I enjoyed learning about new authors and movies to search for at book sales and the library.
I'm including a link to the May recommendations to give you an idea of what we did before. Do feel free to include the same books and movies on this list if they are your favorites. All I ask is this... that whatever books and movie suggestions are given, they would be appropriate for young ladies.
You can give as few or as many recommendations as you like. When possible after I return, I'll assemble them all in one post as I did before. I will also include the link back to this post where you can read comments. Feel free to wax poetic about your suggestions and perhaps let us know why a particular book or movie makes you feel warm and cozy.
I will be dividing them between: Recommended Authors; Fiction (which includes favorite children's books, grownup books, poetry, etc.); Book series; Nonfiction books about cooking, gardening, and decorating; General Nonfiction; and Recommended Movies (which can include TV show DVDs).
I can also add a Misc. column should anything come up which doesn't fit anything else. You will also notice some books will be listed individually as well as part of a series... that's fine.
I'll be adding my recommendations later but here is an example giving some of my favorites that make me feel all warm and cozy in cold weather...
AUTHORS (Fiction & Nonfiction)
Edith Schaeffer
Elizabeth George
Sally Clarkson
Gladys Taber
Christy by Catherine Marshall
The Long Winter by Laura Ingalls Wilder
The Mitford Series by Jan Karon
The Oxford Chronicles by Melanie Jeschke
Creating a Beautiful Home by Alexandra Stoddard
Living a Beautiful Life by Alexandra Stoddard
Georgia Cooking In a Oklahoma Kitchen by Trisha Yearwood
The Farm Chicks in the Kitchen by Thompson & Edwards
Down to Earth Gardener by Suzy Bales
A Woman After God's Own Heart by Elizabeth George
The Mission of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson
A Charlotte Mason Companion by Karen Andreola
You've Got Mail
Last of the Summer Wine (BBC)
Mr. Rogers (PBS) (yeah, really). :)
As you would expect, I have many more books and media that make me feel warm and cozy but the above is just to give you an example. This is going to be your list to print and use! You have given me so much... this is an easy way for me to give back.
To view the link the first book recommendations post... go here.
I hope we get lots and lots of recommendations. I won't be posting for a couple of weeks (not only am I traveling but my brain needs a break). I will be reading my e-mails... and moderating comments, of course. :)
Added: I suppose this is obvious but in case it isn't... give your recommendations by adding a comment here, even if it is really long... or you can e-mail me if you want.
Another Added: I'm in New England! Gorgeous scenery and beautiful grandchildren! I forgot on my original list that I must have Frugal Luxuries by our dear Tracey. (It was on my list but I was in a hurry!) It is one of my all time favorite books to take off the shelf on a cold, snowy day. :)
Picture: Bedtime Story by Alan Sakhavarz
I love snuggling up on a snowy day to watch the entire
Anne of Green Gables series or any of the Jeanette Oak
Love comes softly series.
Great idea, Brenda!
Here are a few of my favorites:
"The Mayor of Casterbridge" by Thomas Hardy
"Utopia" by Sir Thomas More
"The Woman In White" by Wilkie Collins
"Les Miserables" by Victor Hugo
"Elizabeth & Mary" by Jane Dunn
"The Life of Thomas More" by Peter Ackroyd
"Charlotte Bronte: The Self Conceived" by Helene Moglen
"Dark Quartet: Story of the Brontes" by Lynne Reid Banks
"The Bronte Myth" by Lucasta Miller
"Rich Mullins: An Arrow Pointing To Heaven" by James Bryan Smith
The Man From Snowy River
The Scarlet Pimpernel
The Mayor of Casterbridge (sad)
North and South (BBC version)
Little Women
My friends & I have been discussing this on Facebook - great October reads. As far as warm & cozy, my favorite romance author is Betty Neels - she wrote over 100 Harlequin romance novels, from 1969-about 2000. You can find a lot of her books still in used bookstores - very chaste, lots of descriptions of fancy homes & food in England & Holland.
Adore Daddy Long Legs, by Jean Webster. Most of it takes place in a college, so I suppose the school feel is what makes me like it for fall reading.
