Wednesday, April 01, 2015

Spring cleaning and some future plans

So I had a few uninterrupted hours on the computer yesterday and decided at the last minute to use it to spruce up the place.  I accomplished the bloggy equivalent of opening the windows, painting the walls, moving the furniture, and generally redesigning most of the old place.

I say old for in blog years (which is much like dog years), Coffee Tea Books & Me is getting a little age on her.  Like all homes, it is not perfect but good enough is... good enough.

There is something about doing a redesign on one's own that can bring out the shivers in even the most fearless of bloggers.  So just in case I ended up with a mess, I left the original design up on another window.  ;)

I have some new ideas in the works, too.  Soon I plan to put together a second Warm and Cozy Books recommendation.  Long time readers may remember I attempted this second version before and it never came to pass.  But hope springs eternal.

One of my recent reads was John Stott's People My Teachers.  It inspired memories of people who have helped mold and shape my thinking through the years.  So I'm going to start a new series, not in a regular weekly format but when time permits a new post, about these people in my own life.

As with Stott's book, some will have influenced in person but most through their writing.  Which I'm sure this group of readers will understand.

The sun is shining today and it is to warm up.  I checked yesterday and the daffodils which bloom first... those which grow next to the house in the backyard and get a lot of sunshine... I think they will bloom by Easter.  I hope.  I have plans for them.

Now I must leave the keyboard behind and do some Spring cleaning in the real world.  Just a little at a time here and there but it will be accomplished.  


Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Happy Spring Cleaning. It is nice to spruce things up this time of year, both on and off line.


Anonymous said...

Love the spring art. I always try new things on computer "with fear and trembling" afraid I will so mess things up. Fortunately I have a DIL who can fix it. Happy Easter and glad you are feeling better! Blessings, Sharon D.

Thickethouse.wordpress said...

My mother had a very old-fashioned double daffodil which bloomed in time for Easter many years and she would make corsages for herself and for me with them. Congratulations on your spring cleaning!

Vee said...

Good advice! A little bit here and there.

I look forward to reading your new series. I adore character studies.

Hope that those daffodils bloom for you! I am warily watching the last bloom on the Easter cactus. It is perfection right now, which means it doesn't stand much of a chance for Sunday.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

My header needs a sprucing up! I'll have to get to it next week!

I'm glad we are going to talk books again! I love that!

So glad you are feeling better!


Jonell w Harrison said...

So much [needed] work around my home and yarden [yard & garden] gets done that way...the way I defeat the WEEDS by doing it in 15-20 minute works and beside "I work cheap" lol

Nanna Chel said...

Love the new look, Brenda. I can see on all the US blogs that everyone is enjoying the warmer weather.

Anonymous said...

Brenda, I have enjoyed your blog so much since I discovered it. I think it is perfect and needs no changing, but most of all, I plead with you to leave the picture at the heading of the blog. I absolutely love it; it makes me feel happy just to see it. Keep up the good work.


Heather LeFebvre said...

Hi Brenda! Love your little spring cleaning look! Nice to see a tiny bit of spring around here finally!!! hoping you have a good weekend and a Happy Easter!

Annabel said...

Oh my goodness... The blogging equivalent of opening the windows... That is beautiful! What a thought to consider.
Have a wonderful Easter. I am doing an autumn clean and getting ready for cooler weather. Xxx