Pooh's blustery day has returned, only this time he brought wind from our Northern neighbors. I just about froze my giblets as I walked down the lane to the mailbox yesterday. The temperatures combined with high winds made the chill go right through my jacket.
The day was spent doing some baking, making soup as well as a casserole (with extra chicken not used for the soup), and grinding wheat to be used for bread and muffins later today.
Even the necessary task of washing dishes after cooking and baking was a welcome event. For hot and sudsy water feels good when the temperatures are hovering near freezing outside (which means it is quite cool inside!)
My ponderings this week were of many things as the change of seasons will do that to one's brain. Even when one feels like Pooh and that she is a bear of little brain... or pig if one reads Jewels' blog (and if you don't you absolutely must).
When I was at the clinic Friday to have blood sugars checked and pick up my insulin, I had to ask two different people if brain transplants had been perfected and unfortunately, both said no. Sigh...
All that to say I spent time this week doing a little blog surfing rather than putting together the pantry and preparedness links for the sidebar. It also meant I didn't get e-mails answered if they required more than a simple thought or paragraph. Instead I drifted from one blog and website to another, letting my mind absorb the work of others while relaxing my sore muscles.
I finally came to a question that perked me up and turned on a few brain cells, if only for awhile. The question was asked, "What five books do you find yourself reading over and over?".
Well, I have more than five but for the purpose of the question, I thought of the five that came to my mind the quickest.
So... besides the Bible and your daily devotional, what five nonfiction books have you re-read the most? As for me...
The Hidden Art of Homemaking and What Is a Family by Edith Schaeffer
A tie as I usually reread them one right after the other and I think of them as one.
Living a Beautiful Life by Alexandra Stoddard
Greatly influenced my thoughts toward interior decoration.
A Woman After God's Own Heart by Elizabeth George
Although I have re-read many of her books, this is still my favorite.
The Mission of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson
I read this many times before Sally became a friend.
A Charlotte Mason Companion by Karen Andreola
I lived and breathed this book as a homeschooling mom.
Honorable Mention: Beyond Survival by Diana Waring
This was my original book perused dozens of times in those first years of homeschooling.
Now, what five fiction books have you re-read the most? Hmmm, perhaps...
Christy by Catherine Marshall
The Mitford Books (all of them) by Jan Karon
A Wrinkle in Time (and those that followed) by Madeline L'Engle
Perelandra and the rest of the Space Trilogy by C. S. Lewis
Perhaps the fiction that I most often think of from time to time!
The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe... also by Mr. Lewis
Classic... pure classic.
I'm sure I'll think of others as the days pass, perhaps those I've read even more than the books listed above. But these are the titles which "floated to the top" and are most likely the books I have re-read the most.
Now, there are other books I would put in the re-read category but they are a different sort of read. These are my Victoria books (two of which are on the side bar that I have off the shelf now), various decorating books, lovely cookbooks, favorite Christian books that I'll peruse quickly... perhaps just a chapter or two (Phillip Keller is a favorite for this), a beloved section of Wind In the Willows or a Pooh book... none truly re-read but over the years picked up and momentarily cherished a hundred times.
Now... I would be delighted if you take the time to write the titles of books you reread often. I'll be taking out pen and paper to write your recommendations and take to the library with me. :)
Love your blog! Have been following it for a while. I had to comment on this quote from your last post: "When I was at the clinic Friday to have blood sugars checked and pick up my insulin, I had to ask two different people if brain transplants had been perfected and unfortunately, both said no. Sigh..."
That is hilarious...but also very sad. At my work we have contact on a daily basis with the same type of people. We say, "their brain has reset again..."
As far as the books I love to read, I have my favorites posted on my "Shelfari" bookcase towards the end of my blog page. Check it out, if you have a minute...
I enjoy your blog!
I love Rodello Hunter's, "Wyoming Wife" and have read it at least four times. I just started her "A House With Many Rooms".
I have also read, "Return To Main Straeet" by Nancy Eberle, many times.
Then, there are the Ralph Moody books and James Harriott books. I could go on and on.