Your blog turned me on to the Miss Read books - thank you!
Jane of Lantern Hill & The Blue Castle are my go-to's for LM Montgomery - very different from the Anne of Green Gables books.
The Beatrix Potter mysteries are wonderful - by Susan Wittig Albert. Based on true happenings in her life before she moved full-time to the Lake District.
As for movies, I love Chocolat - even though it takes place in spring, all that chocolate seems appropriate for fall as well. Same with Charlie & the Chocolate Factory.
I have all of Grace Livingston Hills' books and most of Emilie Lorings. GLH is good for homemaking, food & fashion 1900-1945. EL is good for high fashion & is more of a thriller format, but still romance - she wrote from the 20's - 40's
Thanks for this idea. I love checking your blog to see what we get to share with you and with each other!
Blessings on you!
Connie (in San Diego)
This is wonderful thank you so much for the cozy suggestions
I love the Barbara Pym books. Set in England and very cozy reads!
Thanks for the recommendations. None to add right now.
The Blue Castle is one of my favorite by L.M. Montgomery, too!
Friend Debra
Hello Brenda,
Your posts always provoke my thinking! There are so many good books and movies to recommend...most are mentioned here and in your other post/list...but I thought I'd chime in with my favorites as well!
You already know this but "Anne of Green Gables" and "Anne of Avonlea" are both fantastic, cozy movies/series to have playing in the background while working (I always put it on when I undertake a large sewing project).
Some of the older movies made by Alfred Hitchcock are ALMOST cozy. I'm thinking about "Rebecca" and "Suspicion" and "Gas Light"-- he did know how to spin a tale. I am also a HUGE fan of "The Bishop's Wife" and "It's a Wonderful Life" (in any season :).
Since I like a bit of mystery with my tea, I often find myself watching the Agatha Christie mysteries made for PBS (the old ones, not the new). I find them reasonably priced on half.com and Amazon.
I also enjoy reading and re-reading Christie's mysteries. "At Bertram's Hotel" and "What Mrs. McGillicuty Saw" being two favorites (both starring Miss Marple).
And, I would be remiss if I didn't mention that reading Jane Austen's "Pride and Predudice" is always a thrill.
Conversely, when I'm in the mood to get things done, I find myself digging yet again into Laura Ingalls Wilder's "Little House" series. Reading these have a twofold reward in that they make me appreciate how blessedly easy we have it today and inspire me to action!
Thanks so much for all the work you do in putting together your lovely blogs. They are soothing, helpful and inspiring!
Love from your friend,
Oh, and I mustn't forget to mention "Howard's End", "A Room With a View" and "Enchanted April"--not actually cozy but very lovely movies with amazing sets and costumes.
Not books yet, Brenda, but I found a recipe for Starbucks like Pumpkin Spice Latte and thought of you. It's at http://www.frugaldreamer.com/ in the October 7th entry.
I want to add the movie "Arsenic and Old Lace" with Cary Grant. Its funny and takes place in a delightful old house (especially the kitchen).
Friend Debra
I love Gladys Taber. Especially the writings month by month.
My favorite literary character is Anne of Anne of Green Gables. She wins my heart every time. I have all of the Anne books, too. I also love re-reading the Little House books. I strive to have the calm, sure, and organized disposition of Ma in my homemaking. I also love and am collecting the books of Thyra Ferre Bjorn. She wrote Mam's Way, Papa's Daughter, Papa's Wife, and Dear Papa, to name a few. For parents with growing children, I highly recommend Queen of the Castle by Lynn Bowen Walker. She has a recipe blog at http://queenofthecastlerecipes.blogspot.com/
This may be the best time of year to think of these things!
I am one of the people who love children's books too, so those are included also.
Every novel by D.E. Stevenson, with the possible exception of Peter West
The Betsy Tacy & Tib series by Maud Hart Lovelace
Mother Mason and Cheers for Miss Bishop by Bess Streeter Aldrich
Magnificent Obsession by Lloyd C. Douglas and Dr. Hudson's Secret Journal
Mother Carey's Chickens by Kate Douglas Wiggin, and the Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm books
Many books by Grace S. Richmond -especially Cherry Square, Strawberry Acres and The 24th of June.
