With everything else that happened this week, I'd forgotten about the National Day of Prayer events which we always attend...at least the festivities "Downtown". My husband and I decided we could not miss it this year so we took the time not only to attend but to stop for a cherry coke at the soda fountain located in the candy store near the Courthouse.
It is where we went for a treat the day we got our marriage license almost thirty-three years ago. (I was but a child...) It really doesn't seem like that long ago...but it has been! There are a few new antique stores Downtown and I was able to stop at two stores to browse, one which specializes in cottage style and the other which has a large selection of vintage books. Happy smile...
It was a very nice respite from this week's busy schedule, even if all that walking caused me to limp around my kitchen when I was baking last night. I'd promised the folks at the bookstore that I'd cater dessert a couple of times this week. I made them Tulip Time Brownies earlier in the week and a Lemon cake and two Kentucky Derby Pies for today.
Everything has blossomed and bloomed here in the last week. I had to wake up quite early this morning to get a start on the day, only to be rewarded with the most beautiful view out my kitchen window of a colorful sunrise as background to our flowering dogwood tree. It was breathtaking and I moved to the window in the dining room area to get an even better view. May is such a beautiful month in our part of the Midwest.
So...all this to say I will be back on Monday so there are a couple of days if anyone still wants to leave a comment to be considered for the drawing (which will be Monday morning). I'm amazed by the number of them! Now...back to work!
I thought I'd peek in and...what a treat! I've missed you this week. :)
Are you enjoying "Choosing Happiness?" I see that you are currently reading it. I have 4 of Alexandra's books-all about decorating except "Dare to be Yourself" which I haven't read yet.
I also have Jenny's book. If you enjoy reading about CM's ideas, there is another book you may like, "When Children Love to Learn" by (compiled by) Elaine Cooper. I stumbled on it at Amazon.
Well, enjoy your weekend! See ya Monday.
joanna in (gray and wet) Ca. :)
So happy you have had a great week of doing. :-) I just have to keep saying the same thing... How lucky to be able to plant already, in your area.
Seems our area is so far behind so many others, with us having to wait till Memorial Day. But, it will come. :-)
"I'm amazed by the number of them!"
Number of comments, in your give away entry. 63. Yes, a lovely, lovely number! But!!!!!!!!
But please...... May I ask a question, of my own. Not one you {Dear Brenda} would ask, I know. But...
Why don't those people comment more, on a regular basis?!? Hmmmm??? Why???? Hmmmm?
Why is it so hard to simply say that one has stopped by and enjoyed reading in a blog??? Hmmmmm?
I know, I have a biggg chip on my shoulder, about comments. About non-comments, that is. Not every single day. But... often. Come on, ladies. How hard is it to comment OFTEN?
OK, I'll go away now. -big smile- And leave sweet Brenda's comments section, in peace. ,-)
1st off, I agree with Mari-Nanci. It seems that when a blogger offers a *giftaway* folks come out of the woodwork and post. On any other given day though, they don't post. Makes me wonder. Reglardless, I'm thankful you have rec'd excellent response, and hopefully they'll come back and visit/post often. :o)
I look forward to your future posts. Blessings...
Dear Brenda, I am doing a bit of spring cleaning, and found something that is no use to me, BUT is listed as one of your "frugal luxuries". I would be delighted to send it through the mail to you. Your postings bring me so much pleasure, I would like to return the favor. Should I post my email address, or would you give me yours, so we can work out the details. I would be happy to send it to your church, or to your town's postmaster. Then you could pick it up at either place without giving me your home address. I'll be watching the posts for your answer. Martha
A treat at the soda fountain? How lovely. I can only imagine the memories that were brought to mind from long ago.
I sometimes get overly nostalgic and teary eyed when I visit places of long ago that bring back memories of young love and marriage :) Thank you for sharing.
Hi Breanda,
i so understand your need for a break. I got blasted by a person in blog land when I announced my last blog break. Our home and family is our first job.
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