Thursday, August 24, 2006


Blogging was all my daughter's idea. I wasn't sure what a blog was when she told me I should be a blogger. So, when I finally got around to starting one and I told her all about it, her question went something like this, "You didn't decorate it with cute little bears, did you?". Who me?

When she had a chance to get online (I think I have mentioned she has three small children), I asked what she thought of it. Her response was that she only had time to read the parts about her and she disagreed that her brother is only one percent challenging.

Sigh...I'll definitely be kept humble. I tend to be an "Anne" type with words. You know, Anne as in Green Gables. She waxes poetic...a lot. So do I when I write. I'm positive it is a symptom most of us have who read a lot. We have all those words stirring around in our brain and they have to come out somewhere. If I get too etherial, I'll ask my family members for their opinions.


Heather Anne said...

A little off topic I guess, but I just wondered if you can tell me what ‘vintage decorating’ is? In seeking to make our home a place of rest and peace for our family, and in needing to use the resources God has provided for our family, we are surrounded by ‘old stuff’. People keep asking me what my style is, and I have searched the home décor resources for clues, but inevitability my answer is ‘early honeymoon’. Most of our furnishings were provided for our family shortly after our return from our wedding trip, and they have survived 7 moves in 15 years – with a few additional ‘character marks’. I use our vintage linens because that is what we have – I use our old dishes everyday – they have been in the family for over 90 years. When we need something new – like the wardrobe we prayed for to organize our children’s vast collection of dress up clothes, we went to the used furniture store and found a cedar wardrobe with a drawer – sturdy, solid and quite old! We are not Victorian, romantic or modern. We don’t fit the traditional or eclectic niche. Could it be I have finally found my style – vintage décor? I hope so!

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

We were chic without knowing it!

The new trend in a lot of decorating is known as Granny Chic. I've been decorating that way for a long time. I inherited some old (and lovely) items and I've found a lot at garage sales, Goodwill, etc.

Two of the blogs in my links section have talked a lot about vintage decorating. A few of the blogs in my links talk about vintage decorating.

I once heard it described as making your home as comfortable for people as a trip to Grandma's used to be.

Heather Anne said...

I like that idea - comfortable! We want to be given to hospitality - not ready for a cover shoot for Better Homes and Gardens, but tidied up and prepared for a good visit. I just wish more folks had time for face to face visiting! I think my Nanny would have felt right at home in our house! Granny Chic doesn't mean rusty and worn, does it? My Nanny had a way with a paintbrush - every room was 'freshened up' with a new coat of paint at least once a year, and those hardwood floors were downright dangerous with layer upon layer of varnish.

Heather Anne said...

I am having trouble opening your links to check for vintage decorating! Am I doing something wrong? Still so new to this!