Almost everything written by Laura Ingalls Wilder and Lucy Maud Montgomery
All fiction by Della Thompson Lutes, especially Cousin William and Millbrook
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society
Susan Wittig Alberts Beatrix Potter mysteries
James Melville's Inspector Otani mysteries for a glimpse of Japan
Ellis Peters Brother Cadfael mysteries
Bio and Memoir
Mrs. Appleyard and I by Louise Andrews Kent
OK, I read a lot of memoir and not much is coming to mind at the moment! I'll try to add some more later....
A new movie series I just got and am enjoying is the #1 Ladies Detective Agency Series, and I love pretty much all Alexander McCall Smith's fiction.
Isn't this fun? I want to mention "The Remains of the Day" a great movie. I also love Gladys Taber, Miss Read, D.E. Stevenson (especially the Mrs. Tim series)and the Beatrix Potter mysteries by Susan Wittig Albert. Isn't it wonderful to know there are so many friends who like the same books and movies?
Friend Debra
I love the Miss Read books (I have them all!). They start with 'Village School' set in a small Cotswald village two teacher school. I re-visit these books a lot. A charming, warm series for adults.
So glad you are having a nice time in New England! And congratulations on the coming baby! I guess Stephanie will be due sometime not too far from my late April date.
Haven't checked all the comments, but I've been showing the kids Anne of Green Gables for the first time -- what a cozy movie!!!
So many books and old movies to choose from!
One of my all time favorite not so old movies has to be Sense and Sensibility! Pride and Prejudice are also wonderful...just bought it from a garage sale! I just bought Emma from GW and am planning to watch it today!!
How about the old movie, "Enchanted Cottage?"
I'm not "into" Halloween but a kind of scary movie that I like is The Village...my kids laugh at me and tell me that it doesn't qualify as scary! I just love the old clothes and the time period in which it is set.
I love most of the Masterpiece Theatre movies and the old Agatha Christie movies! (Basically anything old and English or Irish...yet moral...I love!!)
I love the Christy books, Little House books, and Anne of Green Gables series. I will have to think about this a little more and add some more to the list!
Can't wait to read everyone else's list!
Oh...a non fiction book that I love is The Spirit of Loveliness by Emilie Barnes. It is very inspiring and encouraging to me to be all that we as women can be in our homes and to our loved ones!
Blessings! Beth
I just want to name some movies that warm the heart. The Ultimate Gift(from the book by Jim Stovall}, The Wool Cap staring William H. Macy,The Bells of Saint Mary's with Bing Crosby and Ingrid Bergman,Ladies in Lavender with Judi Dench and Maggie Smith,Music of the Heart with Meryl Streep,The Yarn Princess staring Jean Smart,the 1945 version of State Fair, National Velvet with Elizabeth Taylor and Mickey Rooney. That is all I can think of at the moment..will try to gather more books or such..Don't be discouraged Brenda...we too are Very interested in gathering more titles etc to take to the library!! I have just been slack at gathering my lists! :) Jody
This is a topic dear to my heart! There is nothing better I love than to be carried away by a good story. I just finished scouring my bookshelves seeking out my favorites, and will try to list books and authors that have not already been mentioned. I love children's books and many of my recommendations have been read and loved over and over since I was a young girl.
Frances Hodgson Burnett - A Little Princess (I have a copy illustrated by Tasha Tudor - beautiful!); The Secret Garden; Little Lord Fauntleroy.
Louisa May Alcott - Little Women and Eight Cousins are my favorites.
Thornton Burgess - All of his books have a special place in my heart! Many years ago my daddy gave me his Bird Book for Children as a birthday present and I must have read it dozens of times; it was such a joy to read it with my daughter for the first time!
