Thursday, June 13, 2019

Summer Reading - Kindle books

These days I am reading a lot more on my Kindle, whether on my Kindle Fire with the Kindle App or my Kindle Paperwhite.  The ability to increase the font is a game changer when the vision in one eye is still... fuzzy.

I have an embarrassing number of Kindle books, most of them purchased through the years on sale for .99 cents or $1.99.  The Kindle is also a way to enjoy books that have been out of print and hardback copies are too expensive, like many D. E. Stevenson and Elizabeth Goudge books.  (Although more and more of these books are becoming available in paperback.)

My choices for Kindle summer reads are a combination of newer books and a couple that have been waiting for their place in the sun for awhile.  Except for what I am reading as a "quiet time" book, they are chosen for whatever mood I am in at that time.  Something all readers understand.

Current "Quiet Time" Book
In His Image by Jen Wilkin
I had seen Jen Wilkin give a talk a couple of times when women's conferences were televised on the NRB Channel so I knew her books would probably be something I would enjoy.

When In His Image was offered on sale, I bought it right away and have enjoyed going through it slowly.  She writes beautifully and is sound in doctrine.  I found out my daughter is studying this book (in paperback) with a group of ladies this summer.  That would be fun.

More info... here.

Just Finished Reading
The Scent of Water by Elizabeth Goudge
I enjoy reading along with IG's @elizabethgoudgebookclub, although I most often only read the discussion comments since I'm usually behind what the others are reading (especially with a heavy review schedule).  NOTE:  I had misspelled the IG address.  It is now corrected. 

We just finished Elizabeth Goudge's The Scent of Water and it is just as lovely as I remembered reading it a few years ago.  It is a good introduction to Goudge (although I think the best introduction is Pilgrim's Inn!).

More info... here.

Reading on the Paperwhite Kindle
Sweet Mountain Music by Suzie Johnson
I like to have a book already started on the Paperwhite for those times I slip it into my purse when I know there will be a wait at the doctor's office.  Usually I keep a nonfiction book going.  Recently I have been reading a novel called Sweet Mountain Music, a Kindle book that was recommended to me a few years ago by a friend who knows my fascination with Bigfoot.

It is actually a story of faith and how a journalist and a Sasquatch researcher learn to trust each other and... I'm sure there will be a happy ending there.  ;)  This is the kind of novel I love to read in Summer.  I plan to make it my priority now so I can (finally) see what happens.

More info... here.

Planned Kindle Reads through mid-Summer
Amberwell by D. E. Stevenson 
This is the first of the two Ayrton Family books.  I love her books that take place in Scotland around WWII.  There is more specific information on the Kindle page.

More info... here.

Summerhills by D. E. Stevenson
This is the second of the two Ayrton Family books.  It follows the story of the family after WWII.  Again, more specific information is on the Kindle page.

More info... here.

If you didn't know already, there are many D. E. Stevenson novels for the Kindle now at excellent prices.  I used credit to purchase four of them earlier in the year to have ready for Summer reading.  This will be the first two I plan to read.

Planning to at least skim through this Summer
Signature in the Cell by Stephen Meyer
I have seen Stephen Meyer interviewed numerous times and I have enjoyed listening to him.  Signature in the Cell is his well known book about the beauty of DNA and how he believes it had to be created by an "Intelligent Designer".

I hope to read this book through but this is the kind of book I would have preferred to read in paperback or hardback.  However, we do what we have to do even if it is not perfect and I am thankful for how easy it is to increase the font on the Kindle!!!

I will at least give it a good perusal.

More info is... here.

My favorite Kindle (it was a gift!)
The Kindle Paperwhite... here.  This is the one I have and it has recently come down in price.  There are more expensive Paperwhite devices but I find this works great.  I also have a cover to protect it when I leave home.  The newer covers make it easy for them to stay on all the time.  My old 2nd Generation Kindle had a cover that I had to remove to read easily.

The Kindle App... is free to download for most smart phones and tablets.

Disclaimer:  Most links to are Associate links.  You do not have to purchase the item in the link or on the widget to enter your Amazon shopping.  Thank you for those who come to the blog first and enter Amazon through a link or the widget here.  Every little bit adds up and it is such a blessing to me to receive credit each month.


Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Looks like a lovely reading pile for summer. I'm in the middle of The Scent of Water (paper copy with that cover). I've read it a few times but I'm enjoying my way through it again.

Happy Reading...
Brenda L.

Jenny said...

I enjoy your book lists & am always looking for good reads.

I looked on IG for @elisabethgoudgebookclub & my search came up empty? Is this a private group?

Debbie Nolan said...

Brenda - I will certainly be checking out some of your "Summer Reading". I have never read anything by Elizabeth Gouge and have been meaning to check out one of her books. Thanks for sharing your lovely review. It is always nice to see someone's favorites. Take care and have a great day.

Vee said...

So many good books! I have The Scent of Water...such a pretty cover on the new paperback...ready in my go bag. Hope that I have the chance to read it. Yes, it is much easier to read when font and light can be increased.

Kay said...

I have you to thank for introducing me to both D.E. Stevenson & Elizabeth Goudge. Oh how I love Pilgrims Inn. And tonight I just purchased a used copy of Celia's House. My Kindle app on my phone is my lunch time companion during the workweek. I need that hour to forget my busy office and all the ringing phones. :)

Sherry said...

I have gobs of books on my kindle and yet not enough .. Wink. And books to hold and smell the pages - on my nightstand, coffee table, and little places here and there in the house and in the car.

The Journey said...

can one ever have enough books? No way! I love reading on my ipad and audio books from library.