Monday, March 26, 2012

Doing a little bloggy redecorating

My apologies to those who read my blog actually at my blog site.  You may have gotten a headache with all my changes but I've been doing a little painting, moving furniture around, and creating new windows headers.

I loved the zinnia background I came up with this morning but when my hubby saw it, he said it didn't make any sense.  This is not a gardening blog.  Where is the coffee or the tea or even the books?

Hmmm... for once the engineer has a good point.  Even if zinnias are among my favorite flowers.  I didn't argue as the header looked a little fuzzy and I was thinking of tweaking it, anyway.

So, I played a little more and came up with the above.  I have new respect for blog designers.  It has taken me hours of work to come up with the headers but I'm learning at the same time I am doing (as with everything I've learned about computers).

After a very long day of a little garden prepping, a little silver polishing (can't wait to share that), a little cooking and cleaning and dish washing, and getting up early for a doctor's appointment... I'm off for a needed rest. 

Well, after doing even more dishes.  I think they reproduce by themselves in the sink when I have my back turned.


Anonymous said...

WOW, you need a rest girl!! Sounds like MORE than a full day!! Nice header...I like it.
Elizabeth in NC

Angela said...

Your new look is great (although I LOVED those zinnias). I'm one of those people who almost never rearranges the furniture :), but I admire your fortitude at learning new things, and I may be inspired to so myself.

Vee said...

Oh I meant to tell you how beautiful the zinnias were and forgot. Yes, sometimes I am jealous of the headers that the designers do...I'm sure that there is a lot to it. (I love the ones that have lots of windows and there's a different room featured in each one.) PW's is nice...all those lush flowers and a slightly different one on each page. I like this header, too. It has coffee, tea, books and are you saying that you're Pebbles? ☺

Kim said...

I like your new look. I actually prefer a site that is more streamlined. It's easier to see what you want to see. I didn't see the zinnias, but I love your new header. The Pebble's pic is adorable!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I haven't seen Pebbles in years!

I didn't see the zinnias, but this is a nice clean for spring look....

It's fun to change things up once in a while!

Deanna said...

The header does look nice and your page is very bright and clean looking. I've been thinking about you and your preparations for the upcoming wedding. Have you seen this helpful tip for cleaning out icing bags?(I know you're practicing on icing techniques). It started from the Dollar Store Craft blog and she credits Karen's Here is the video:
Keep up the good work on your blog.

Anonymous said...

Loved the zinnias yesterday. Love the new look today. Change is good sometimes (not always, but sometimes). You are very computer savvy. Have a great day!
Blessings, Sharon D.

Thoughts for the day said...

I like the new look, it is nice.

terricheney said...

Chuckles here over your husband having input...My husband helped me determine the new name for my blog a few months ago. Isn't it good to have them involved?

Front Porch Grace said...

The new design is nice. I love the font. Pebbles Tea Party is too cute!

I love to rearrange things.