In the first book, he talked about ten prophetic events which are happening in the world today. In this book, Dr. Jeremiah gives wise scriptural advice about how to not only survive in this world but to be salt and light to a confused generation.
As usual, the chapter headings give an indication as to what one can expect... they are:
Stay Calm
Stay Compassionate
Stay Constructive
Stay Challenged
Stay Connected
Stay Centered
Stay Confident
Stay Consistent
Stay Committed
Stay Convinced
Each chapter is a combination of scriptural teaching, interesting comments on recent events, quotes from various experts, and fascinating statistics (I found myself often thinking "I didn't know that!").
One of the things I love about Dr. Jeremiah's writing is how he brings his own reading to the party. I particularly enjoyed the quotes from familiar authors which applied to the context of each chapter.
One of the stories I thought interesting was from the chapter called Stay Consistent. It begins with the story that has been in the news of the pastor and his wife in San Diego who were investigated for having a religious meeting in their home.
It turns out to be in a neighborhood close to where Pastor Jeremiah lives and a wake up call to his church, which has more than two hundred small group Bible studies (the same type of meetings as the above pastor was being "investigated" for hosting in his home).
There is so much in this book that is interesting. I'll keep it on my shelf to come back to and peruse quite often.
Highly recommended!
This is definitely one book I'm going to purchase. Thanks for the recommendation Brenda. have a wonderful day.
I watch David Jeremiah on t.v. every week and have this book pre-ordered. Glad to know you give it a positive review.
I'll look for this one at the library.
Today I posted some reviews on my blog. If you have time, please stop by.
Thanks for the review ... I'm going to check my library :o)
Hi Brenda,
Thank you for your review of Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World! I work with Thomas Nelson, and I enjoyed reading your thoughts on Dr. Jeremiah’s book. Since you enjoyed Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World, I wanted to see if you would be interested in reviewing a completely revised and updated version of a Billy Graham prophecy classic – Storm Warning. Thomas Nelson just rereleased this book, and it has already hit the New York Times best-seller list.
If you are interested, please contact me with your mailing address, and I will get the book out to you!
Jodi Hughes
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