He gave a marvelous quote, the author given only as "a monk". "Our libraries are our armories". Hmmm...that gave me pause to think. The spiritual war we fight within society is not only literally "in the Spirit" but also one involving the Soul...our learning center. When reading and learning are seen as worldly occupations rather than spiritual...we are giving up part of our armor. Much to ponder that one...
Although we have a copy already, I just bought a leather-bound copy of My Utmost for His Highest today for my 15yo son. He proudly took his own copy up to read at bedtime...I pray that he will use it alongside his Bible to grow in wisdom...
Thank you for your thoughts/post once again!
I love that thought!
Hi Brenda,
can't understand why, but I do like reading your blog. I feel you keep talking about books and about your simple life too. It's like reading a book of which the pages are being written day by day and given directly to the readers; is it not a great gift for a reader? Are you becoming one of my favourite characters? eh eh... who knows. Beside all that I feel your blog is so true, just a feeling; and it’s good to “receive feelings”.
God bless you
br. Freddie OFM
I agree, and even more so after reading a book recently--J. P. Moreland has an excellent book that covers that: "Love Your God With All Your Mind."
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