Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Cabin fever to the max...

The weather has kept me home bound now for awhile.  Other than cooking, cleaning, and laundry... not much has been going on.

I've decided the extreme cold and snowy winter has brought about a state of hibernation.  You know it has been very cold when your husband decides to wear his light jacket to run errands because the temperature has made it into the 20s.

I fell asleep before the second half of Sherlock Sunday night and I couldn't stay awake long enough to watch an episode of Last of the Summer Wine last night (which is only shown once in awhile and quite late). 

Instead of waking up around 7:30 as normal this morning, the numbers on the clock showed an unbelievable 9:00... and I had a guest coming over at 11:00!  Such slothfulness...

Hmmm... perhaps these are all signs of Cabin Fever

At least my neighbor's red barn still makes me smile so there is some life left, ready for the first big thaw to come along.  :)


suzanne said...

how nice to have that beautiful red barn to gaze upon thru all the snow. it would make me forget (for a skinny minute) all the cold. perhaps the bears have the right idea. happy hibernation!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

It's so easy to feel sleepy in this weather!

Keep warm and comfy!


terricheney said...

We rarely have cold, sleet, or snow in southwest Georgia, perhaps once every three to four years...but I can tell you sincerely that both yesterday and today I've had a nap and frankly would happily go to bed now at not quite 5:30p! lol I am sure it's weather related despite the curtains being wide open to let in all the light we can and the rare beauty of a snowy yard.

Vee said...

Oh you needed your delightful to sleep until nine and not a bit slothful! I feel that I am in hibernation mode until 3 every afternoon. Yee haw!

ellen b. said...

I say...go with the flow. When the weather gives you hibernation...hibernate!

Angela said...

I have a 1950s National Geographic magazine with an article about the Laplanders above the Arctic Circle. In the winter they slept 14-15 hours a night, in the summer only about 4. I think if it weren't for electricity we might all do the same. Hibernation sounds pretty good to me!

Patsy said...

I feel the same, it is just to cold.

Isabel said...

I'm glad that splash of red brings a smile to your face! Can imagine the rushing around to get ready for your guests at 11h00 - at least that warmed you up a little?

Front Porch Grace said...

Dear Brenda,

Hello! We experienced a 2013 that took us by storm. Your blog is, and always will be, a favorite of mine. I think of you as a long-distance, dear friend. I often share with my family your weather experiences (because it's neat to know what's happening in a world other than your own and with the crazy weather all over the place, it's interesting to hear how it is affecting folks in other states).

Because of our crazy, crazy year, I didn't get to read your blog from February through late December of 2013. I saved my blog-reading time for the end of the year after things quieted down and let me tell you, I had the most wonderful time reading your posts. I savored them for about three weeks and only this weekend past did I catch-up.
I have almost cried with you, oohed and ahhed over your thrifty finds and your decorating tweaks, and rejoiced when your daughter and her family came to visit (I am also a grandmother, I know how precious it is to get time with the Grands), felt as if I was gardening with you here in the middle of winter (which really had me mentally planning our own space coming this spring), thrilled over all things British, tea and books with you, and found myself praying over much of the wisdom you shared during "our" Sunday afternoon teas.
Oh and the pantry posts? I have shared much with my husband as we are also on a very tight budget, yet feel the urge to stay ready for anything.
I have actually shared many cups of coffee and tea with you the past few weeks.
I just want to thank you for sharing a bit of your life with us all. You are a real kindred spirit, though we have never met, I feel as if you are one of my dearest friends.
I have also enjoyed getting acquainted with Mrs. Rabe at Creekside Cottage, Vee in her Haven, and Heather's Blackberry rambles, and of course your daughter's lovely lists and delicious recipes.
I have been praying for your health and will continue.
May God keep you in his loving care and tight embrace.
Grasped by Grace, and blessed by your posts,

Nana said...

Hi Brenda;
I am also hibernating with you! It was 30 below 0 one day this week, and kids had no school for 3 days this week due to cold. A good time to stay home and catch up on some crafts. However, I landed up in the hospital (again!) with pneumonia hopefully to go home today or tomorrow. Stay warm my friend. Love and Hugs Nana