That's what this week is like, beginning last Saturday and going through this coming weekend will be a whirlwind of activity. I think it was the play practices for my son's drama class that took me over the edge.
Unfortunately, it couldn't be laundry, cooking, and washing dishes that I can set aside so it must be computer time. Soooo...I figured this would be a perfect time for my second give-away.
I've put together a package that represents what I think of as being Coffee Tea Books and Me and my recipe blog. I have the Mitford Cookbook, Beverly Nye's A Family Raised on Sunshine which I recently found at a thrift shop (I already had a copy), a delightful hard back copy of Miss Read's second autobiography Time Remembered, a vintage Little Golden Book called Little Golden Picture Dictionary, and a blue gingham apron to represent any homemaking tips I give. :)
You probably know the routine...just leave a comment. If you want to remain anonymous, use a pseudonym (like Rose or Hyacinth) that I can place on a piece of paper like the last time. The winner will be drawn this next weekend and the books will be on the way Monday, May 7th...God willing and the creek don't rise, of course.
I'm doing this now for two reasons, first to bless one of you with some really neat "stuff" and second...I'm curious to see how many comments there will be. I have this dread that there will only be two names to pull out of the hat (ie: Rocky and Bullwinkle)...
I will only be checking e-mails this week, otherwise I'll "see" you all on Saturday!
I was going to leave a comment on your previous post - I know just what you mean about frugal luxuries....I think I prefer them to the really expensive ones (even if I could afford them). My list isn't exactly like yours, but I'd add the sights and sounds of birds at our back yard feeders - it does cost a little bit to fill those feeders with the nuts and seeds the birds like.....thanks for sharing that list!
I'd be delighted if you'd include me:)
I am not a blogger. I don't write very well and lets face it, I've never kept a diary. But I read. And read, and read. I stumbled across your blog a couple of weeks ago and have been in heaven just by reading your book list and the links you have posted. I have felt the call to be a gracious woman yet have no visual examples before me. I do know that the LORD is guiding me and just know that you are being a blessing to someone you don't know. Please include my name in the drawing.
Thank you for your efforts. Wendy Bussell
I would like to send you an e-mail. The one you have on your blog isn't taking my message.
I'd love to enter this!
Nancy the Romancechick
This is me leaving a comment!
Enjoy your bloggy break, Brenda :)
Count me in!!! How fun!
Blessings, Betty
I would love to enter my name in the hat! Good luck with everything this coming week ~ we'll miss you!
Here I am --- a faithful reader --- just leaving my comment --- crossing my fingers for the drawing --- and wishing you a great week!
Count me in on the give-away!
I may not be eligible, because I live in Canada, but am happy to provide Comment #10 just the same.
Count me in, too! I LOVE your blog and do look so forward to reading it each day. You deserve a break and I hope you enjoy it. There are so few blogs that really speak to my heart and yours does. I feel we are kindred spirits, as well as sisters in the Lord.
Be well,
quilt4u @ verizon.net
(without the spaces)
I really enjoy your books and coments thank you!
I left the above comment my email is Kmth04@aol.com
I find such comfort in your posts. It's good to find a kindred spirit on line.
Count me in, too. :o)
I check your blog everyday and always enjoy reading your posts. I'm never disappointed and you always give me something to think about. Thank you!
I love drawings. I double love drawings for books!
Happy and blessed break.
I'll miss reading your blog this week, but I TOTALLY understand the need! Have a blessed, though busy, week. I'd love to have my name thrown in the drawing hat, too. Thanks!
I'm leaving a comment and just want to say that I always enjoy your blog. And pictures of your garden! Joy
And now for comment number 20 : )
I would very much like to enter this, it sounds just lovely
Paix, Wendy
Brenda, I recently did some "blog cleaning" and deleted several that I've read for a long time. Yours is my favorite and I would be lost without it. :)
I was amazed to read in an earlier post that Victoria Magazine is coming back-what an answer to prayer!! I'm cautiously excited-cautious because I hope it will be as lovely as it was before. Sadly, these days you never know.
Anyway, I will miss you this week. Thanks for letting us know that you'll be gone.
Blessings on your time away!
joanna :)
That is so very sweet of you to have a giveaway. I would love to be entered.
Count me in! You have put together a VERY nice package!
Hope your busy week turns out well!
I'd love to be included in your drawing! I rarely leave comments, but I really enjoy stopping by your blog often.
(jumping up and down and frantically waving) PICK ME! ME! ME! (Can you tell I have young ones?)
I LOVE the Frugal Luxuries book and idea. I'd like to second Suze above - I so enjoy birds and bird feeders. I like thinking about how much fun God had when he made all those birds.
Nita in South Carolina
Love your blog. It's SO inspiring. Please add my name to your draw.
Oh , Please include me. You have very simlar likings to mine, also have many of the same things as you.
Would you please include a Haus Frau? :o)
I'm definitely in! I just love reading your blog. I stumbled across your blog a couple of months ago and added you to my bloglines and have been reading every since! Keep up the good work!
Just discovered your blog this evening -- afternoon to you -- and I have enjoyed settling back in a comfy chair and exploring your blog as well as your links.
Currently living in Kyiv, Ukraine, but I do have a stateside address -- just in case I win the drawing!
