Friday, October 31, 2014

Chatting about all kinds of things

Three-fourths of the files here are for scrapbook journaling.
I wasn't able to put together a My World this Week post due to a combination of no computer access when I finally could sit down to write.  Not to mention with these shorter hours of daylight, I am not very creative in the evenings.  Now we must go through that time of the year I dread... our clocks "falling back"!  For a few weeks or so, I found myself nodding off after the dinner dishes have been washed.

But on the bright side, it is now that time of year I love being back in the kitchen.  There was one afternoon earlier this week that the "cozy kitchen time" feeling struck in a big way.  Although the temperature was nearly eighty (the big cold front was coming through at that time), the blustery winds and lead colored sky already felt like November.

Yesterday I simmered a whole chicken with onions and celery for soup, the broth is finished and waiting in the big Lodge dutch oven in the refrigerator to be made into chicken noodle or chicken veggie soup this weekend.  The white meat will be used for a casserole later.  Tonight's menu will be oven stew.  The season has indeed changed.

This afternoon I plan on some scrapbook journaling, this time the page will look more like what I usually create.  I have years and years worth of magazine pages cut out and ready to use.

Not too long after we moved to this house at the edge of the forest, I took a few dozen magazines that I had been saving (and an X-Acto knife) and started cutting out pages that had images I wanted to file.  I worked sitting on the family room floor while watching TV for a few days in a row to create the first files.

Sitting on the floor is not a problem.  Getting up again is another thing entirely.  ;)

Then this past year, I did the same thing with another couple dozen magazines I had put back just for this purpose.  I added new file folders this time to those already created years earlier and then spent another long session filing away those magazine pages.

Remind me to begin a new practice of removing magazine pages before letting them stack up so high!  But they are now all ready for a new season of journaling.  I will, when possible, write a post all about them.

I also want to send out a big thank you to everyone who has been entering their Amazon shopping through either the widget on the side bar or by following a link (all links with a * next to them are associate links).

I receive a very small percentage of the purchase and it doesn't cost you any extra at all.  Just the time to come to Coffee Tea Books & Me and click on any item in the Amazon Widget.  You do not have to purchase the item you click on, it is just like opening the door to the store.  You don't have to come back again, it works for your entire purchase.  You only have to enter through the widget again when you begin a new shopping session.

It is such a blessing to see the credit build up!  It even counts when you are purchasing a very inexpensive third party item or e-book as it may not be worth any money but it counts as a purchase.  The more purchases, the higher the percentage. 

I know in these busy times, going to any blog with a widget takes more time but it is a way of blessing the work of the bloggers!  Thank you muchly.  I use the credit to purchase a book now and then or birthday-Christmas gifts for the family.  Not to mention items like a new heavy duty flashlight!

So now it is time to brew a small pot of tea and make my way to the Study.  Victoria is in her late morning sleep mode which means (hopefully) she will not try to "help" me when creating.  Have I mentioned I have my crochet yarn from a project I am starting now located on top of the refrigerator.  Yeah... guess who was responsible for that?

Added:  I found the above gingerbread men header in some old photo files.  It has always been one of my very favorite headers!  I think it is fine for November, don't you?


Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Brenda, I so enjoyed the visit with you today, catching a glimpse of what's going on in your world.

Wishing you a beautiful day...
Brenda L.

Anonymous said...

I do like the new header! It gives a cozy feeling. ; 0) Can't wait to see a journal page that you craft. Love your pics you share with us. Pam (SD)

My Cottage Diary said...

LOL, Brenda. I often crochet or knit with the yarn in my bureau drawer with the drawer pushed almost shut. Those kitties! Have a great weekend, Bess

Mama Squirrel said...

"Sitting on the floor is not a problem. Getting up again is another thing entirely. ;) "

With you on that one.

Nana said...

Hi Brenda;
I enjoyed your post today, it is perfect for such a cold and rainy day. Can you give the recipe for the chicken stew you will make? I can just imagine the wonderful smells coming from your kitchen! Have a wonderful day!! Love and Hugs, Nana

Mary said...

Enjoyed your post :). Sorry you're having mobility challenges. I don't know about your age, but I've been exposed to a whole new world of experiences since entering my 50's ;)

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I love a chatty post! I think they are so fun.


Deb J. in Utah said...

I will remember that you are an amazon associate as I do my Christmas shopping. Hope you had a Happy Halloween and that the coming week is good for you.

Judy said...

I enjoy 'chatty' too!

Vee said...

It does make a fine header! Hope that I can do something with mine before Christmas.

This has been just like having a cup of coffee with you and that is always a pleasant, relaxing thing to do. Have you an old teapot for your crocheting? That way, Victoria might not be tempted. On top of the fridge is such a long way away!

Karen Andreola said...

With the harvest in and the change of the season I'm motivated to get out the soup pot. I like to divide the soup into batches for the freezer. You are a good influence for this type of "putting by." Your soup sounds wholesome and savory.
The new header is a cute as pie.
Yes, the floor can be an obstacle. I wish I didn't have to agree.

Thickethouse.wordpress said...

I missed this yesterday and was very excited to find two posts to read today! I always love reading your blog posts! They always inspire me! You certainly know how to make your home a haven and your blog, too.

Scrappy quilter said...

Enjoyed your post sitting here drinking a cup of tea.