Friday, September 29, 2006

Grace filled words

A word aptly spoken is
like apples of gold
in settings of silver.
Proverbs 25:11

I have had time to ponder much in the past couple of days. Every once in awhile, the diabetes reaches out, grabs me, and brings me to the sofa, as it did yesterday. Last year when the same symptoms hit, I was in intensive care for two days, on an insulin drip (or whatever technical term they call it). Thankfully, I'm fine now. I'm a wee bit on the weak side this evening but it is good to be up and around.

Since I couldn't do anything or go anywhere, I had plenty of time to just...think. My ponderings were of many things including what I'd like to share over our cyber fence. I want to share so much about beauty, hospitality, decorating, homeschooling and living the Christian life. I share from my own life and experiences. These past few days, my thoughts have come back often to the lack of grace filled words in our relationships and in our surroundings.

We live in a difficult world, each day brings more challenges. We're in this life together. There are going to be misunderstandings and regrets. There will be disagreements over theology, child rearing, politics, baptism, the timing of (and if there is) a rapture, war, rumors of war, what to do about the environment and world hunger, etc. People are going to hurt us and we're going to hurt people because none of us are perfect. However, I don't want to be someone else's bad day.

So many times through the years, I've seen words typed out and printed on this medium that should never have left our personal thoughts. I'm not talking about pornographic thoughts. I'm talking about sharp tongues coming out through quick fingers online. When both my children were growing up, I often said, "If you don't have anything nice to say about someone, don't say anything at all". People have been crushed because of words spoken at the wrong time. I'm saddened by the words I read online when brethren speak against brethren (and sister-en).

I mentioned before that my spiritual mentors were Francis and Edith Schaeffer. I've read many times that Francis Schaeffer had one real regret about his life and that was the disagreements that led to relationships and friendships falling apart when he was younger. The older he became, the more he realized it was important to watch our words. I read that when I was younger and I didn't understand. I do now. I learned the hard way that just because I have an opinion, doesn't mean I have to give it. People are more important than my opinion. Words can cause people great pain. Keeping quiet when we want to lash out is perhaps the ultimate sign that we are maturing as Christians.

It is even more important in our homes to have grace filled words. Family members can irritate us faster than anyone in the entire world. They know our buttons and how to push them. It is so easy to open our mouth and "say something" when perhaps it would be better to scream in a pillow until the feelings calm down. There is the need to take a walk or just to remove ourselves from the situation. To breath deeply, listen to music, to pray. To wait until emotions have calmed down to use words.

We live in a world where we are assaulted by words we would rather not hear, words that do not edify our souls but rather, degrade and defile us. If we can do nothing else in our daily lives, we can come prepared with words that are "apples of gold in settings of silver". If you believe the Bible (and I do), then we will give an account of our words someday. I pray that mine will bring life, love, and peace to those who come across my path whether they are in person are over the cyber fence.


Susan said...

Your down time was very productive! I loved the things you had to say. In real life, I tend to rattle things off before I think, but praise the Lord, He has been helping me with that, and many times I've re-read something I've written and either decided to revise it or not say it at all.

I'm diabetic also (type 2) and, although I haven't had any hospital experiences, I just found out that my sugars weren't under as good control as I wanted to believe they were. I'm still trying to control it with diet and exercise, but my doctor has basically said that if I can't get them back down again, I will have to go on medicine. Long story . . . anyway, I can sympathize with just having a rotten day every now and then. Glad you're feeling better, and that you didn't have to make a visit to the hospital.

Mary said...

Hello Brenda, I missed your post today and thought I would check again and found this post. I am so sorry you were not feeling well but so glad you are better. I will remember you in prayer.
You are so right about becoming wiser as we get older. I regret many times giving my opinion in the past when it was not wanted or needed! I have memorized James 1:19-20, "Wherefore my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath,
For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God."
There is so much wisdom in those two verses and I try daily to practice that wisdom. I want to be an encouraging and kind lady and not an opinionated one. God is working on me!
I hope you are feeling much better. Be well and God Bless!

G.L.H. said...

Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us. I'm glad you are back up to snuff...

Heather Anne said...

Hi Brenda! You certainly are an encouragement! The Lord has been working on my heart about my words lately - as I hear them through the ears of my children. I am known as a gentle and soft spoken woman and yet at times I can be so sharp with my children! When I hear our daughter copy my tone with her brother, I cringe! I am praying God will teach me to be more gracious with the children! Thank - you!

Lady of the house said...

Dear Brenda, So sorry to hear about your poor health but glad for your rebound. Thank you so much for this post. What a gentle reminder and one much needed by me. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for that timely reminder and encouragement on watching our is amazing and saddening just how quickly a person can spout something off that is regretted later on.

I'm glad you're feeling better!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this great post. I'm a college student who just found your blog this week, and I thoroughly enjoy the wisdom and whimsy you provide in the blogosphere. :) I have only begun to learn the importance of controlling my words, and I know the truth of your statement, "just because I have an opinion doesn't mean I have to give it." Thank you for the timely reminder!

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

Thank you for YOUR kind words. I'm still weak but improving.

I was pondering these thoughts after chatting with someone who had been deeply wounded by words and misunderstandings. Also, I've seen a lot more almost hate filled words spewing one ministry or preacher against sad.

Not to mention the time spent on a college campus while I wait for my son these past few weeks. It still shocks me to hear the vile words coming from the mouth of sweet looking girls.

It is so nice to meet kindred spirits on these pages, those who also believe we can live a beautiful life when all around us is not so beautiful. If nothing else, we can influence our own little corner of the world.

Shari said...

so well said! thank you. i constantly am in need of that advice.

i'm glad you feel better and didn't have to go to the hospital this time.