The Hobbit - Another beloved book from my childhood that I shared as a read aloud with my daughter this past summer; she loved it, too! Now we're reading Lord of the Rings and are almost finished with it. ~happy sigh~
A Child's Garden of Verses - Robert Louis Stevenson was surely a child at heart all his life to be able to capture the details of his own childhood so perfectly as to bring them to life for us even now. I remember memorizing My Shadow in school (my teacher must have been a poetry lover, too). Now my daughter is memorizing several of his poems.
Charles Dickens - A Christmas Carol must be the ideal cozy read for the winter months; we like to start it on the first of December and read a bit each night. I fell in love with David Copperfield after reading it in the 9th grade and have devoured many of his books since then. He is one of the few authors - along with Mark Twain and P.G. Wodehouse - who can prompt me to laugh out loud.
Gene Stratton Porter - Freckles is a beautiful story, and what a picture of manly integrity. If you have not read it, RUN and get a copy. You will devour it!
Hans Brinker or The Silver Skates by Mary Mapes Dodge - Another best beloved book that I have read countless times. Wonderful descriptions of life in old-time Holland. Another great story to read in the wintertime, preferably by candlelight with a pot of tea and a plateful of shortbread. Just have dinner cooking in the crockpot and you'll be all set for the afternoon. :)
My post was too long, so I'll continue here:
A Child's History of the World by V.M. Hillyer - I know this is a "history" book, but such a fun read. Brings back memories of reading it in bed under the covers, and now we're using it as part of our history reading for homeschool.
A.A. Milne - Who doesn't love to curl up and read Winnie the Pooh? Especially out loud so you can do all the voices with a fake British accent!
(Speaking of British, has anyone else noticed that so much of what is considered great literature was authored by Brits?)
George MacDonald - We're going to be reading At the Back of the North Wind this year. I can't wait!
Pollyanna by Eleanor Porter - I know that some people find this sickenenly sweet, but I disagree with that assessment. I think her "glad game" is refreshing and quite Christian in attitude. As one with a chronic health ailment, I find it helpful to dwell on my blessings and not my infirmities, just as Pollyanna prescribes.
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte - I remember going to the library as a youngster and looking for the thickest books I could find - just so the story would last a long time! This book fits the bill. It is lengthy, but will keep you glued to the pages into the wee hours of the morning.
A String in the Harp by Nancy Bond - Lovely story of an motherless American family in Wales; the youngest son finds an ancient harp key which allows him glimpses across the borders of time. A wonderful fantasy story.
James Herriot - A storyteller par excellence! If you do not own his books, you must make haste to your nearest library sale and buy them all for you will enjoy them over and over again. Autobiographical in nature, they detail his life as a veterinarian in the Yorkshire district of England. Hilarious and poignant, they will make you laugh and cry - sometimes at the same time!
I'll try to think of some movies I enjoy now.....let's see:
All Creatures Great and Small is on DVD now. It was a PBS series (in the 70's I believe) based on Herriot's books.
The Trip to Bountiful - Sweet story of an elderly lady's (Geraldine Page) desire to return to the home of her youth.
Road to Avonlea - This was a TV series, now on DVD - yay! - based on L.M. Montgomery's "Story Girl" books. I think it lasted 7 seasons on Disney. We have the first 2 seasons. You can get each DVD set at CBD for 49.99, much cheaper than at Amazon.
Christy - This was another TV series based on Catherine Marshall's book Christy. Kellie Martin plays Christy and Tyne Daly is Miss Alice. It's not perfectly faithful to the original of course, but nicely done in its own way. The book is exceptional!
Well, I hope you enjoyed your New England adventure, Brenda. I live in southern NH, so perhaps you passed through on your way home. It looks like we're getting a taste of what's coming this winter with a biting north wind today. Brilliant sunshine, though, and a sapphire blue sky filled with billowy puffs of cloud. God bless!
I agree with Beth about "Enchanted Cottage"!! It is a charming and often forgotten movie (I'm living proof ;) !!
