Friday, August 17, 2012
A little show and tell
In spite of a gorgeous day outside, I'm hunkering down with a book and perhaps a DVD for most of the day. Yesterday was my regular three month doctor's visit and ironically I woke up feeling horrible... so much so that I almost didn't make the appointment.
It turns out I have a mild case of the flu that has been going around and (as I suspected) the upper respiratory infection which caused all the ear trouble is still hanging on, even though the ear is much better. Soooo... another round of powerful antibiotics and a prescription for Clariton.
It's hard to stay still as I am not horribly sick, just "under the weather". To give me something interesting to do, I thought I'd share some closeups from My Room.
The first picture, though, was taken in the Family Room where Her Highness found the basket I had lined to hold yarn. Sheesh...
Many people have commented about the vintage sewing machine. It belonged to my mother-in-law's mother.
It was not repairable even when hubby's mom was alive so I didn't feel bad cutting it out of its' original cabinet and using it as Sculpture long ago. :)
Every Christmas my hubby gives me a gift certificate to my favorite shop that sells Primitive Country items.
For the past few years, I have used my gift to purchase another print by John Rossini. They are so reasonably priced for good quality artwork. I know Vee likes this artist, too. :)
There was a real Eureka moment when we lived in Iowa that transformed my decorating. I attended a meeting in a house where I immediately felt at home as it was so warm and cozy.
As I looked around, I realized it was the woman's use of artwork as well as accessories that created that lovely atmosphere. After visiting that house, artwork was often my wish for birthday and Christmas gifts. The best place to find it cheap is Goodwill!
I have a hatbox full of pretty cards from bloggy friends as well as having a couple pinned to my kitchen bulletin board. But the bulletin board in My Room is mostly dedicated to bloggy gifts and cards.
With just a few exceptions like family pictures, the seed package which was from my dear friend BB many years ago (it reminds me of her and her Texas home), and the card shown above with the woman at her desk.
My family says that is me because she has her regular glasses on her head and her reading glasses on her nose (my daughter asked me to make certain I didn't have my glasses on top of my head for the wedding pics), stacks of paper and books, a teapot and tea snacks, and a kitty. I refrain from comment...
Anyhoo, I thought I'd do a little show and tell today as I have to sit still for twenty-four hours. Sigh...
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Oh dear. Well I am so glad that the not feeling well coincided so nicely with the doctor's appointment. Sooo, should you find yourself needing some time away, take advantage of the videos I mentioned today. I'm telling you, I could sit here all day watching one after another.
Enjoy your rest time and your reading time. Hope that a sweet, refreshing nap finds you, too.
Oh my, yes, I do like that artist...a lot!
Hope you feel better soon.
Trust a cat to claim any comfortable spot they find.
I like that last photo of the woman with the cluttered desk; I wish I had a huge desk to clutter up! I hope you are all well today.
It was so thoughtful of you to pick a lining for the basket that just matched Victoria's lovely eyes! ;->
Enjoy your quiet day as I enjoyed your pictures of your pictures. And may you be feeling really well very soon!
ps. I think the sewing machine I use (from my mother) is just like your mil's. I sometimes look at these modern fabulous machines, but realize all I want to do, mostly, is straight stitch....Luckily we have a place nearby which can work on my machine when I need them to.
I have had a sinus issue and now terrible sore throat and stuffy ears.
Went to the Doctor today to find that I have a virus and just get to wait it out...
I am glad you are feeling better, but do remember to rest. That is hard for me - I'm off to check out Vee's video link!
By the time I get to see my doctor I often feel well and don't want to go. So you had a very lucky coincidence with your appointment!
Love that artist and that artwork! My Goodwill is unfortunately getting crazy expensive for art. Even if it's in a cheap frame! I just can't figure out their pricing system but it's almost on par with just going to TJX and buying something new!
Hope you feel better soon!
And, the kitty in on the desk even looks a bit like...The Queen! Cheers from Dallas! Denise
Hi Brenda;
I am so sorry to hear your under the weather! Rest is the best thing to do, also the hardest. I love Miss Victoria, your sewing machine (as usual) and pictures. It gives me the incentive to look into my frames and pictures I have been saving for the longest time. Hope your feeling better soon!! Love and Hugs, Nana.
Love the Rossini prints. has a large selection of them at reasonable prices.
Summer colds are extra not fun :0(. Hope you feel better. I LOVE your home...makes me want to sit and have tea! The idea of using the vintage sewing machine as decor is fabulous! My Gramma recently passed away at 91! I have her old machine in a table my Grandfather built for her. I LOVE it so much, but the table needs a lot of fixing. I think I may take the machine out and put it on display as you did! A fine idea indeed!
Enjoy a hot cup of tea and a good movie! Hello Dolly or The Road to Avonlea are mt "sick go-to's"!!
Must be the season for illness. I'm fighting yet another sinus infection and now ear infection also. Two weeks of antibiotics for me and lots and lots of yogurt! ;) I understand how hard it is to sit still and rest...I am supposed to be doing that too but I think I am failing along those lines. Sigh...too much to do and too many obligations to fulfill. Hope you get to feeling better soon!
Hope you're fully recovered soon. Love the photo tour. :)
I love your room! My grandma had a machine similar to that and she made all her quilts and things on it. She died about 18 years ago...she was almost 100.
I hope you feel better soon! I'm having some trouble too...I think allergies are the problems. I KNOW I'm allergic to my kitties...I just don't know what to do about it!
Enjoy this lovely weather for now...if you can get out!
He is happiest, be he king or peasant, who finds peace in his home.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Beautiful sanctuary.
PS Prayers for healing lifted up...
Increased health to you.
I had a just such a "moment" as you described when you entered a homey house. When a young lady, I stepped inside an historical homestead. Years later, corners of my house reflect the "Colonial" feel of that little New Jersey house, I visited decades ago (that George Washington slept in). But we have, by far, too much 21st century stuff to match a living space of such authenticity. Your handsome "sculpture" of the sewing machine shows me that there are ways we can mingle worlds.
Karen A.
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