Sunday, August 16, 2020

Sunday Afternoon Tea - Bowing my head instead of shaking my head


I know that the lesson taught us in the Beatitudes is actually, "Blessed are the peacemakers" but I've been thinking a lot lately about appreciating the peace givers.  Probably because having any peace in today's world requires us to remember "we wrestle not against flesh and blood".  

I tend to go from being faith filled and calm about the events of the world to "I think the world has gone stark raving lunatic" in just a few minutes.  All it takes is to watch the national media or scroll through Facebook.  Both of which, I have learned not to do unless I'm "prayed up"!

Even reading book reviews on Amazon is not safe, anymore.  I was recently reading the reviews of one of the Eric Metaxas biographies and even though it had mostly five stars given, I was curious as to who gave it only one star.  I wish I hadn't been so curious.  

For there was review after review after review stating the same thing, they thought it was an excellent biography but gave only one star because the author is not only a conservative Republican but a Trump supporter.  They were purposely trying to bring down the ratings for his book, one which they admitted was well written!  

I have had to remember to pray for people, look past their actions, and remember that we are in a spiritual battle.  Our world is changing quickly and even those of us who have studied Bible prophecy from the days of Hal Lindsey's The Late Great Planet Earth were not quite prepared for the actual feelings of discontent and hatred against people with more orthodox values.

I need to spend more time praying for those parts of the country where anarchy is present and for their leaders to gain wisdom.  It was fairly easy to look the other way when riots were in Portland and Seattle but now they have moved into Chicago and that is too close for comfort.

I was watching a video recently by a favorite Chicago chef that I follow on Facebook.  He was in the process of moving his family out of the city of Chicago last week to Northwestern Indiana.  He believed it had become too dangerous to live in the city now.  I expect he was glad he had already started packing when the "Magnificent Mile" was recently looted (that part of Chicago known for its' luxury shops and hotels).

Of course, there have always been parts of Chicago one was wise to avoid.  Especially if you did not know the landscape of the city.  I think of the famous song by Jim Croce, "Bad Bad Leroy Brown".  The lyrics begin, "Well, the South side of Chicago is the baddest part of town".  I suppose even a White Sox fan has to admit the south side has a reputation.

I can still recall standing somewhere with a high view, I can't remember where it was exactly, looking out over the city of Chicago during our last time away as a family before our daughter graduated from college... and thinking how beautiful it was from that vantage point.  Even then the city was having more problems with crime than ever before.  I wondered how long it would be until there was trouble in the parts of town tourists love to visit.

I need to remember that everyone needs prayer, even those we would consider different than us politically.  I hate to admit it but I have had to repent of a mean spirit at times, thinking some cities are getting what they deserve because of mismanagement.  Then God reminds me of the innocents who are suffering as cities burn.

God wants us to pray for people and for places, to remember there are spiritual forces at work behind the scenes and honestly... there but for the grace of God go I!  I have to admit my friends, I've had a bit of a Jonah way of thinking.  Please God, don't save Nineveh!!!  Let them get what they deserve.  (Remember what happened to Jonah until he repented, he was fish food!)

There is coming a time when God will pour out His wrath upon the world.  Vengeance is mine, says the Lord.  He can say that because only He is all knowing.  We look upon the outer man but God looks upon the heart.   God knew that within the heart of a Saul, was a Saint Paul.  I probably would have stoned him.

All of this to say, my ponderings this week have made me realize that the Father is asking me to bow my head more and to stop shaking my head in disbelief.  I know that the enemy of our souls is trying to make us fearful and even more than that... he is trying to make us angry.  

God wants us to be peace bringers to those around us.  Sometimes instead of proving ourselves right (even when we are) by arguing, it is more important to build bridges to those who think differently than us.  Who knows, that bridge may be what leads them to hear more about Jesus.  For only a change of heart can bring about a true change of mind. 

Mentioned in this Blog Post

The Late Great Planet Earth (1970)... here.

Matthew 5:9 - Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God.

Ephesians 6:12 - For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world...

Disclaimer:  Most links to are Associate links.

Image:  I can't recall where this came from.  I will give credit if I find out.


Susie said...

I'm Australian and we've been watching things from a distance. I hadn't seen anything about Chicago on our news as yet. I'm so saddened to read this. I worked in Chicago for a while in Park Ridge, regularly taking the train into town. I went out in the city one night in Chicago and wanted to leave earlier than others. I'd planned to take the train back and was strongly advised not to do so.
You have such a beautiful city. Such a shame. Our city of Melbourne is empty at the moment, we are in complete lockdown again with a curfew as our death rate has now gone over 300. Sad times. Take care.

Vee said...

I really like Eric Metaxas and listen to his program quite often. He has so many interesting guests.It is nasty that people give bad reviews just to tank a book. "Bonhoeffer" is on my wish list. Perhaps it doesn't have much of an effect in the end. We have to be careful, I think, not to be tolerant of evil. Excessive tolerance is the beginning of the end for a nation. It is certainly true that we are fighting principalities and powers.

A Woman that Fears the Lord said...

Such an encouraging post. A good reminder. I find myself praying more for this nation than ever before. You've given me a few new things to think of.

Sherri said...

You have written about many of the same things that have been on my mind lately. I too need to spend more time bowing my head instead of shaking my head and becoming exasperated by what I see happening today.

Deanna Rabe said...

Amen! I have been convicted about the same things. We are praying for our leaders, to come to Christ, to have wisdom. We are praying for eyes to be opened to what is truly happening. It is a fierce spiritual battle!

Pray on, friend!

Anonymous said...

We are most definitely in a spiritual battle these days! I’m realizing more every day how much we need to pray for our country at this time! Thank-you for reminding us to pray even for “our enemies”, as the Bible tells us to do! I heard (or felt) God tell me years ago that the devil was afraid of me! Boy, did That surprise me!! But also encouraged me! I’ve been sensing lately that we because we have the Holy Spirit inside of us, we are armed and dangerous!! There is power in prayer and prayer can accomplish much! We (I) need to remember to pray, and not give up! Thank-you for your encouraging words!
Laura C (WA)

Sherry said...

these are uncertain times .. devastating really.
my heart grieves.

Stacey said...

WoW! What a fantastic post. Thank you so much. I am really glad I found your blog. I have been going through the same kinds of thoughts and feelings at this time, and struggling to pray for my enemies. Thank you for your openness and encouragement!