Since I had the camera out to take pictures of the muffins, I got kinda' carried away. :)
Here is my bedside table, it looks so pretty.
Here is the bottom of my bedside table. It doesn't look so pretty but it's me. :)
This is the top of a little garage sale bookshelf. It now holds some of my husband's books but I kept the girly looking stuff on top.
This is the top drawer of my dresser. It holds my collection of inexpensive costume jewelry and vintage hankies... among a few other things I treasure.
Hubby could not believe I was taking a picture of spoons.A few years ago, I realized many of my teaspoons were missingso I started collecting pretty teaspoons at thrift stores.They are in this vintage bowl, next to my coffeepot.
I have a lot more but they were in in this (below)
Click to enlarge any picture and just ignore the dust.
Brenda...I love these kind of posts..they are real...and we find out..truly we have so much more in common...we are just people..not perfect...great idea with the spoons...funny my teaspoons have been disappearing...HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN? Deby
Brenda, I LOVE how you took the pics. I was planning once I figured out how to download my pics I was going to show 'corners of my home' pretty pics like you showed,,than show the bottom where the less organized can be. Like Deby stated,,wanting to show the 'real' me..yes I love to make my house a home, making it pretty and such, but there are messes around and well I'll take some pics of that too,lol. ((hugs))
I love the reading stack beside your bed ... I have one of those too! But you know what caught my eye? The flashlight kept handy at your side! I have that too! AND I have one beside my daughter's bed as well. She is quite fond of using it to come get ME during the night.
I love visiting your blog from time to time. It is a lovely place to rest for a moment. May I make a suggestion? The links in your blog posts are very difficult to recognize ... especially for color blind people (which I'm not, but I know some of your visitors might be). It is SO helpful if the links have an underline. If you would ever like to change that, I'd be happy to talk you through it. Just send me a note via the contact page on my blog.
Thank you for sharing your pictures Brenda. It was nice taking a peek inside your home. The books and magazines under your bedside table looks like mine...only my books are on top of the bedside table! I'll have to take a picture sometime. I keep thinking that I will go through my books and put them in order...someday! Enjoyed the post.
Ohhhhh, I *really* like the *real you*.....alot! And, I just wanted to say (in very hushed tones, *but* most sincerely)....since you've always been *so* incredibly sweet about bein' *some* pig, how 'bout I be *the bear of very little brain*? I am and I can and I will. Okay, it's settled, and that's that ;o) Loved that beautiful bureau drawer--a real, true, treasure chest. Wow! And, we have the very same dish drainer. I'll bet ours works *harder* than yours, though ;o) So special that you and Stephanie both have blogs--must make your day, everyday. Much love to you precious friend. xo Jewels... who actually cut her hand *doing* the dishes-at said dish drainer--when she *foolishly* put her hand inside a glass that she--quickly, but not quite quickly enough--discovered was cracked! Ouch, ouch, and triple ouch! Just sayin', just so you know, this note was a real onefingerhuntin'peckin'laboroflove ;o) ;o) ;o)
You have a wonderful day. Loved the photos. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Brenda, I love to stop by your blog and it's especially nice to get a peek inside your home. It's very charming and homey. your dresser top with the teacups is a delight I have a treasure drawer too and it puts a smile on my face whenever I open it!
Loved seeing the photos! I have a stack of magazines by my nightstand too that I just haven't had time to go through yet. The drawer is a thing of beauty!
Really enjoyed the peek inside your home. Your dresser drawer is so neat and organized. Mine looks like the picture of your dish drainer! LOL
PS Thanks for everything...
Brenda...I love these kind of posts..they are real...and we find out..truly we have so much more in common...we are just people..not perfect...great idea with the spoons...funny my teaspoons have been disappearing...HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN?
Oh you're a dish drainer design engineer, too, I see!
Yes, we all have the "real." Thanks for sharing yours.
Brenda, I LOVE how you took the pics. I was planning once I figured out how to download my pics I was going to show 'corners of my home' pretty pics like you showed,,than show the bottom where the less organized can be. Like Deby stated,,wanting to show the 'real' me..yes I love to make my house a home, making it pretty and such, but there are messes around and well I'll take some pics of that too,lol.
I was just thinking today that seeing some 'real life' pictures on blogs would be so refreshing. Thanks for sharing!
I love the reading stack beside your bed ... I have one of those too! But you know what caught my eye? The flashlight kept handy at your side! I have that too! AND I have one beside my daughter's bed as well. She is quite fond of using it to come get ME during the night.
I love visiting your blog from time to time. It is a lovely place to rest for a moment. May I make a suggestion? The links in your blog posts are very difficult to recognize ... especially for color blind people (which I'm not, but I know some of your visitors might be). It is SO helpful if the links have an underline. If you would ever like to change that, I'd be happy to talk you through it. Just send me a note via the contact page on my blog.
Cute post! Love the pictures! Stacks of books are a thing of beauty in my eye, as is a rack of hand washed dishes left to dry.
Thank you for sharing your pictures Brenda. It was nice taking a peek inside your home. The books and magazines under your bedside table looks like mine...only my books are on top of the bedside table! I'll have to take a picture sometime. I keep thinking that I will go through my books and put them in order...someday! Enjoyed the post.
Loved your pictures!!! my bedside table looks like what yours looks like at the bottom. :)
Ohhhhh, I *really* like the *real you*.....alot! And, I just wanted to say (in very hushed tones, *but* most sincerely)....since you've always been *so* incredibly sweet about bein' *some* pig, how 'bout I be *the bear of very little brain*? I am and I can and I will. Okay, it's settled, and that's that ;o) Loved that beautiful bureau drawer--a real, true, treasure chest. Wow! And, we have the very same dish drainer. I'll bet ours works *harder* than yours, though ;o) So special that you and Stephanie both have blogs--must make your day, everyday. Much love to you precious friend.
xo Jewels... who actually cut her hand *doing* the dishes-at said dish drainer--when she *foolishly* put her hand inside a glass that she--quickly, but not quite quickly enough--discovered was cracked! Ouch, ouch, and triple ouch! Just sayin', just so you know, this note was a real onefingerhuntin'peckin'laboroflove ;o) ;o) ;o)
You have a wonderful day. Loved the photos. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Brenda,
I love to stop by your blog and it's especially nice to get a peek inside your home. It's very charming and homey. your dresser top with the teacups is a delight I have a treasure drawer too and it puts a smile on my face whenever I open it!
Loved seeing the photos! I have a stack of magazines by my nightstand too that I just haven't had time to go through yet. The drawer is a thing of beauty!
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