Actually, this should be titled "Books not read in April" for it was not a good month for reading. I'm not certain just what it was about the month but the books stacked on my living room coffeetable... for the most part... developed a layer of dust as they lay in their untouched slumber.
I decided to set aside Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy
I read Organized Simplicity
I can't believe how inexpensive the price is for this hardback (spiral bound on the inside) book. It is packed with so much information. It's a wonderful book for someone just setting up housekeeping as well as ummm... more mature homemakers like moi'.
I had only two complaints about the book and both of them were most likely a generational disagreement (Tsh being a young wife and mother) and neither distracting from the book's value.
First, she seems to indicate (and I could have just read this into the chapter) that one is not organized if they have what she calls "clutter" on their kitchen counters. As I've mentioned before, I prefer all my stuff out where I can see it for convenience and because they make my heart sing... and I'm a very organized person.
Second, she gives advice that if one has not used their wedding china (as well as other wedding gifts) to sell them. It was my own experience that I didn't use my wedding china very much when I was young but it was pulled out and used a lot as our family got older and had more celebration and holiday meals at the dinner table.
I did get rid of an awful lot of wedding gifts thinking I'd never use them and I regretted it later. Sometimes wisdom comes when looking back instead of forward. It was well worth moving that china from place to place over the years as well as our inherited china from my husband's mother.
I'm reading Calm My Anxious Heart
Wanting to "read something" but not in the mood for deep reading at the moment, I skimmed my bookshelf for a volume to reread and came upon a favorite old book called I Love Books; A Guide Through Bookland. (This book is available used in many links to Amazon.)
I LOVE this old book and actually own two copies. The first was found at a library sale long ago and although I picked it up to peruse because of the title, I ended up buying it when I saw the original owner's signature on the inside flyleaf showed someone with my maiden name (which is not common).
When I brought it home and started reading it, I was immediately taken with Mr. Snider's writing for this book is not a list of books to read as one would think. It is all about "Booklove" (as he calls it)... the wonder of books, how they change our life as well as make us who we are, finding time to read, deciding what to read, etc.
Another aspect of this book which I noticed again as I was rereading it was how it opens the eyes of the person born after 1950 as to what society was like in the early part of the century (and talks about how it had changed since he was young!). For Mr. Snider talks about the importance of the Bible and devotional books to develop one's character and as one reads about the world in which he lived, it is apparent it is very different then what even I grew up in.
A few years ago I came across a much fatter edition of this book, which was written a little over a decade later (this one in the mid-50's). This is the edition which I reread in April but I continue to have the slender volume on my shelves, just in case it was owned by a family member whom I never knew. This book is absolutely delicious for any bibliophile who loves old books!
Thank you again for entering Amazon through the blog's widget. This month I used it to purchase grandchildren birthday gifts (we're in a few months with many birthdays) that I couldn't have afforded otherwise. Consider yourself hugged. :)
Picture: A Good Book;
I've always loved how you tell us the books you've read each month and your descriptions of them. Mind if I copy your idea in my own blog? Thanks for sharing...Debra
Enjoyed reading your comments on the various books. Always interesting to find that treasure of a book that you've never heard of. Off to Amazon to check out some of the titles!
Thanks for sharing :-)
I just snagged a copy of _I Love Books_ on Paperback Swap. There's another listed if anyone is interested. Thanks for the recommendation!
I Love Books A Guide Through Bookland sounds wonderful, thanks for sharing! I'm going to check it out, see if I can find a copy.
Dear Brenda,
I have wanted to read Bonhoeffer's book for awhile. Today while in the car Focus on the Family did a story on him. I wanted to let you know I got to meet your lovely daughter this weekend at the home school conference. small world isn't it:-)
Do I have this right? The copy of I Love Books book that is fatter would have a copyright after the 1950s? I would like to order it but want the newer bigger one I guess if it contains more of his writings. I was just not sur how to tell which version I was asking for or how to tell them apart. Thank you for these new book selection ideas. On a completely different subject..sort of... way back you commented about a PBS series from a long time ago about a neighborhood and many of the people gardened. Odd ball people? I believe you said you saw that Netflix had it. I cannot remember the name of it anymore. British probably.Does this ring any bells? You said it used to be on PBS in the 70s? Maybe you owned a set. ? It sounded so interesting I thought I would like to watch it too. Sarah
What a wonderful review of Organized Simplicity. I read it back in January, and was convicted in a few areas that she addressed. It is hope to create a more organized, simple, and yet beautiful environment for our home. Easier said (or typed), than done!
We too got rid of quite a bit of our wedding gifts, but not the China. Each set was bought by so many of our dear friends, and family...and remains as a reminder of their blessing on our marriage. My goal has been to at least use the China once a month. I do try!
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