We don't actually walk together, anymore. He is soon out of my sight as I move much slower than my former power walking days. At least I'm moving. While only a few miles from my house at the edge of the forest, the trail is set in the grasslands. In the distance one views lines of trees where forest areas begin but in the immediate line of sight, it is the beauty of the wild grasses, flowers, and maze that I so enjoy... that combination of forests and fields which defines the Midwest.
It didn't take long for the lavender-purple wildflowers to pull my attention from that which was far away. The native plants were growing everywhere along the trail. While beautiful in themselves, it wasn't the flowers that caused me to stop walking and make my way within a foot or two of the rows of color. For each bush of purple flowers was covered by chartreuse butterflies and honey bees.
How nice it would have been to have a child at my side as I could not take my eyes off the butterflies, beauty shared is so much nicer. I had never seen anything like them. As they rested on the purple flowers, their tiny wings would fold flat and one could view the underside... which appeared to be covered with diamonds.
The tiny dots sprinkled across each little wing actually glittered in the sunlight... hundreds of yellow-green butterflies sitting on purple wildflowers and surrounded by an equal number of bees buzzing as they went about their important work... and the wings glittered as if they were ladies all dressed up for a fancy ball.
How like our Creator. He is the original Artist who enjoyed gilding the lily. Each butterfly would easily be appreciated just for the color and He had to add... sparkle.
I have been asked many times how each of my children grew up to make God an important part of their life. Instead I wish the common question would be... how could they not? In our family, He was ever present.
When we would come upon such a scene as butterflies with diamonds sharing the flowers with bees, leaves which lose their green only to show off their colorful undergarments, the way the colors of each season blend together perfectly with all that surrounds them, that our taste buds delight in pumpkin and cinnamon and nutmeg as the air grows colder... no, it was easy to make Him the center of all things.
I thought of His wisdom as many trees and bushes are forming berries on branches to provide food for the bird's winter meals. How lovely it is that the cardinal stays behind each year to give those who are looking shades of red against the white snow.
Was it man who decided red is the perfect color for the occasional barn or was it Someone whispering in the ear of humanity as decisions were being made... and later smiling as we gasp at the beauty of the red against the snow in January as the shades of black and gray in each tree offered their own architecture. I suppose all artists and builders inherently learn from the Artist.
For some of us, we could no more leave God out of the equation as we could stop breathing and exist. Especially when I find diamonds on the back of butterflies... and, no... I never did get back to my exercise.
Picture: End of Harvest; allposters.com
I have learned - my camera is one of those never leave home without it items. Because you just never know what beauty God will place in your path. Your words paint the picture well.
Indeed, we have our being in the Lord God. I enjoyed your post.
What a beautiful word picture! Thank you very much!
Your walk and what you were blessed with seeing, sounds just wonderful ~ thanks for sharing your joy and awe!
Blessings Brenda :o)
Like you I find diamonds in nature too. Not butterflies (we have few), however in fresh fallen snow or dewdrops or ice on trees. God created such beauty around us it's incredible. All we need to do is take time to "see" it. Hugs and hope you're feeling better today.
I stopped in, and wanted to let you know I was here...enjoyed your post about the "futterbly"...when I walk w/my Husband I too, am usually much slower, and like to meander and look at things...have a blessed day.
Simply beautiful writing Brenda. You have such a way with words and I agree with you... God's beautiful handiwork is everywhere...we just need to take the time to really see and appreciated it. :)
How beautiful! I could see the diamonds on the butterflies quite well in my mind thanks to your detailed description.
Friend Debra
I have been reading your blog for some time now and just love it. I especially liked the account of the green butterflies and the extra sparkle. Yes I agree God is quite the artist!!! An admirer of the simple life, Sue
What a lovely and meaningful post. I come some everyday and I am never disappointed by what I find.
Thank you. Butterflies with diamonds. Honey bees! I only saw 2 honey bees all summer. Thank you, again.
I once had the joy of viewing thousands of Monarch butterflies flying in a sort of a flock along the shore of the Great South Bay.
They were breathtaking against the bright blue September sky. I don't know that anyone else had the pleasure of seeing them-there was no one else in the park!
The scene you were describing came alive in my mind. I sat on the screen porch and watched a large yellow butterfly go from bloom to bloom on our butterfly bush. I had my husband ride his scooter out to take a picture, but before he got there the butterfly flew away. Yes, God is part of every thing. I am amazed at the tiny details his creations can have.
"How could they not?" What a wonderful line...... when He is present in His beauty and grace and kindness, how could they not.......
That's what I'd love for our world to see in more of us......
Blessings to you, dear lady with the same name!
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