My summer reading is almost always the lightest I do throughout the year. This summer I've decided to reread the Time Trilogy (and perhaps add the fourth book in the series if I have time).
I'm also finally visiting Provence via Peter Mayle with three of his books. Leota's Garden is a book I started and then let my husband read last summer. I'm finally getting back to it. So many people I know have said it is a great book.
I purchased The Sunday Philosophy Club at a book sale and set it aside for summer reading, along with Galileo's Daughter.
My son was recently in a homeschool drama of The Scarlet Pimpernel...thus the addition of that classic. The Wiersbe and Donihue books are for spiritual food!
- Various decorating and gardening books
- A Wrinkle In Time by Madeleine Le"engle
- A Wind In the Door by Madeleine Le'Engle
- A Swiftly Tilting Planet by Madeleine Le'Engle
- A Year in Provence by Peter Mayle
- Encore Provence by Peter Mayle
- Acquired Tastes by Peter Mayle
- Leota's Garden by Francine Rivers
- The Sunday Philosophy Club by Alexander McCall Smith
- The Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Orczy
- Galileo's Daughter by Dava Sobel
- Living With the Greats; The Lives of Great Men of Faith by Warren Wiersbe
- When I'm In His Presence; Devotional Thoughts on Worship for Women by Anita Corrine Donihue (summer devotional)
- My Utmost For His Highest (devotional all year)
You're up at SS!
Happy Reading,
I really want to finally read those books by Madeleine Le'Engle. I do. Now, to do it. :-)
Galileo's daughter is absolutely fantastic, there's another book, from the same author, called "LONGITUDE"; it's really good too. As for me I can't wait to finish all the reading I have to do for my university exams as I have a nice reading-summer coming up. First of all I have to read Russian... I mean I have to learn it from the beginning - sounds like a nice challenge, doesn't it?- and secondly I want to read as much as I can from Edith Stein, she's really difficult but I can't find anyone else with her clearness of ideas and objectivity of research into reality...
PS: obviously I can’t wait to read the last book of Harry Potter
Leota's Garden was the first Francine Rivers book I read. I enjoyed it. My all time favorite are the Mark of the Lion Series by Ms. Rivers. Excellent!
You must read Many Waters too - I think of the four books it is my favorite after A Swiftly Tilting Planet. It also features Sandy and Dennys which is rather nice.
Good stuff here. I've dipped into Peter Mayle's books. Galileo's Daughter is probably in my top ten books ever read. And I concur with Freddie's comment that Longitude also wonderful.
It's time to start brewing the tea.
Got it, Brenda! Thanks for letting me know.
Great selections. I love Madeline L'Engle too. I can't wait to hear how the other selections were.
Looking forward to your reviews. I love the variety of books I'm seeing in this challenge. Blessings.
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