Today I have finally been able to part ways with the sofa and my pillow for an extended time, at least an hour or so before I have to return. So I can see being able to spend time here again soon.
Influenza is not fun for anyone but can be life threatening for an insulin dependent diabetic. When one must continue their insulin as usual but cannot keep any food down, it gets a little dicey. But the worse is over with only one serious low blood sugar incident.
If one were to pick a week to be quite ill, last week was it. I can't believe how cold and damp it was with even some snowflakes here and there. At least I didn't feel like I was missing any lawn or garden work. We were at near record cold temperatures a few times last week. Brrrr...
I'll be back soon. There are ponderings to talk about and book reviews to write. I purchased a really good cookbook with Amazon credit this month and was so excited when it arrived. But would you believe I have only been able to briefly peruse it? Just the thought of food was too much. ;)
I'll be back. Soon.
Image: Artist Susan Wheeler
Take care!! God bless you and restore you to good health very soon I pray.
Oh, Brenda! I'm sorry to hear this (I guess I missed your last post.) Hubby & I have had a horrible year health-wise, but have thankfully managed to avoid the flu. Hope you're soon back to normal w/o any lingering effects.
Brenda, So glad to hear you are feeling better and pray it continues. I so understand about having a hard time eating with flu, nothing tastes or sounds good even when you stomach is okay. Take care and God bless, Marsha
Glad to see you are doing better!
Looking forward to having you back to regular posting.
Stay warm, rest up & look after yourself Brenda.
God Bless,
So sorry to hear you've been under the weather! It was cold and damp last week for us, too, but today was beautiful, warm and sunny! Wishing you renewed health and strength, and a beautiful Easter weekend! Susan
Your stay cozy until you're well and truly feeling better. Hope that Victoria has kept you company. Personally, I love a cat who will sleep on my cold feet. Hope that your husband is feeling much better as well. We need some warmth! This winter has been quite miserable. (I can't say spring because we have no signs of it yet.)
Dearest Brenda,
Wishing you a speedy recovery!
P.S. That darling picture, just made me smile!!!
Glad you are feeling better. I so miss your posts when you are "under the weather." Love the art work--Bunny in bed is so cute. Prayers for complete recovery soon. Blessings, Sharon D.
So glad to hear you are on the mend! Praying for renewed strength for you.
Laura C. (WA)
Oh poor thing. Hope you are back to your usual self soon.
I am so sorry to hear you are sick! I'm glad you are on the mend. Take care of yourself.
So glad to hear you are feeling a little better. Take it easy and do not rush your recovery!!
I'm so glad you are feeling better AND that while you were sick the weather was lousy anyway. As you regain your strength, may Spring really arrive for you. Open windows and sweet breezes, green buds and lovely flowers.
Wishing you brighter and healthier days ahead
Oh no! I've been on "spring break" and didn't realize you've been so ill!!! I'm so sorry!!! Glad you are on the mend.
So glad you are on the mend!
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