A more contemporary author that I enjoy is Jeanne Marie Laskis, who wrote "Fifty Acres and A Poodle" and another book telling about her journey toward marriage and adopting two little girls from China.
Happy Sunday!
I enjoy your blog so much. As a former owner and operater of a Tea Room here in Atlanta, I seem to gravitate to the tea lovers. I don't have a blog yet but I will soon. I do have a web site that I used when the Tea Room was open. www.MissLilasTeaRoom.com There are some neat pictures there if you're interested.
I will be a regular visitor now.
I'm 61, been married to my sweetheart for 35 years, have two gorgeous daughters and 8 wonderful grandkids and I'm a 6 year breast cancer survivor.
See you soon.
God Bless You,
Miss Lila
Last year we did the Bible Study on Loving God with All Your Heart by Elizabeth George. The book that went with the bible study and A Woman After God's Own Heart ministered to me greatly, bringing me to tears sometimes.
One of my first Christian books was What Happens When Women Pray and What Happens When God Answers. by Evelyn Christenson.
I love anything by Lori Wick.
I read ALOT and usually have three to four books on the go at the same time, all in different rooms so I can pick up a book in the room I'm in and start reading,lol.
I re read all the Little House on the Prairie books every year, as well as most of Austen's works. Really so many! I try not to keep books I don't enjoy reading more than a few times since space is limited. I love "The Mists of Avalon" and "A Year By the Sea".
I love book lists. I have read many on your list except the space trilogy books which I've always been curious about. Here are my 5/6 favorite non-fiction:
Teaching the Trivium-Bluedorn
What is a Family-Edith Schaeffer
For The Children's Sake schaeffer-Macauley
Charlotte Mason Companion-Andreola
The Wholehearted Child-Clarkson
Appointment in Jerusalem-Lydia (and Derek) Prince
Stepping Heavenward-Elizabeth Prentiss (Aunt Jane's Hero is excellent too.)
The Girl of the Limberlost-Gene Stratton Porter
Jane Eyre
Pride & Prejudice
Pocketful of Pinecones-Andreola (I read this one every summer before the new school year)
Yes, the season is definitely changing now! I am trying to make things feel cozier and warmer inside! And since I don't really like to drive in the dark, my days are much shorter...But..........there's more time to read. I still enjoy some children's series such as the Anne of Green Gables books, the Betsy Tacy and Tib books by Maud Hart Lovelace, and the Little House series.
My favorite fiction writer is D.E. Stevenson and I can read her books over and over, and have been doing so since the sixites. They are too calm for some people, but I love them and so do both of my daughters. And I know a number of other families where there are even three generations of DES fans. I've been on a discussion list which talks about her books for over ten years now. In the spring of 2007 we had a convention in Boston so that we could look at a lot of her papers which are stored at Boston University. And yet a lot of people are not familiar with her books, or dismiss them as just romance books. They are more than that. Persephone books in London has just reprinted one of my favoirte DES titles, Miss Buncle's Book, so perhaps there will come to be more new readers. I have an extra copy of this which I'm going to send you Brenda. This is a humorous book, set in England in the thirties, which is soothing and comforting, especially at this time of year.
The Little House books are probably the books I've read more than any other/s.
Wow, that's a hard one for me - the list could reach to the hundreds! For non-fiction, some favorites are:
~Shepherding a Child's Heart/Ted Tripp
~Disciplines of a Godly Woman/Barbara Hughes
~The Joyful Homeschooler/Mary Hood
~Finding Your Purpose as a Mom/Donna Otto
HI there! Just stumbled across your blog tonight and after reading a few posts- have been encouraged already! I LOVE reading (and tea) and love pretty much every book you mentioned- however "The Mission of Motherhood" is still just on my wish list. However, I think I should head on over to Amazon and get it while I'm thinking about it! I am a wife (of a little over 2 years now!) and Mommy (I have a 10 month old and am expecting another one in a little less than 3 months)-- so all homemaking/marriage/baby/homeschooling books are my favorites at the moment! :)
Thanks for your neat list! Please post more :)
I love the Bach! Thank you. This was played at my youngest daughter's wedding.
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