Tuesday, February 21, 2012

What president?

Well, I had planned to do more writing this week but as Cheryl (Copper's Wife) says... "Hold your plans loosely".

Both the guys have been sick and we had Christopher and Miss M. over for awhile last night.  Christopher received another award (something like "Outstanding Student Entrepreneur" for the work he has been doing designing Apps for smart phones and the iPad) so Miss M. came to town to attend the reception with him.

I went into town this afternoon to purchase a rotisserie chicken (lemon pepper) to make chicken orzo soup for dinner.  My sister-friend BeBe taught me years ago that rotisserie chickens made delicious last minute chicken soup!

Christopher decided to sleep here tonight for homemade soup and a cozy sofa... and a TV!  Just what the doctor ordered I'd say to help get over this cold.   He can do some of his homework while watching TV.

I'm a stern believer in homemade chicken soup and losing oneself in a book, DVD (especially something British), or a mindless TV program to help the body heal.

So... I'll write some more about Pantry Ponderings soon... maybe tomorrow?   I am enjoying your positive feedback, they are more like having tea and conversation together than past Pantry Posts but it is so much easier for me to chat about deepening the pantry that way.

Which brings me to the subject of ummm... tea and conversation.  One of our local news channels had a question on President's Day yesterday, asking viewers what president would they most enjoy having a beer with.

Well, I would reword it and ask what past president would you most enjoy chatting with in front of a fireplace with a hot drink.  I'll tell you next time who received the most votes on the news channel.

As for me... that would be really hard.  For a recent president, I absolutely adored Ronald Reagan.  I remember saying many times when he was president that I felt a wise grandfather was in charge of the country!

On the other hand, I'd love sitting down with George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, or John Adams... are perhaps all three Founding Fathers?  I mean if we are going to have one back, couldn't we have all three?

Of course, there's also John Quincy Adams... he's fascinating!

I guess if I could choose only one of them, it would be Thomas Jefferson.  Which would probably surprise my family but Jefferson was such a Renaissance man!   I would enjoy hearing about all of his interests.  He was not only a gardener but one of our "Founding Foodies".  :)

So, which American president would you most love to chat with?

For my British friends... sorry about bringing up that little altercation of the late 1700s.  ;)

Picture:  Prayer at Valley Forge (a print of this lovely painting is in my living room)  We fondly call it "George".


Marge said...

We are of like mind, as I also adored Ronald Reagan. And of course Washington, the two Adams, and I'd put Lincoln there, too. But I think I, too, would pick Thomas Jefferson. What a fascinating man. He had so many different interests.....

Congrats to Mr. Christopher (I have a Christopher, too) for his achievements. Can't wait to hear the wedding plans for his and Miss M's wedding.

Blessings to you...........

Anonymous said...

I'd say Jimmy Carter. He sounds like such a nice person,because he works for Habitat for Humanity.

Looking forward to reading more Pantry Posts.

Anonymous said...

We have had need of several doses of "chicken soup therapy" around here as well. The absolute BEST chicken soup, I believe, is when you roast the chicken and remove meat then throw everything leftover (bones, skin, etc.) into a pot with water and simmer for hours. Then strain and skim some of the fat off the top of the broth. Add some of the chicken, rice, pasta, or noodles, and any veggies and seasonings, and you've got a wonderful chicken soup! Drinking the broth alone is very soothing to upset tummies, too, as it is full of gelatin and easily digestible protein.

Susan Humeston said...

I would love to talk to Andrew Jackson and Abraham Lincoln. I'm sure their experiences would be fascinating. Thomas Jefferson would also be a choice since he sent out Lewis & Clark - I would have liked to sit down with both of THEM right after they got back from their trip, so they could talk in detail about it. I've always wished I could have seen this country before many white men did......

Terra said...

Hard choice but I am with you on the Founding Fathers. Perhaps Washington, for choosing to NOT be a king. God bless him, and all our presidents down the line. Teddy Roosevelt for being a dashing figure would be a good dinner companion too. The leader of his Rough Riders.

Anonymous said...

Well, I think Pres. Reagan would be a fun dinner partner, keeping you in laughs!! But I think I would like to sit with John Adams (AND his wife), being he is a distant cousin. Also related to another pres, but we keeps that mum, we does!! HA!
Elizabeth in NC

Thickethouse.wordpress said...

I had to laugh out loud when I read the phrase "founding foodie" which I had never heard before.....It would be so difficult to decide, but I am just going through a resurgence of interest in George Washington, as well as Martha, and have ordered biographies of both from the library. Oh, I do love our library system!

I also loved the phrase, "Hold your plans lightly"! For years and years I've realized I make plans everyday and 95% of the time something happens to completely change them....We have to realize that life is like this and be flexible! Hope your husband and Christopher are well very soon. And Congratulation to Christopher for his awards! My grandson is pretty sick right now, so any prayers that way would be greatly appreciated. I hate to see a one year old sick. Alice is only allowed to give him vitamin water and saltines....He saw the dr. at noon today and they want to see him at noon tomorrow, too.......Sorry to burden you with this, Brenda. I've strayed far from what I wanted to say.

Susan said...

Now I'm hungry for homemade chicken soup!

I would love to have a beer with: Ronald Reagan

A cup of coffee with:
George W. Bush

A cup of tea with:
Abraham Lincoln

thanks for asking :-)

Anonymous said...

I think your country desperately needs another Ronald Reagan.

Cheryl (copperswife) said...

I'd love to share a beverage, of any sort, with Mr. Reagan. I've read a couple of books that are made up of letters, speeches, etc., written in his own hand. He was wise, witty and intelligent.

Congratulations on Christopher's accomplishments. Hope everyone is feeling better soon!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Congratulations to Christopher! Well done!

Yea Mom, for the chicken soup!

I would love to have tea with Mr. Washington, or Mr. Adams (I'll bring Tim and he can bring Abigail!). I recently learned how important Mr. Madison was as well, especially in the congress giving us our Bill of Rights and the first 12 amendments to the Constitution! He would be fascinating to speak with as well!


HeatherMavis said...

Ronald Reagan, but how about the Bush presidents. Oh yes, it would be fun to have tea / coffee with any of the early presidents.

Front Porch Grace said...

Forgive me for sounding unoriginal, but I would choose Thomas Jefferson as well. Our homeschool group is in the middle of a Patriot's Camp right now. I was preparing lessons and reading on Thomas Jefferson recently. I was simply stunned (again) at the brilliance of the man. Renaissance man is right. He studied everything. When he took his bar examination he stunned the judges as he seemed to know more than they!
Jeremiah 29:11 comes to mind. God obviously had serious plans for Thomas Jefferson and that, I would say, is why President Jefferson had such an insatiable hunger for knowledge and truth.

George Washington was amazing as well, and I would love to sit down and chat, nay - talk for hours upon end, with him.

Congratulations to your Christopher for his impressive achievements!

Now, I would really love some chicken soup. The scene you described was powerfully suggestive! ;-)

In His Grace,