P.S. Brenda, just read your post about dd expecting #5 and wanted to suggest ginger. Ginger tea (just a nice pot of regular tea with about 1/4 teaspoon dried ginger steeped with the tea). It was the only thing I could keep down when I was expecting. I make it all the time now as it's so delicious--using fresh ginger-root from the grocery store. I cut and score a slice or two of the root and then steep it with the tea--it tastes much better than powdered (stronger) it also seems to work a little more quickly. Any true ginger product, (i.e., candied ginger) works beautifully to quell morning sickness and most nausea. Prayers and good thoughts with you and your loved ones. Have a lovely trip.
I've enjoyed reading the lists of others. Some of my favorites:
Lousia May Alcott: Little Women, Little Men, Jo's Boys, An Old Fashioned Girl, Eight Cousins, Rose In Bloom
Laura Ingalls Wilder: All books.
Lori Wick: A Place Called Home Series, Californians Series, Kensington Chronicles, Sophie's Heart
Jeanette Oke: Love Comes Softly Series, Roses for Mama
Jane Austen: Persuasion, Sense and Sensibility, Mansfield Park, Pride and Prejudice
Margaret Jensen: First We Have Coffee
Catherine Marshall: Christy
Elizabeth George books, Emilie Barnes books
I'm sure there are more, I just can't think of them right now.
All Jane Austen movies
Little Women, Little Men
Miss Potter
Amazing Grace
A Christmas Carol
The Bishop's Wife
White Chirstmas
Miracle on 34th Street
It's a Wonderful Life
You've Got Mail
Two Weeks Notice
Sarah Plain and Tall Trilogy
Love Comes Softly movies
Wives and Daughters
Anne of Green Gables series
The Quiet Man
Swiss Family Robinson
Ever After
Homeward Bound: The Incredible Jouney
That's all I can think of for now. Thank you Brenda.
I received the 3 Karen Andreola books about Charlotte Mason theory and I can't put them down! :)
Here are my recommendations for a few good books and movies:
The Enchanted Barn by Grace Livingston Hill. I read this after it was recommended on the last list and it was great. Such a great feeling of homemaking here. I am reading it through for the second time in 4 months.
Winter Cottage by Carol Ryrie Brink.
Amish Fiction books by Beverly Lewis and Wanda Brundstetter.
The Mulberry Tree by Jude Deveraux
Quilting Series by Jennifer Chiaverini. These books are about quilters,yes, but they also have alot of hospitality and cooking and one of her books called "Quilter's Kitchen" is about the Elm Creek series with recipes.
NON Fiction-
The Art of Simple Food by Alice Waters. Even though it is a cookbook, it is filled with entertaining ideas food wise and I get a warm cozy feeling while reading it.
I also like the Barefoot Contessa cookbooks because she cooks normal stuff and it has hospitality/homey things in her books as well. Plus it also has snippets of different things here and there.
You've Got Mail= my #1 favorite movie and I watch it all the time. Sometimes I just pause it on the scenes of her apt and admire how they decorated it for the movie.
Love Comes Softly Series by Janette Oak.
Little Women
This is all I can think of this morning. It is still early. :)
Hope you are enjoying your vacation. Congrats on Blessing #5!
Jeanie in KY
Another thumbs up for A String in the Harp. I just finished it as a read-aloud to my 8th grade homeschooled son and we both loved it. Really makes me want to spend a year in Wales!
Just wanted to say thank you.
So many wonderful recommendations!
Our library has the The Cottage Tales of Beatrix Potter! I never heard of them before. My daughter and I put the first one on hold to read. Can't wait!
Another vote for You've Got Mail.
So great.
I wish I had something to add to the list.
Happy cozy reading and watching, :o)
Kelly Lynn in Texas
So many good recommendations!
