However, by mid-September I am ready... each year... each season. I need these indoor months to rest and read and ponder... not to mention the making of soups, stews, bread, and the occasional cookie.
I have a few pantry posts in the ponder process (try saying that three times quickly), a couple book reviews, and I've had e-mails from those hoping I will share what I'm studying. I'll be happy to as it all becomes clear enough to put pen to paper (or keyboard).
Today or tomorrow I'll print out all the book and media recommendations and get them assembled into one post. The last time it took about a week to sort through each comment and combine them into one larger list. Thank you for all the wonderful recommendations!
The "color" here at home is spectacular this year. I took the camera outside on Friday and wandered around the house, down the gravel lane, and stood on the county road (constantly looking behind me for cars) and clicked away.
Hubby was repairing and painting one of the fences while the temperature was nice. Both of us just had to get outside as the weatherman said we had only one day without rain in the short term forecast.
I'll write more this week about the conference and the rest of the trip. :)
Below is the tree in the front yard on Monday morning. It is even more colorful but you may notice how many leaves from the other trees are now on the ground! Good thing I got out with the camera when I did.
Beautiful pictures!
Beautiful colors!
It's so strange here in Texas. With all the rain we have been getting, breaking our drought Praise The Lord, everything is blooming and green. Green green everywhere. We haven't had grass all summer, just dirt. Almost like a sand box. Now we are breaking out our lawn mowers. Then we had an invasion of Butterflies and mosquitoes! And cooler temps. I have to keep convincing myself that it is fall and not Spring! And that Christmas is TWO months away! lol
Looking forward to your upcoming posts. Have a super blessed, cozy,comforting week!
Praying for you, :o)
Kelly Lynn in Texas
Autumn is my favorite season. We are enjoying the leaves and blue October sky, when it hasn't been raining!
I too am ready for a slower pace, and the chance to be cozy in our home.
Thanks for the lovely photos.
Absolutely beautiful!!
We recently drove across Iowa on our way west and were disappointed because there wasn't very much color. Apparently we were too early. Your pictures are lovely.
Hello dear Brenda. You live with such frugal luxury...judging from the photos you post of your views. I am missing the autumnal beauty out here in southern Cal., so thank you very much for sharing yours. I'm looking forward to your new pantry posts!! You always offer such wonderful ideas. I'm wondering what you are up to for the holidays?! I'll keep checking back to see. :)
P.S. Thanks so much for stopping by our blogs for the current book(s) giveaway! xox
Your color is awesome...thanks for sharing it...ours is muted this year. Guess we got too little rain, usually receiving a great lot during the summer months.
So lovely, Brenda! Isn't fall such a lovely topping on the summer? To me, it is like the cherry because it is so colourful! Thanks for sharing your beautiful home!
I think I will have to envy you now... I've been moved to Rome... I'm not in the city centre, but yet just outside the biggest city in Italy. As soon as I will find and discover the beauty of the new place I live I will post some pictures.
Take care and God bless you
Here is the link to the scone recipe:
Just add some cinnamon & dried cranberries to your taste.
Much Love- Kimberly
Your pictures are amazing! So perfectly fall :)
Beautiful colors in your wee corner of the world, Brenda. The picture of the red truck against the autumn colors is nothing short of striking. Love it.
I've been nesting a bit myself, making soups and breads and loving wearing layers and cozying in most evenings and early mornings and just generally loving this season which is my favorite. Hm. That's a horrid sentence but you get my heart, right? :o)
jAne at tickleberry farm
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