Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Home Behind the Sun, a review

I decided to review Home Behind the Sun: Connect With God in the Brilliance of the Everyday  by Timothy Willard and Jason Locy after reading a description of the book.  It was described as a book about finding the Beauty of God in the world we live in today.

I must admit being frustrated as I tried to peruse this book quickly as I do most nonfiction.  I like to scan all the chapters and then go back and read deeply those parts of the book that truly speak to me.

Finally it hit me (slow learner here!), I was frustrated for two reasons.  First, this is not a book written to be quickly read.  Second, I was finding something to ponder deeply in each chapter.  Once I realized these truths... my frustration left and I thoroughly enjoyed the book.

The authors remind us that there is suffering in the world, that darkness exists, and life can become at the very least frustrating.  But in it, through it, and beyond it... there is great Beauty to be found in life. 

Sometimes it is found in nature, at times in words, many times in music, often in our young children, in good food and fellowship with friends, and mostly in spending time with the Author of Beauty.

Here are some of the descriptions of just a handful of chapter titles:

  • Why God's Glory Should Affect Every Aspect of Our Lives
  • Seeing Others as God Sees Them
  • We Can't See God Through the Clouded Eyes of Cynicism
  • Fighting to Stay Surrendered to God
  • How Contentment and Thankfulness Help Us Defeat Affliction and Find Peace with God Glorifying God in All We do: Through Play, Imagination, Leisure, and Vocation
  • We are Brilliance Makers and Shadow Chasers

Now that I have read through the book once, it is going to live with my stack of devotional type books.  For I want to slowly reread it, one chapter at a time... perhaps just one chapter a week... and drink in its' beauty and wisdom.

There is a section after the last chapter of the book that offers very good discussion points for each chapter, making this book excellent for book clubs and small groups.

This book was provided by Thomas Nelson publishers for review but the opinions are my own.


Vee said...

It sounds pretty intense. I am certain that as you digest it more, we will hear from you again about it. (That might spare this lazy reader from having to read it. = D ) Light reading is about my limit these days.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

I would already be drawn in by the book's title.

Enjoyed your review and now I'll have to keep an eye out for it.

My usual wont is to read through quickly on the first go around, and then take the second time more deeply I like knowing what's coming instead of waiting for it.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

That sounds good.

Thanks for the review!