You've blessed me just by letting me know that Miss Read has an autobiography. By gumdrops I'd like to read that! I'll be looking forward to looking for it on ebay. Thank you so much...you've just given me the gift of looking forward to reading something special! (I usually don't win things...smile, but your give-away sounds delightful and I see a crowd is gathering...grin.) oh, Happy May Day to you!
Love your blog...hope I win!
What a lovely little parcel that would be! :)
PS. When I read elsewhere about the reissuing of Victoria, I instantly thought of you! I'm looking forward to it and hoping it's as lovely as it used to be!
Please pick me!! (smile) Gwen
I enjoy visiting your blog each week.
I would like to please be entered into the drawing. I enjoy your blog everyday. I pray that your week goes well.
Mrs. Harris
I just love reading your blog. So uplifting and interesting.
You can add my name to the hat if you would. What a blessing you are to do this for someone.
I'd loved to be considered for your lovely giveaway. Hope you have a wonderful week. I'll look forward to your return.~Kimberly
Yippeee...Please include me.....
I'm a poet... and don't know it...
I'd love to be included in your give-away. I've enjoyed visiting your blog. Hope you have a productive week!
~ Christina
Books! I love books! Count me in too!
Please put my name in the hat--and enjoy your break!
You were curious to know who was reading your lovely, informative, and encouraging blog. I am one of many! I have passed your blog link along to others as well. I came across your blog through my friend Clarice and have read it ever since. I have ordered books through alibris as well as through our local library because of you. I have also borrowed the BBC movies you recommended and have really enjoyed them.
My favourite posts are your Sunday afternoon tea as well as your book posts. Well, I also love your spiritual thoughts/encouragements.
I have learned so much here!
I am only sorry that I haven't thanked you sooner for such a lovely and inspiring blog!
Thank you!
I hope you are getting lots of things accomplished around your home, Brenda! I would love to be entered into your drawing..such lovely prizes. Thank you!
Thank you so much for visiting my little humble blog. It is wonderful to meet new people here but most of all it's a joy to be part of such a lovely community where people share of themselves :)
I've been enjoying your posts....they are wonderful. I will definitely be visiting more.
p.s....I understand the part about taking a blogging break. Sometimes other things need our attention at once but it's nice that you've let everyone know...how thoughtful of you.
Well I'm comment #46 I believe, so it seems that your fear is irrational.
My dad always says that, "If the creek don't rise".
Please enter me.
I loved the piece on frugal luxuries- where would we be without them. Linda H.
Well, I don't know if I am Rocky or Bullwinkle but here I am. I do so enjoy your blog. Thanks for being there. connie from Texas
Hi, Brenda! How wonderful! Please include my name in the drawing!
I found you by way of-- The Desire Of My Heart--she is a sweetie. Hope you have a great week. Thanks for thinking about us with the give away.
Comment #51 -- Count me in! :) Forget all those silly sweepstakes where they give money. Give me books any day. ;)
Count me in too!
How fun!
Have a blessed day,
Well now - you really did underestimate your readership! 52 comments and addeding more as I type! Thank you for commenting on my blog and for 'missing' me while I took my family holiday. I had been going through a tough season with my illness too and really had no energy to blog for quite some time. I'm glad to be back - but please keep praying. Liver problems come with many ups and downs and yet I just have to keep trusting the Lord and plodding along!
Oh me! Oh me! Pick me! :)
I really enjoy your blog, I don't always leave a comment. But I always read. Enjoy your break!
Hi -- I am new to the world of blogs and yours is at the TOP of my list. I am in the process of learning how to manage my lifestyle so I don't burn out or crash physically on a daily basis. My laptop and lounge chair gets lots of use and I have been trying to find worthwhile sites to visit. I already feel less depressed finding uplifting reading. Thanks for listening. Keep up the good site.
I don't know if it is too late to leave a comment, but here it is anyway! I love reading your blog, as I am in a different "season" of life, so you bring such comfort to me. Thank you so much for sharing yourself, for it has made a difference with me. May God's face continue to shine upon you.
In His Service,
I would be honored to be included. You have a delightful blog, and we share many of the same loves. God bless you!
At first this reader/lurker-in-hiding didn't feel right about leaving a comment in order to be added to the drawing, but it occurs to me that if I don't leave my name you won't know I'm reading your blog... which I have been for about 9 months. I derive such comfort in knowing that there are others out there who are like-minded. Thank you for your writing and thoughts and sharing your heart. I love your giveaway list. I've never read Beverly Nye, and as another poster said, I'm blessed to know that Miss Read wrote an autobiography.
Linda D.
Hi Brenda,
I am a faithful reader everyday. I am just not good at leaving comments! Count me in, please.
Blessings, Patty
I am one of those blogless people but I do enjoy reading your blog. Please keep doing it. And I would like to enter your draw.
We have been missionaries in China for 22 years. The Chinese are all about tea, books and lucky draws! Sign me up! I love your blog!
Hi, I'm new to blogger but I've been reading your blog for awhile. I've enjoyed it.
Patty H.
I would enjoy entering the give- away. I am a Mitford book reader, too. Thanks! Ruth
Please include me in your drawing. I really enjoy reading your writing.
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