I'll start w/ childrens books as I
spend more time reading to the children than myself. :)
Charlotte's Web
Farmer Boy
Brambly Hedge
The Long Winter
Five Little Peppers
picture books-
Seven Silly Eaters
Bunny Bungalow-o my the illustrations exude cozy
The Oxcart Man
Shirley Hughes books esp. the Alfie ones
Jane Eyre
anything by G.L. Hill
Stepping Heavenward by Elisabeth Prentiss
Pocketful of Pinecones &
Lessons at Blackberry Inn by Karen Andreola
Jane Austen's books
Beverly Lewis' books
Little Women
all the Jane Austen's
The Waltons (TV) all seasons
non fiction-
anything by
Edith Schaeffer
Sally Clarkson
Elisabeth Prentiss her letters and fiction
Madeline L'engle-Crosswick journals
cookbooks (food is very cozy)
books by Susan Branch esp. Autumn
anything by Martha Stewart, and I love the Everyday Food magazine I've kept every issue
the classics-Joy of Cooking & Fannie Farmer
the newer-Nourishing Traditions, the Moosewood cookbooks, Alice Waters
I also like Nigella Lawson, Nigel Slater (his british roast potatoes are to die for)
well I could get lost here. Maybe you will have to have a separate category for cozy food.
Congrats on grandchild #5.
Enjoy the rest of your trip.
There have been so many movies already mentioned but I will write a few more: The Whales of August with Lillian Gish and Betty Davis, Grace and Glory with Gene Rowlands and Diane Lane,A Holiday Affair with Janet Leigh and Robert Michum 1949 {there is also a newer version and it is almost word for word the same and very good too}..Sergeant York staring Gary Cooper and for fun any of the old Blondie movies! Jody
Revise that to say the movie was Grace and GlorIE...I spelled it wrong before! :) Jody
Anything by Miss Read
Anne of Green Gables series
Little House Books
Corie ten Boom
Emily Kimbrough
Miss Read
Horton Foote
I've linked to your page on my blog, where there's a more complete list.
I'm always glad to see good books recommended. Good idea!
I'm sitting at Steph's kitchen nook window watching the leaves fall and drinking a cup of tea... just to set the scene for this delightful work. (We miss you!) :)
"Pilgrim's Inn" or "Gentian Hill" by Elizabeth Goudge. For books that get to the heart of what makes a home a living place, none surpass these. And Goudge's skill at describing the English countryside and traditions... I could read all day.
"The Golden Road" by L.M. Montgomery. This one is the sequel to "The Story Girl", and for some reason, I remember reading it in the autumn and loving it because it ends with this luminously described ramble through autumn woods.
"The Lord of the Rings Trilogy", especially the Hobbiton bit for autumn.
"The Private World of Tasha Tudor"- I love this woman. And her country life.
"The Renaissance of Wonder" by Marion Lochhead- you have to be a bit of a literary nut to like this- it was her doctoral thesis- but its all about the great children's fantasy stories.
"Road to Avonlea" series.
"Poirot" mysteries.
"Our Mutual Friend"
Thomas Kinkade books are some of my fav comfort books, and watching Plains, Trains, and automobiles.
I found your link on Amy's Humble Musings. I am from Ireland and grew up on 'The Last of the Summers Wine.'
Great Show:0)
I have been reading your Blog for several months now and just couldn't pass up an opportunity to mention some books and movies. I have told my children that I love black and white movies because the values are black and white. You always know who the good guy is and the morality standards where very high when they were made. I have just about finished a series of Deanna Durbin movies. Love her voice!!! I also love the simple humor. I enjoy old television series like Andy Griffith, Ozzie and Harriet, and Burns and Allen.
I must thank "Suze" who responded to a previous posting and mentioned abebooks.com. I had never heard of it and was thrilled to find so many out of print books at very reasonable prices. Have four on the way now.
As for books, I collect cookbooks and almost have the entire set of Southern Living annual cookbooks (purchased at Half-Price Books and the library sale). They have delicious recipes. The pictures always get me in the mood to cook up a storm in the kitchen.
I also enjoy the authors and books others have mentioned, but wanted to add Charles Spurgeon for a Christian perspective. As for fiction, I would include Eugenia Price. For warm and cozy, nothing beats a long read like Gone With the Wind when the snow is blowing.
I'm looking forward to reading the compilation of everyone's ideas. It has been very refreshing to find women who have the same values and interests that I do. I provide day care for 8 of my 10 grandchildren so I enjoy the adult viewpoint on life. Thanks Brenda for providing this forum. Hope that your trip was enjoyable and restful.
