Already it is time to start dinner, which I should be doing instead of sitting in front of a computer. Actually, I have been staring into this screen for what seems like hours upon hours but was truly only measured in perhaps one sixty-minute period of time.
Since I have both textbook experience and know my way around Amazon, I offered to help my son order a few textbooks online. My eyes are now crossed and my head aches... I will be dreaming of ISBN numbers and Edition dates tonight but with him no longer receiving an employee discount from the bookstore... we have joined the growing number of students and parents who order used textbooks online.
Stephanie e-mailed me a brief note (which is all one can handle when keeping five children out of trouble) that it was Anne Morrow Lindbergh's daughter Anne whose books she had read and that her favorite of all of them was The People in Pineapple Place
Someone in comments had asked if I was Southern? Definitely in my DNA although my parents moved "Up North" before I was born. My mother is from Kentucky and my father originally from Southern Indiana... which, if you have ever been in that area, you will know is really Northern Kentucky. The river is in the wrong place.
There is a part of me that will always love Kentucky from my memories of visiting a great deal in younger years. Since I was raised by a Southern Woman, I must admit there are a lot of those tendencies there mixed in with my Midwestern roots.
Now my thoughts must turn toward the stove and sink... back to the hearth so to speak... as generations before me have done come evening.
Miles to go before I sleep. :)
Now I must go find out more about the Lindbergh children... (Supposedly, my great-great-great aunt testified at the kidnapping trial of the first little boy. I've never been able to find out for certain, but it's a "family story." Some of those haven't panned out as I've taken a closer look.)
Christopher has such a good mama. You do all that you can and then some, I know.
Thank you for telling your story on my post today. I was truly surprised to see how many have had close encounters with angry dogs. Yikes!
Einstein may have been right when he said that time is relative. The older I get, the faster it goes!! LOL
Well, I just ordered some used books from the youngest daughter via Amazon...GREAT prices and sound good. Now I need to go look at the other daughter, Anne...heehee.
I certainly hope your experiences with ordering over internet are better than ours were with our daughter a couple years ago. We tried a couple times and had to give up on that idea. DO REPORT here what happens...maybe noting such when you order (that you have a blog and will advertise the experience). That is my advice anyway! HA!
Blessings, Elizabeth
Now I have books by both daughters ordered from the library.
Life does keep on changing. To everything there is a season. I went out to lunch with two of my sils today (all of us over 60, one nearing 70) and we talked about this a lot.
I wonder if hotter weather inclines one to melancholy? Autumn should do that, but I always cheer up when it cools down and school gets underway, even when I'm not in school....(But I have a grandson beginning kindergarten.)
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