Saturday, October 07, 2006

Bits & Pieces

I want to thank everyone who has left the kind comments lately. They have inspired me more than you can know. In my third month of blogging, I've wondered if I really have anything to say that someone else would want to read. Comments make me smile and keep me typing away!

I put in a link to my ponderings about Atlas Shrugged on Semicolon today (as a result of another nice comment). Semicolon is one of the site's I go to for reading ideas that I know I can trust.

Here's an excellent article by Rod Dreher (aka: Crunchy Con) about how the Amish are reaching out and showing true Christianity after the school shooting. Once again, he has put into words what my heart feels.

I will be spending the day doing yardwork and taking advantage of the beautiful weather. We may have a FREEZE later in the week. My guys are looking forward to that, as are all who suffer with allergies. I also want to do some more baking. I tried a wonderful recipe that I want to share as soon as I get permission from the newsletter author.

Tomorrow my son and I will be travelling to the Feast of the Hunter's Moon, our favorite historical reinactment. It will be an early wake up call, I want to be on one of the first shuttle busses out to the Feast so we can participate in a Sunday Service. I'll need to make the coffee a little stronger in the morning.

The Feast is one of the highlights of our year and we budget for it as much as possible, even in lean years. It was more fun when all the family could attend but it's one of those "don't wait for perfection" things in our life. Dad suffers from extremely bad allergies so he doesn't think it wise to go this year.

I had purchased the book Voyageurs by Margaret Elphinstone last year. I've pulled it off the bookshelf to read this week. I know it may sound silly but I wanted to read it after attending the Feast this year (which is a reinactment of the time of the French in the Midwest and the Voyageurs... a fascinating time of our history). It looks like it is going to be a very interesting book.


Anonymous said...

Hi Brenda,
I check your blog everyday and love what you write. I came here from the Sparrow's Nest several weeks ago. I'm the mom doing Starting Points with my 14 year old son.
Keep those posts comin' girl.
Joanna in Ca. :)

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

Thank you, Joanna! I was wondering about you, how the Starting Points is progressing.