As you probably know, Stephanie lured me to New England with the promise of meeting Sally at the Iron Sharpens Iron conference for women in Hartford. It was held in a beautiful (and very large) church. We did have an enjoyable time. I particularly liked Elizabeth George's keynote speech that morning and only wished it was longer.
Since Sally's seminar had been switched to the afternoon session (so she could appear on Fox News' Fox and Friends program that morning in New York), Steph and I decided to attend a morning seminar about raising teenagers. While she is far away from having a teen in the house, she thought they would have advice she could use now. I thought they had some good, practical information about parenting.
Of course, my favorite was being able to hear Sally's seminar that afternoon. It was suggested I run ahead and save a seat for Stephanie (who was with Sally and Sarah) and me as they expected her seminar to fill up quickly. It turned out to be good advice.
How Sally can travel to New York to appear on TV at 9:00 (at least a two hour drive, even if they were picked up by a Fox News driver), travel back to Hartford, and give a great presentation... is beyond me.
Stephanie and I had already decided to get away for lunch and thanks to the directions of a very nice African American parking lot guy at the church, we found our way to the nearest Boston Market. It was so good to get away and chat "just the two of us". Steph has long been my best friend and each time we get together, it is like no time has passed at all.
How wonderful to have another person on the planet who has a shared family history and talks the same language. (At Stephanie's church, the ladies kept talking about how alike we were... poor girl.)
I don't remember the last time I was in such a huge crowd where everyone was pushing each other around. Hmmm... perhaps a couple months ago during my last visit to Starbucks on a weekday morning? :)
It was nice to meet Irina, who is a reader of this blog. She said she would be there but what were the chances of meeting one person in the midst of thousands? She was sitting near the entrance to the sanctuary where Sally's book table was located... smart! We also met her adorable little baby. :)
Next time I'll share about the Bed & Breakfast (since I've received e-mails asking for details) and I think that will be enough talk about the trip. :)
Oh of course the day she was on was the time I wasen't watching Fox and Friends! :) Loved hearing all the excitment about the happy you could be part of all of it too!! Lots of good memories for a 'best friend' and her mother to share foever. Precious times. Jody
I would love to attend a conference-I never have. Elizabeth George is one of my favorite authors. I am currently reading, "Loving God with all your Mind." It sounds like such a great time!
Brenda, what a great blessing for you. It sounds like a sweet refreshing time too. And, to get to spend time with your daughter - I'm sure that was extra special. I'm glad you shared that with us.
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