said...

Dear Brenda, I am praying for you both. He Who led you thus far will not leave you now but will support and strengthen through this also. The Fourth Man in the fire has given all for your blessing, and he will continue to be with you. He has said, "I will never leave thee nor forsake thee." (Heb. 13:5) May you sense His love and presence.

Grace K. said...

So glad he's home safe and well, Brenda--and that you took some time to care for yourself. It's all about the small moments of joy and you've always celebrated those so well.

Morning's Minion said...

I know you and your husband have had ongoing health issues. I'm sorry to read that there has been a fresh crisis. Such times are a struggle, both for the one who is ill and those who are care-givers. It is not at all self-indulgent to do those small things that help to keep us in balance.

Anonymous said...

It's true - the Psalms are so comforting! I especially love the line in the 23rd "He restores my soul". Our souls often get "cluttered" (I love Sally Clarkson's description!) and need to be put right. I also love Philip Keller's book (I believe it's called A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23)for his wonderful insights into this Psalm! The Lord bless you and keep you during this troubling time, Brenda. -Joy

Ann said...

So sorry to hear of your husband's hospitalization. Never is that an easy time. Praying you will both be well. Glad that you took time for yourself ... everyone needs times of refreshing so we can carry on.

Vee said...

So glad that you were able to take a breather...important to care for oneself before attempting to care for others or before doing chores or life tasks. Sometimes, I feel guilty when I do this...slewfoot strikes again, always telling me how unworthy I am. I took a wee drive yesterday past the apple orchards and I was so much more at peace for getting out of the house. said...

Good to hear that your husband is home. But as another reader said, "it's nice that you took care of yourself for those few precious hours". Being a care giver is a difficult, but honorable job.

My Arty-Farty Happy Place said...

Oh Brenda, my heart goes out to you and am so pleased your husband is now home. Yes, we all need a little 'time out' at moments like this, and my throughts and prayers are with you. Look after yourself my friend and take care.

Nancy in Austin said...

Prayers for you, your husband, and your family ❤️