Thursday, September 05, 2013

My World this Week

Of course you can mix primitive pretties with fine china.  :)
Can you tell the days are getting shorter?  I certainly can here.  We have had a couple days respite from a late season heat wave but it is returning.  September is the equivalent of March in my annual calendar... unpredictable.

However, due to the shorter days and the angle of the late summer sunlight, the air conditioner has not been on as much.  The forest is shading us.  Thank you trees. 

A very sweet friend gave me the One Thousand Gifts Devotional for a gift.  I've been reading it off and on as a regular book.

Also in the stack, vintage Victoria magazines, the latest Tea Time magazine, and a print out of the L'abri Newsletter where Susan Schaeffer Macaulay writes a beautiful tribute to her mother (and father).

Can you tell this is where I park myself when resting lately? 

I love this old romantic comedy, it has long been a favorite.  One of those movies that would be made oh so differently in today's culture.

Cozi-TV (a digital channel the antennae picks up) showed it a few times during the summer.

Seasonal Tweaking
I do like symmetry, which is why I bought two of those Churchill plates a few years ago!
In my home, September 1st is the beginning of autumn decorating.  Thus, the changes to the hutch and the sideboard.  Not sure the chrysanthemum teacups will stay there...

More autumnal decorating will make its' way into my home as the weeks go by.

Garden's end...
The intense heat and drought of late summer did not treat the garden kindly.  Especially after such a cool and wet late spring-early summer.

But the cherry tomatoes certainly liked it, as did most of the herbs.  The mint is fried but it is at its' best in spring, anyway.  The lovage didn't like the change, either.
Sunlight on tomatoes...
There were so many small tomatoes, I picked them and let them ripen on a windowsill in my Study.  Those are not cherry tomatoes, they are regular tomatoes which stopped growing in the heat.

By the way, I love how this old 1960s house was made.  It is "just" a simple ranch style but the builder put these beautiful "high end" marble windowsills in every window.

Her Fluffiness
I was watching the TV in the family room when Victoria jumped up on the coffee table and took her afternoon nap.

Speaking of the coffee table, this was one of the first pieces of furniture we bought in the early years of marriage.  It used to have stained glass on each side but that was broken long ago.  You can just barely see where it is marked up on the edges.  That is where both of my children teethed, I couldn't bare to ever refinish it.


Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Very nice world you have Brenda!

I like to begin seasonal tweaking in September also. I start with just a little and add as we go along toward October. I saw a roadside stand with Pumpkins already!

We're going to check the carrots and onions, and pick the Indian corn, then plow the garden under, and amend the soil. Hoping next years garden is better.


Vee said...

From one tomato lined windowsill to another... September has its delights and cherry tomatoes are some. They are especially sweet this year. Many of our "regular" tomatoes are small as are yours. I don't know if it was heat or excessive rain.

Mentioning the latest L'abri newsletter sent me looking for it. What a lovely read. Loved so much about it, but in particular Mrs. Schaeffer's response to who the most remarkable Christian woman might be. Fabulous!

Have not done a lick of decorating and now, seeing your autumnal changes, I think I should putter at that today. Thank you for the inspiration....

sherry said...

***love*** that hawkeye picnic basket!!! would go great with my vintage trailer staging. wink.

i'm adding bits of autumn to my home now as well. i'm a less is more kinda gal but there's a definite change in the accessories. :)

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Enjoyed my visit, Brenda. Loved seeing Her Fluffiness on the coffee table. Kitties do have a million spots for snoozes.

Have been enjoying the slant of the sun as it rises and sets... one of the reasons for this favourite time of year.

Wishing you a delightful day...

Anonymous said...

Love the tweaking. Very crisp and cleaning looking--like the symmetry. I love fall and the beautiful fall colors in clothing, home decor, just about anything. The days are definitely getting shorter here in Texas also.
Blessings, Sharon D.

mdoe37 said...

Very nice! I did a bit of tweaking myself....and put out the exact same pheasant plate! Couple of candle sticks on the antique trestle table with a burlap (by the yard!) runner.

Angela said...

My favorite is your coffee table with the teeth marks. We had a large picture window in the house I grew up in, and all along the ledge were teeth marks from my siblings and me. We could tell whose was whose by their shapes:)

Anonymous said...

That's what I like about older houses. They have more interesting features like the windowsills,nooks, moldings etc. New houses these days are so featureless they're boring.

Sweet dreams Victoria. Cats look so cute when they're curled up with paw over nose.

Heather said...

Brenda, I always love these posts. I love to see what you are reading. We have recently moved to Delaware and the signs of autumn are starting to abound. I have enjoyed the recent issue of Tea Time Magazine and have thought about you as i have looked at it. :-)

Love, Heather P. said...

Love the primitives with the china, so fresh looking!

Anonymous said...

I love how you have arranged everything, particularly on the sideboard. We had another 100 degree day here in Texas and I am despairing, it doesn't seem like fall and cool weather will ever come---a peek in your home was truly a breath of fresh, cool air! As Always, thanks for sharing!
Nancy in Austin

Raquel said...

Brenda: It is always a good idea to store your tomatoes stem-side down. They keep longer that way!

Judy said...

It's reassuring to come to "My world this week" when life is tumultuous. Thank you, as always, for sharing.
God bless.

Anonymous said...

Lovely post! While looking at your picture of the tomato soldiers all lined up on the sill, I did a double take...I have those very grey feathered marble sills in all of my cottage windows! love them...will never rot. And, living in the deep, humid South that can be a great blessing! All of our door frames are metal, too! Have a lovely Fall weekend!

~ Cottage Dweller

Anonymous said...

Lovely post! While I was looking at the tomato soldiers lined up on the window sill, I did a double take...we have those same grey feathered marble sills...I love them! Living in the deep, humid South, they are a blessing. We also have metal door sagging doors. Have a lovely Autumn weekend!

~ Cozy Cottage Dweller