Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Her bent is cooking and baking

Elisabeth's pear tart, part of the meal she made at camp.

We are experiencing another lovely day here.  The nausea is no longer in the forefront (just the slightest queasiness felt today).  I'm hoping to tie my tennies on and mosey out to the garden.

While the veggies and nasturtiums all fried, I let most of the flowers remain and they have flourished with recent rains.

We've realized this summer how precious rain is for the sustenance of life.  Hubby and I were shocked at the damage done to the area with only a short drought.  While we have had rain, the drought exists so we continue to pray for soaking rains without flooding.

I was planning to put together lentil soup for dinner.  However, I decided at the last minute to assemble it while making something else for dinner and let it sit overnight to become even better tomorrow.

I may feel well enough then to add homemade bread... which is ridiculously simple when one lets the bread machine mix the dough and then simply roll it and mold it to fit the loaf pan and popping that in the oven after a second nap (the dough, not me).

As I wrote a friend recently, the cooler air lures me back to the kitchen after a very hot summer.  I even made oatmeal this morning with walnuts and flax seeds for a nutrition boost.  :)

Speaking of food... Isn't that a lovely picture of a pear tart above (even if it was taken with my daughter's phone?).  That... my friends... was made by my ten year older granddaughter.  She is in culinary camp this week, one teaching the girls French cuisine.  She brings home her homework!

Stephanie and The World's Best Son-in-Law try to encourage each child's "bent" as they are growing.  David attended a computer camp and Elisabeth's interest leans toward cooking and baking.  She has been receiving cookbooks for her birthday and Christmas from Grammie for years already. 

While I believe anyone can learn to cook, there are those of us whose God given bent helps us to love chopping and stirring and mixing and assembling until we put together something delicious.

Just as my son can think in computer code, hubby and son-in-law think in numbers, and friends can make the most gorgeous clothing... my daughter and I can taste something at a restaurant and pretty much figure out how to make it at home (I hope the servers at the French Bistro didn't mind).

So... how much fun is it to see the next generation come along with their own unique gifting?   Such a nice thing to know the family will eat well and have tech support for many more years.


Vee said...

Oh my...I'm so impressed that a ten-year-old made that beautiful creation. Wow!

How wise of your daughter and son-in-law to encourage each one with the things that she or he is interested in.

Glad to read that you are feeling more like yourself. May every day find you doing better. Don't do it all in one day, though.

Judy said...

This just brought back a very happy memory from over 20 years ago when I spent 4 wonderful days in Paris - my companion whose bent was/is cooking and baking spent those days doing a pastry course at the Cordon Bleu cookery school while I wandered the museums and small textile stores in the city. The highlight of each day was sharing the creation of the day with the staff in the small hotel where we stayed - I think they were very sad to see us go!

How lovely for you that your grand-daughter shares your passion. It will make for wonderful conversations over the phone, and delicious eating when you get together.

Glad to hear you are feeling a bit better.

Anonymous said...

It is a rare 10 yr old who could make something look that good!! How lovely!!

Glad you are better!!
Elizabeth in NC

Thickethouse.wordpress said...

That pear tart looks just elegant, and yummy too. I hope everyday finds you a bit better, Brenda, and you get the rain you need. We've had some rain every day, fairly heavy but not the sort that results in it all running down into the road. And it's still cooler here which is a BIG blessing!

Terra said...

Elisabeth has talent in the kitchen and the tart looks delicious. Computer skills and baking, your family has it covered.

Front Porch Grace said...

I remember the day that I sat with my bible, concordance, and dictionary, and took Proverbs 22:6 and learning that the root word of the word way actually means bent.

It opened doors and thoughts and journeys I would have never imagined. It revolutionized our homeschool journey. I will be forever grateful to God for opening his word for me to understand.

I understand your daughter and son-in-law's mission to cater to their children's "bend". It would seem the French cuisine camp is going magnificently well judging by the picture of your granddaughter's pear tart. Trรจs bien!

I am going to find me a lentil soup recipe now. (The power of suggestion.) Also, I love to hear of other cooks who use their bread machines as their mixers only. Not all of my recipes will fit in mine, but I am thankful for it and those few that don't are recipes for special occasions and I actually enjoy being in dough up to my elbows. =o)

Much blessed to hear that you are feeling better.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I love that they let the kids explore their interests and use it as a part of their education!

That tart looks wonderful....


Heather L. said...

I hope you are continuing to mend! I'm so sorry you haven't been well. It must be some amazing cooking camp Elizabeth is attending! I can't get over the stuff she is bringing home! Makes me hungry.....