As I lay as still as possible with intense pain, brought down by back spasms. They were likely caused by a combination of lifting a somewhat heavy object and the affects of days upon days upon days of frigid weather.
The genesis of which was brought about by a childhood fall down a flight of cement stairs and reinforced at around age twenty with yet another fall down a flight of stairs.
Apparently grace in motion is not a gift I was given at birth... but I digress.
I had no backup at all for when the chief cook and bottle washer is down and out, unable to move (much less not getting in a night's sleep for four days due to the pain). The spasms have lessened and the pain not as bad if I move slowly. But when I recover, the first thing I am going to do regarding the pantry is preparing some make ahead freezer meals!
So while I have no personal experiences or wisdom to write about this week, I will share some favorite recent blog reads having to do (in some way or another) with living a pantry lifestyle.
The first link happens to explain what I call living a pantry lifestyle (as opposed to preparing for TEOTWAWKI) better than I have ever read before. I enjoy reading Ben Hewitt's blog even if I am not a homesteader. Read his words... here.
The second blog post (from the folks at Ready Nutrition) is similar in a different way. If that does not confuse you, mosey on over here where they write about how "prepping" can save you money even if there never is a TEOTWAWKI episode in your life. Which, by the way, can be a job loss and not WWIII.
A Working Pantry (here) is a new-to-me blog but absolutely wonderful. I think I followed a link to it from The Bluebirds are Nesting (here).
The last link is actually to a recipe I saw this week. I plan to try it when I can move around easier. It is a good pantry recipe if it works. If you try it, let us know! It is called Magic Custard Cake and the recipe is... here.
Sooo Sorry to hear of your back problems! Praying for healing and relief from the pain. I've experienced only a small fraction of what you described. It can really be debilitating! Thank-you for your post today. I'm wondering if those of you in the areas with all the snow and sub-zero temps were prepared with deep pantries? I'm realizing I need to restock mine more often. While you have been experience record-breaking cold and snow, we've had a very mild winter in the PNW. I read that this happens whenever the jet stream follows this pattern! Interesting to note! Take care. Praying for your quick recovery.
Laura C. (WA)
I'm sorry to hear about your back spasms. I don't have a lot of experience with "pantry lifestyle" but our tastes are simple and hubby isn't a finicky eater.
This noon, for instance, it was pancakes for us. Always simple. I also frequently turn to canned good like when I make corn chowder (what it is called - but more like potato soup) with a can of creamed corn & evaporated milk and a few potatoes cooked and smushed in their water. Bacon is optional and usually omitted.
Hope you get some relief soon!
Youch! As I deal with a minor sciatic pain, I sympathize with you. Prayers for healing and a good nights sleep. Lynne
I hope your back spasms have healed by the time you read this. You must have a routine by now, of how to treat it. Bed rest and perhaps some medication. Be well.
Glad to hear you are doing better! Nothing like even a small crisis to show where the holes are!
Thanks for the links!
Hope your back feels better soon. By the way, it probably doesn't hurt our hubbies to eat canned beans once in a while. Makes them appreciate good cooking when you are better :)
Dear Brenda,
Are you familiar with southernplate.com? Even if "southern cookin' " isn't your thing, I think you might enjoy it. The bag meals are shelf stable: http://www.southernplate.com/category/main-course/bagmeals
I pray you're better soon!
Awww, that's a miserable way to put in time. I don't know how John would get by without a cook...he says he knows how to fry cornflakes. Yes, I do agree that a few frozen meals would be ideal.
I've already been lost folowing one of your links...that custard cake looks mighty good.
Off to get lost again...you take care now...
I have started reading the Bluebirds' blog after seeing it here! Great stuff! Of course, I stopped myself with all that "fig" talk and realized they are Aussies. Being from Michigan, I don't think I'd recognize a fig if it wasn't stuffed into a Newton.
Oh dear....back issues. Hopefully you are on the mend!!
I think freezer meals would be a good thing to add to your pantry, just like 7 UP or anything else. I kept a few of those things as you suggested. A little over a year ago, I came down with some sort of crud and was pretty much out of commission for six weeks. I'd have a day here and there that I was ok, but the next would be flat in bed. Having a can or two of chicken noodle soup on the shelf was some days a wonderful thing when I wasn't strong enough to cook. And as for those freezer meals......my husband can't cook at all. Its "toast, buttered or not", period.
Hi Brenda;
I am so sorry to hear you have such back spasms. I have had them and they are so very painful! Praying for your recovery soon! I certainly agree that having some meals prepared in the freezer is such a blessing. I believe some spaghetti sauce should be made at my house next week. I have some stuffed cabbage made up which goes from freezer to oven with no thawing. Rest a lot my friend, with Love and Hugs, Nana
Sorry I don't live closer to you. I would have brought you a good casserole or soup. I've had back spasms; they are no fun.
Brenda I am so sorry you have been in pain and out of action. My Mum had back spasms and I saw how that was for her... she was put in hospital.
As awful as sickness is it is like the people I know who have been through the cyclone last week. You very fast find out anything you havent got in your home that you need and the gaps in your preparedness!
You are going to have to take it easy and be very careful (and not lift anything) but then gradually build up super easy ready meals for these times. I need to do that too! Get well soon! Love and prayers. Annabel.xxx
Feel better Brenda. Bess
Brenda, I pray you will heal up quickly. Having prepared meals in the freezer can be such a blessing when one is tired or sick. I had a giggle in the about comment about Annabel's figs. Don't you have figs in the US?
So sorry to hear you are in pain, Brenda, and praying for a rapid recovery.
I hope you will soon feel well enough to correct that error in you preparedness plan. I'm sorry, frozen food in the post would not make for a good alternative or I'd have some comfort stew winging its way...!
Thank you for the links! My computer crashed recently and I lost all of my bookmarks, including "A Working Pantry". So good to have it back again.
I am very thankful for this post. I had back spasms that sent me to bed for a day last summer because of too much work in the garden. I have other physical issues going on, too. I never thought about 'that' aspect of my pantry but because of your post... I'm thinking about it now. Thank you!
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