Friday, October 27, 2017

Ordering Your Private World: Updated and Revised, a review

If I were to make a list of the ten most important books as far as their influence in my life, Ordering Your Private World would be on that list.  I first read Gordon MacDonald's classic about thirty years ago and it was so packed with wisdom that I've probably reread the original at least five times.

There were two chapters that affected me the most in the first readings, these were "Living As a Called Person" and "The Sadness of a Book Never Read". I've probably reread them a dozen times.  MacDonald, now in his 70s, has updated the book with more wisdom gained since the original writing.

The Chapters Include:
  1. The Sinkhole Syndrome
  2. A View from the Bridge
  3. Caught in a Golden Cage
  4. The Tragic Tale of a Successful Loser
  5. Living as a Called Person
  6. Has Anyone Seen My Time?  I've Misplaced It!
  7. Recapturing My Time
  8. The Better Man Lost
  9. The Sadness of a Book Never Read
  10. Order in the Garden
  11. No Outer Props Necessary
  12. Everything Has to Be Entered
  13. Seeing Through Heaven's Eyes
  14. Friends
  15. Rest Beyond Leisure (Sabbathing)
Epilogue: Courage, Appreciation, Depth
This volume also includes a Study Guide

I cannot recommend this book highly enough.  It honestly changed my life and it is even better in this edition.  A book packed full of wisdom and practical advice for living life as a Christ Follower.

Ordering Your Private Life was provided by the publisher for the sake of review but the opinions are my own.

More information can be found... here.

Disclaimer: Most links to are Associate Links.


deb h said...

Hi Brenda,
I am a longtime lurker. I've never commented, but I had to pop in and say that this book basically changed my life. I've recommended it time and time again.
Love your blog :)
Debbie in az (born in Detroit,MI in '67) :)

My Cottage Diary said...

Sounds very good! Just put it on my wish list. I so appreciate all the good book recommendations you've shared over the years, Brenda. Haven't gone on to read them all, but I think I have with quite a few. Many blessings to you and yours, Bess

Karla said...

Good recommendation! I have read at least one of his other books. Great stuff!

Vee said...

Imtriguing...I have never heard of this author or book before, yet you are highly recommending so I take note. šŸ˜‰

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Oh man, Brenda! My book list gets longer and longer everytime you post a book review! This sounds great!

becka said...

I had seen that book many times over the years but have never read it. I will need to find it and put it on my pile of books to read. I recently read another book by Gordon MacDonald called Who Stole My Church? It's a good read for those of us who are older and feel that everything around us has changed. It explains the benefits of some of the changes going on in many churches today.