I guess it is human nature that we enjoy having something to inspire us and something for which we can look forward. Mine must be easy and cost little or nothing... and most likely reflect more solitude than a home with lots of children. ;)
Here are my current ten Puttery Treat rewards...
The first which came to my mind was my Friday night ritual when (most of the time), PBS is showing a few episodes of my favorite British comedy.
While I also enjoy Masterpiece Theater once in awhile on the weekend, Friday nights are when I need to bring my pillow to the sofa... place some snacks on the coffee table... perhaps brew a little pot of tea... and enjoy.
I think of Friday nights during the week when there is more to do than I have resources to accomplish... mental, physical, financial, emotional, or all of the above.
The second would be when I pop a favorite movie in the DVD player, one I've seen over and over... along with a stack of eye candy magazines (I keep my favorites forever!), and pop some popcorn. The popcorn I share with hubby but not the sofa.
A definite third reward type treat is to bake chocolate chip cookies and allow myself to eat three or four after a meal and with a glass of milk. Yes, I can do this by taking extra insulin and being very careful what I have for the meal... but not very often, of course.
I think the fourth would be a kind of preliminary reward in the summer for it is taking my Bible and favorite inspirational reading out to the deck with my first cup of coffee in the morning (and my second, and perhaps a third if necessary). It has to be in the early morning before the heat sets in but what a wonderful way to start a day.
On those rare cool rainy days this year, the fifth would be to tie a favorite apron around my waist and cook something or bake something or assemble something... delicious. Perhaps after perusing some favorite cookbooks for inspiration.
The sixth is possible when I have a little extra money in my pocketbook, when I can spend an hour or so looking through my favorite thrift stores or antique mall for inexpensive treasure... or head to the farmer's market on Saturday morning.
The seventh reward treat may be perusing my scrapbook journal and without condemnation to myself that I haven't worked on it for awhile (although mine does have the garden notes in it this year). Sometimes I get inspired to add to it... other times I just enjoy.
Hmmm... what can be number eight? I would say rereading a favorite old book, even if I have a stack of other books to read. It is like getting a warm hug from an old friend.
Speaking of friends... number nine would be meeting a friend or family member for coffee. That doesn't happen often but when it does, I thoroughly enjoy the time we have together.
My number ten summertime "reward for work completed" treat is to click on Google Reader and read through blogs I haven't read for awhile. Sometimes I will just peruse decorating blogs as one would read Victoria or British Country Living.
There is probably more than ten but these are what popped into my thinking at first. I am certain if asked a year from now, some items would remain and others would have changed.
I'd be interested to know what you reward yourself with for a job well done. :)
Picture: Afternoon Light by Susan Rios
We get up very early in the morning, so by 9:00 am. I reward myself with a second cup of coffee, oatcakes with cheese and a little time listening to my favorite talk radio program.
My number one reward each and every day is catching up with my blogging buddies. I feel as if I know you all, you know? Well, it's like having a cup of coffee with dear friends. I've had many with you!
Oh, fun!
I've never thought about it!
I guess I reward myself with reading blogs, and checking Facebook. Buying a coke at Sonic during their Happy Hour (half price!), reading a good book even if I have read it before...oh and magazines which are a treat.
I love this! My favorites were numbers 4,6,7 & 9. I live where it's cooler, so I love to sit out on our deck and browse my favorite magazines or hop on the Internet and read your blog! That's always a special treat! I just recently discovered you and loved your postings about scrapbook journaling. I only recently began one and found your info very inspiring! Thanks!
God Bless!
~ Laura C. in the Pacific Northwest
P.S. Have you read Gladys Taber's books? They're soothing and interesting about country life when life was slower-paced.
I love your list, and I'm inspired to create my own....thank you! Many of your "rewards" are also my own, and I guess one I would add is to walk my flower beds very early each morning....pulling a weed, snipping a bloom, watering the baskets, etc. A wonderful way to enjoy the freshness of each day, walking while pondering God thoughts!
Laura C. needs to check out your post of Cozy Books and Films! We love Gladys Taber.
Friend Debra
I feel like the things that bring me the most joy are so simple -- no wonder we are friends -- we enjoy so many of the same things.
What a kindred spirit you are, Brenda. Early mornings outside with the Bible and my journal and a heart full of prayers are so life-stirring, so necessary. (This last heat-wave preempted the outdoor location. *sighs*)
Your whole list is so close to my own.
I pray that you will find many more moments to enjoy your Puttery Treats.
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