Blessings, Pam
One of my favorite DVDs is Stranded - the Hallmark version of the Swiss Family Robinson. Very clean and quite enjoyable.
For books - Agatha Christie is a definite favorite - I favor Poirot. The Lord Peter Wimsey stories are favorites also. and I can never resist Sherlock Holmes - snuggled up with a good cuppa and some snacks.
This is great, I will get some really good ideas from this. Thanks Brenda!
Thank you all for your sugggestions and recommendations...I have enjoyed reading them!
I have too many favourite books to mention, so I will just mention some of our favourite movies:
Anything written by Jane Austen and BBC (although Masterpiece does a good job as well)
Sense and Sensibility
Northanger Abbey
Pride and Prejudice
Larkrise to Candleford
Ladies in Lavender
Wives and Daughters
North and South (both by Elizabeth Gaskell)
Becoming Jane
The Tenant of Wildfell Hall
Sense and Sensibility and Miss Austen Regrets
The Bronte Collection (Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights)
Railway Children
Miss Potter
Rosemary and Thyme
Keeping Up Appearances
Hetty Wainthropp Investigates
Miss Marple (Joan Hickson)
I have also discovered some wonderful titles by doing a search at Amazon for Hallmark DVDs as for the most part, they are "family-friendly" movies
We have also watched:
Facing the Giants
Faith like Potatoes (beautiful scenery filmed in South Africa and based on a true story)
The Ultimate Gift
Saving Sarah Cain
Though None Go With Me (based on a book by Jerry B. Jenkins)
Hidden Places(based on a Lynn Austin book)
Loves Comes Softly series (Janette Oke)
Little Women
Little Men
Christy series
Anne of Green Gables
Little House on the Prairie
We never tire of these and will watch them during the long, cold winter months.
Although we have some of the above titles in our collection, alot of the DVDs are available through our library system.
Two movies we have recently seen in theatre (and will be cosy movies to watch at home):
Bright Star~based on the life of poet John Keats (http://www.brightstar-movie.com/)
Julie and Julia~based on a novel that should *not* be read!, although the movie with Meryl Streep is good...beautiful French scenery and cooking((http://www.julieandjulia.com/)
I enjoy browsing most cook books, british country living magazine and have enjoyed too many books to mention over the years....
Thanks again for all the wonderful recommendations and I will print them off when they are all compiled!
Thanks Brenda for doing this!
Favorite cozy movies:
Father of the Bride (Spencer Tracy)
Father's Little Dividend (S. Tracy)
Yours, Mine and Ours
Cheaper by the Dozen
I Remember Mama
Mrs. Miniver
Our Town
The Lady Vanishes
Almost any Poirot
The Shop Around the Corner
The Quiet Man
Sabrina (Audrey Hepburn)
The Bishop's Wife
Come to the Stable
It's a Wonderful Life
Chariots of Fire
Driving Miss Daisy
One Against the Wind
The Best Years of Our Lives
Hope this makes it in time. . . Just watched this last night - One Night With The King - DVD. The story of Esther - beautiful presentation, so clean, no sex, not a lot of violence. No language - altogether beautiful story.
These are my cozy cup of tea books:
Christy by Catherine Marshall- My absolute favorite book of all time. I have literally reread it upwards of 50 times.
Anne of Green Gables
Little Women
Pride and Prejudice and pretty much any Jane Austen novel and some of the better spin offs
Baby Island- a kid's book, but I used to pretend that I was in that situation when I was a little girl. It takes me back.
Rebecca and Jane Eyre both grab me on stormy days when the wind is thrashing around outside, threatening the blow out the power and "force" me to read by candle light.
The Quilt Series
My feeling cozy movies:
The Holiday- I want to live in that English cottage!!!!
Christy series- I can't get enough!
Anne of Green Gables Series
Pride and Prejudice- the newer one with Keira Knightley. I feel that even though they don't stick word for word to the novel like the BBC version does, that the capture the spirit and vivacity of the book better.
Meet Me in St. Louis- This is the movie that made the song "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" famous.
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