Wednesday, August 23, 2006

The Little Foxes

Song of Solomon 2:15
" Catch the foxes for us,The little foxes that are ruining the vineyards,While our vineyards are in blossom."

I couldn't sleep last night. It was one of those nights I call "a night of little foxes", those worries and concerns that nibble away at your peace. They're not the biggies (and we've had some of them). No, this time they were the ususal suspects; finances, health irritations, my son learning to drive...

It is in the middle of the night, when the clock on the corner table tells us it is 1:00, 2:00, then 3:00 that we can know if Christ is truly Lord of our life. What are small foxes in the light of day, appear as huge and hungry grizzly bears in the dark.

I am tired and groggy today, five hours of sleep will do that to you. More challenging financial news came today but somehow, in the light, I could handle it. I am determined to spend more time with the Lion of Judah today. After all, He is the King of the Jungle. He will fight my foxes...and my bears.


Heather Anne said...

Hi Brenda,
Thank you for your welcome over on my blog - I appreciate your comments. After reading some of your posts I find we do have a great deal in common, so chatting over the back fence with you will be a joy. I love the smell of coffee, but haven't aquired a taste for it yet. I am a displaced Canadian, so I really like tea - made right! I love books my husband can sniff a new book and tell you where it was published - an odd talent to be sure and very embarassing in a book store!)and reading, and my favorite book is the Bible. I too have had nights of 'little foxes' lately, but have known the mercies of the Lord, new every morning!

Anonymous said...

Well written post! I've enjoyed reading some of your past entries.

Glad to have had you stop by my blog and comment there! You're always welcome!! Good to "meet" you, and looking forward to getting better acquainted.

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

Thank you so much for your comments.

It wasn't until I started this blog that I realized how much fun it is to receive comments.

I've started to leave them on my favorite blogs now.

I'm looking forward to getting to know both of you over the blogging fence!

Maggie Ann said...
