Early morning sun through lace curtains... |
I was going around the house with my camera recently and came up with these "scenes". :)
Our bedroom was a little girl's room before we moved in and the shelves held stuffed animals instead of teapots. :) |
I have kept the same items on the shelf over my bed since moving in years ago. They still can make me smile.
I spend a lot of time looking out this window. :) |
The bird on the windowsill was a recent 99 cent purchase while thrifting. Hubby rolled his eyes when he saw it but it makes me happy.
A corner of the family room... |
I just added the cross stitch underneath the long needlework item on the left and I love it. Since we lived here, there were two holes in the wall there and now they are covered beautifully.
That same cross stitch has been in numerous rooms and houses but I can see it permanently staying there. All of the cross stitch pictures shown here were purchased at thrift stores or garage sales.
It is hard to tell but the walls are paneling which has been painted (by the previous owners) the same creamy butter yellow color as the kitchen cabinets.
The ladder is part of the scenery until all the trees have been pruned... |
Here is what the front porch looks like (I haven't done a thing to the deck this year, deciding to spend money on the garden and the front porch flowers instead).
Lovely scenes from a very cozy home. Your bedroom is so restful and uncluttered. (Mine is a trip hazard these days.) I like your cheerful little bird on the windowsill! Sometimes hubbies just don't get it.
LOVELY...all of it! I like the idea of the shelf above the window in the bedroom...very classy.
Thanks for sharing.
Blessings, Elizabeth in NC
You have a very nice place! so cozy!
I love your shelf in your bedroom! So wonderful and of course the teapots!
I have a wire rack just like the one you have where you have your cross stitch. I painted mine red last year and moved it out to the deck. It holds potting stuff. I love using it and have had it in many different rooms in my house!
Thanks for showing us your lovely home!
Lovely to look at... feel the peace and settled comfort.
Like Vee, I like the birdie on the windowsill!
You have a lovely home! :)
Love it all! (And the little bird makes me happy, too.) :) Thanks for sharing your pretty home with us....Debra
Delightful pictures.......I really like the cheerful little bird! And the Home Sweet Home pillow on your bed.
Everything is lovely and cozy!
I love your 99 cent bird! It makes me happy, too! Thanks for sharing. :)
I like your bird! Those are all lovely scenes. You bedroom looks so serene.
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