Lovely home and tend your garden very well. I just bought a bunch of mulch, but can't find the energy to get out there and do it. Maybe Monday.
Hi, Brenda! Your house looks beautiful and very peaceful.
This is my first time commenting, but I wonder why it took me so long. I'm fifteen and have been enjoying your blog for nearly a year, I think. I wandered over here from the ever so lovely Sarah Clarkson's blog, Itinerant Idealist, drawn by the "Coffee Books Tea and Me" title.
Although I don't really drink tea or coffee much, I can apreciate a good pot, and I love reading and writing about tea.
Coffee, well, coffee's another matter entirely. I love the smell of fresh brewed coffee; Startbucks is my little Heaven on earth. My mother has to drag me out at times.
She doesn't like me drinking coffee too much, so it's a rare treat. I usally have a Mocha Frappuccino..
Grr, I'm rambling again. Oh, well. That's what blogs are for, aren't they?
I finally got one and must head over there to post!
Everything looks so green and lush! We are in the midst of yet another rain storm - with high winds, so enjoying your pretty pictures from in my cozy home is the closest I'll get to 'gardening' this day! Thanks for sharing! I think I'll go make a cup of tea ...
How lovely! Thanks for sharing your beautiful lovely yard, porch, flowers, etc. with us.
Those are lovely photos. Thanks for sharing a little bit of your home.
Thanks for sharing a bit of your world. I love the peonies - I sure hope mine blooms this year!
Lovely photos! I love peonies and I had one but it must have died from the drought last year because I haven't seen it this year!
Your home is lovely. I love the forest setting. Thanks for sharing it with us. ~Adrienne~
Just lovely flowers and photos.
I hope you enjoy a lovely weekend and can spend some time on that cozy porch.
Lovely home and tend your garden very well. I just bought a bunch of mulch, but can't find the energy to get out there and do it. Maybe Monday.
I love your views, the flowers and most of all you and your sweet blog.
Hi, Brenda!
Your house looks beautiful and very peaceful.
This is my first time commenting, but I wonder why it took me so long. I'm fifteen and have been enjoying your blog for nearly a year, I think. I wandered over here from the ever so lovely Sarah Clarkson's blog, Itinerant Idealist, drawn by the "Coffee Books Tea and Me" title.
Although I don't really drink tea or coffee much, I can apreciate a good pot, and I love reading and writing about tea.
Coffee, well, coffee's another matter entirely. I love the smell of fresh brewed coffee; Startbucks is my little Heaven on earth. My mother has to drag me out at times.
She doesn't like me drinking coffee too much, so it's a rare treat. I usally have a Mocha Frappuccino..
Grr, I'm rambling again. Oh, well. That's what blogs are for, aren't they?
I finally got one and must head over there to post!
God bless and keep up the blogging!
Whoops! Forgot to ask my question.
Where do you find such lovely pictures, especially the ones you have on your sidebar?
Much love,
Everything looks so green and lush! We are in the midst of yet another rain storm - with high winds, so enjoying your pretty pictures from in my cozy home is the closest I'll get to 'gardening' this day! Thanks for sharing! I think I'll go make a cup of tea ...
Lovely. :)
You have a lovely home. I love the nature that surrounds you. :)
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